Blinding Love Chapter Four

"You what!?" Lura exclaimed over the phone.

"Don't freak Lur" I said laughing.

"Why not AJ's so fine" Lura said.

"I know it's just, gosh you know I haven't ever been kissed like that before Lur and it scared me quiet frankly" I said.

"A kiss scares everyone just go for it Kate what's there to lose?" Lura asked.

"My heart" I muttered under my breathe.

"What?" Lura asked.

"Nothing, there's nothing to lose" I said outloud.

"Well then call him and tell him your interested in going out again" Lura said.

"Alright I will" I said.

Of course inside my whole insides were twisting just like they had the night before. "Good, you'll be much happier Kate believe me" Lura said.

"Yeah, I'm sure I will" I said confidently.

"So what's your plans for the day?" Lura asked.

"Not much just hang out around here I need to rest from all the excitement lately" I said hoping she would see that I wasn't up for going out.

"Oh, cuz Nick, Brian and I were gonna go out and I was wondering if you would be up for it were just gonna go hang at there house" Lura said.

"Kewl I'll think about it alright" I said.

"Okay call you later alright" Lura said.

"K bye" I said hanging up.

I hung the phone up laying back ddown on my bed and sighing. I wondered if calling AJ would be easier then it sounded. I knew it had to be. I reached over picking the phone back up.It rang for about three times and then someone answered. "Hello?" The girl asked giggling. "Ya is AJ there?" I asked. "No he's not available at the moment" The girl said giggling even more. "Well tell him Kate called alright" I said. "K bye"

with that the phone conversation was over and my mind started spinning with thoughts of just who the girl was. I got up and walked slowly over to my dresser feeling my clothes as to which one I wanted to wear today. I picked out my tight cut off jean shorts and a baby blue tank top. After getting dressed I called for Niki and we took a nice long walk that way I could think more over this sittuation with AJ. When I had returned I hit my answering machine.

"Hey Kate its me Lura are you wanting to go out tonight to the guys house? if so call me back alright cuz we need to be there by five there cooking dinner for us, so get back with me alright? kewl bye" Lura said. I picked up the phone dialing her up.

"Lura?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said.

"I wanna go with you tonight" I said.

"Alright I'll be over in about 45 mins k" Lura said.

"Alright" I said.

We hung up and I went straight over to my closet trying to feel out what I wanted to wear. I picked out my tight black capris and a tight black shirt to go with it. I called my mom to come help me with my make up. "Ma please come here!" I yelled.

She came walking into the room and over to my make up counter is what I called it. "Honey you need help with your makeup?" She asked.

"Yes, could you?" I asked.

"Yes, you aren't going out with that AJ boy again tonight are you?" She asked.

"No mom I'm going out with some of his friends Nick Brian and Lura's gonna be there too so you have nothing to worry about" I said.

"I don't worry about him doing anything to you it's your feelings that I am so worried about" She said.

"I know how to gaurd my heart mom" I said defensivly.

We had already been over this millions of times maybe she could be like daddy and understand what I'm doing. "Alright, I trust your decisions" My mom said.

She had finished my makeup 15 minutes later and I stood up hearing the door bell ring down stairs. I walked downstairs with the help of my mom and answered the door. "Hey you ready?" I heard Lura ask.

"Yes" I said I looked back at my mom "Bye mom" I said.

"Bye hunny" My mom said hugging me one last time.

We walked out to Lura's car and she helped me get in the she went over to her side hopping in and driving away off to the guys house. When we got there I could hear voices everywhere as Lura helped me out. "Wow how many people are here?" I asked her.

"Oh about 50 maybe more did I forget to tell you this was a party?" Lura said laughing nervously.

"No!" Isaid in a aggervated voice.

She knew I wasn't hot on partys ever since my accident. "Sorry, I didn't think you would come and I know you needed to come because you don't wanna be all alone at home all day" Lura said.

"Well you could have atleast told me Lur!" I said marching off to God knows where. I couldn't see so I had no idea where I was heading.

"Kate come back!" I heard Lura shout but I wasn't listening she had betrayed my trust.

