Blinding Love Chapter Five

"Kate I called the hospital they said they wanna do the surgery in three weeks" Aj said sounding exctied. "What?" I asked in excitement. "Kate there gonna do your surgery in three weeks!" AJ said once again. "Oh my gosh how can I thank you AJ you don't even know how happy you have made me" I said almost crying. I seemed to be almost doing that alot. "Your welcome girl you know that" AJ said. We hung up a lil while later and I had so much excitment in my heart. I ran down the stairs not even tripping on one and found my way to the kitchen where my mother was. "Mom!" I exclaimed loudly. "What!?" She said sounding somewhat startled. "I'm having corrective eye surgery in three weeks!" I said excited. "What? How?" My mom asked me. "AJ, Aj he's gonna pay for it mom he wants to" I said smiling brightly. "Hunny your not a charity" My mom said suddenly dashing all my dreams of being able to see. "I am not taking a charity he wants to do it cuz he cares about me!" I said stunning myself. "He's probabley just doing it so when you can see maybe you might have sex with him" My mom said. I looked at her with a hurt look on my face and walked out of the room slowly before I would blow up saying somethings I didn't mean. She just never could understand me. The weeks flew by and soon enough it was the night before my surgery and AJ was headed over to come pick me up to take me into the hospital. "Mom I'm going now" I said whistling for Niki. "Where?" She asked as if she didn't know. "To the hospital I mean do you even care!?" I asked feeling abandoned. "Yes I do so it's time for the surgery?" She asked. "Yes God you didn't even realize it either ma I've got to go" I said. I grab Niki's leash tight and she led me outside where I waited on the porch swing for AJ to drive up. He came about five minutes later to my relief, my mom really didn't give a care what happened to me I mean I could totally ruin my eyes or I could see again and it seemed to me like it was nothing to her. "Hey you!" AJ said coming closer and hugging me. "Hey" I said sounding a little nervous. "Nervous?" He asked. "Naw just a little I mean this could change the rest of my life" I said excited. "Yes and it will I have full faith in that believe me" AJ said walking down the path way to his car. "Gosh your so positive AJ" I said smiling. "That's how you got to be girl" AJ said sounding a lil feminen at the end of his sentance. I giggled a little and he helped me in the passengers side. We drove for about 15 minutes I guess you could say and then AJ stopped the car and I could tell he had turned to me. "Kate no matter what happens in here tonight I want you to know that I'm here for you through thick and thin you just gotta trust me" AJ said I felt his hand take my slowly and I felt a bright smile slowly creeping up the sides of my lips. "I know and thanks for being here no one else seems to care" I said sadly. "Naw they just don't want to get there hopes up and just lose them but I have nothing to worry about I know your gonna see" AJ said positively. "I'll take your word for it" I said. AJ helped me out of the car and took Niki along too she definately had to be there by my side too. I was admitted and dressed in the hospital clothes which I knew had to look hideous as bad as they felt. I sat alone for a few hours while AJ went to sound check for there concert tonight I wasn't looking forward to being alone all this time, the anxious feelings and nervous feelings all mixed together were just to much for me. I finally fell fast asleep after 4 hours of watching tv I drifted off to sleep. The next thing I knew I was being rolled into the surgery room half awake. "What's happening?" I asked franticly. "It's okay your going into surgery Mrs roberts" The nurse said compassionately. Where was AJ I thought he was suppose to be here when I went in to surgery. They rolled me into the OR and I was out of it 5 minutes later. I woke up 4 hours later feeling really groggy and with bandages wrapped around my eyes and head. I reached out trying to feel for anyone at all. "Hello anyone here?" I asked as I reached out further. "I'm here Kate" AJ said putting my hands back down by my side. "Is the surgery over AJ?" I asked. "Yes you have to have the bandages on for a month and then we will see if it worked or not, I believe it did though" AJ said positively. "Gosh that seems like forever" I said sighing. "Naw it won't be long I'll take you to the beach let you hear the ocean water crashing up on the sand take you to my favorite blues club anything" AJ said reaching over and taking my hand and holding it. "Your to good to me AJ" I said smiling. "Naw you've showed me a new perspective to life girl" AJ said. "Your about the only person I have to lean on besides Lura my mom and dad exspecially my mom she just doesn't understand me at all maybe she wants me to be blind the rest of my life" I said hanging my head low. "They should, I mean who would let there daughter go along life feeling the way I know you feel?" AJ asked. "I know they love me but its just after that night everything changed the way they treated me and everything I do" I told AJ sadly. "That just makes me angry" AJ said getting an offensive tone. "No it's just me no since in making a big deal out of it" I said becoming offended that he was digging deep into my life. "Okay" AJ said quietly. We sat there and watched tv for a few hours and finally AJ turned to me to say goodnight. "Kate it's really late and I have to fly up to New york in the morning for an interview so I must call it a night" AJ told me. I felt the feeling of loneliness slowly creeping upon me again. "Alright thanks for staying here so long AJ your an angel" I said smiling. "No you are" AJ said I felt him come closer and then embrace me in a tight hug and then a quick peck on the cheek. I felt my face began to become really warm and then I smiled. He left a few minutes later and I tried to sleep but I just couldn't all I could manage to think about was AJ and how much I appriciated and cared for him. He was a true friend.
Chapter 6

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