I walked farther and farther the sound of a ocean started to come closer and I felt sand below my feet so I decided to stop. I sat there and cried remembering the horrible night that I had lost everything. Lura had brought me back to that place again. I took my hand wiping the runaway tears off my face. I didn't hear the foot steps behind me but they came slowly and sat right down next to me.

"Kate you okay?" I hear AJ ask.

scooted farther away he surely wasn't who I wanted to see right now either.

He scooted closer though.

"Kate what's wrong?" He asked.

"Just a bad day alright" I said.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"No" I said.

"I heard you called today, just to clear it up that wasn't any girl I'm seeing it was my baby sister lily" AJ told me.

"Oh.." I said.

"Why did you think it was my secret lover?" AJ asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Well sorry to disapoint you but nope it wasn't" AJ said.

I laughed a little.

"Sorry I know I jumped to conclusions that aren't even mine to worry about" I said.

"It's okay so why did you really call?" AJ asked.

"Cuz I think I should tell you I'm sorry about the other night I just haven't kissed anyone like that before in my life I mean even after all the boyfriends I've had you just man it was amazing" I said surprised I had just relayed all my feelings to him.

"Wow gosh I felt the same way and believe me I've been kissed enough in my life time" He said.

"I'm so embarassed now" I said.

"Why you shouldn't be it was just a kiss" AJ said it plainly making all the feelings I had felt out of it fizzle away.

"Oh I see" I said.

"I didn't mean it like that I meant it diffrently I'm sorry" AJ said looking at me sweetly.

"No it's alright I think I might just go home" I said looking down at my feet.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I just don't feel right being here" I said.

"No babe you don't feel like you can be here because you don't want people staring at you like your a freak and your not because your not any diffrent than any of those people in that house to me you are perfectly whole" AJ said.

"No I'm not and I don't want to talk about it okay just take me home please" I said standing up.

"No your going to come inside with me because you are going to have fun" AJ said.

"AJ I don't want to I just want to go home" I said almost crying.

"Fine" AJ said taking my arm.

He led me to his car and helped me in we drove in silence and finally we were home he took me inside my house.

"You didn't have to take me inside my house" I said.

"It makes me feel better if I do" AJ said.

"Well then thanks AJ goodnight" I said turning away.

"Kate" AJ said.

"Yes?" I asked turning back around.

"If I did something for you would you take what I gave to you?" AJ asked.

"What are you giving?" I asked.

"I want you to have eye surgery and I know we've only known each other for a few days but you, you shouldn't have to live like this you should atleast have a fair chance" AJ said coming closer to me.

"My God AJ are you serious?" I asked I felt the tears approaching my eyelids once more.

"What you think I'd lie to you?"AJ asked.

"No it's just I dunno" I said.

"Well I'm going to do it I'll arrange it all and everything is on me" AJ said turning around.

"Thank you so much AJ you don't know how much this means to me" I said smiling.

"Yeah I do" AJ said.

"I'll go now" AJ said.

"goodnight" I said but it was to late he had already left by then.

I went and sat down on my couch wondering how my life would be when I could see once again.

Chapter 5 "Kate I called the hospital they said they wanna do the surgery in three weeks" Aj said sounding exctied. "What?" I asked in excitement. "Kate there gonna do your surgery in three weeks!" AJ said once again. "Oh my gosh how can I thank you AJ you don't even know how happy you have made me" I said almost crying. I seemed to be almost doing that alot. "Your welcome girl you know that" AJ said. We hung up a lil while later and I had so much excitment in my heart. I ran down the stairs not even tripping on one and found my way to the kitchen where my mother was. "Mom!" I exclaimed loudly. "What!?" She said sounding somewhat startled. "I'm having corrective eye surgery in three weeks!" I said excited. "What? How?" My mom asked me. "AJ, Aj he's gonna pay for it mom he wants to" I said smiling brightly. "Hunny your not a charity" My mom said suddenly dashing all my dreams of being able to see. "I am not taking a charity he wants to do it cuz he cares about me!" I said stunning myself. "He's probabley just doing it so when you can see maybe you might have sex with him" My mom said. I looked at her with a hurt look on my face and walked out of the room slowly before I would blow up saying somethings I didn't mean. She just never could understand me.

Chapter Five

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