Blinding Love Chapter Six

A few days later I was out of the hospital and out and about with AJ of course.Sometimes I ever spent the night over at his place lying to my mother telling her that I was at Lura's of course Lura had become to obbsessed with Brian to think straight. "So where to my queen?" AJ asked with a hint of laughter. "Well you did promise the beach didn't you?" I asked. "Yes I did didn't I?" AJ asked cheerfully. "Yes so take me there please the ocean is calling for me" I said laughing. AJ turned around driving towards the beach in his heart he knew now that there was nothing he wouldn't do for Kate. They arrived about ten minutes later AJ helped Kate out of the car extending his help when needed. AJ was so great to me and I loved him for it he was the best guy I'd ever met. "Here we are" AJ said spreading out a blanket as I sat down. "Shhh" I said putting my finger to my lips. "What?" He whispered sitting closer to me. "I have to hear to know what its going out around me" I told him listening intently. "Okay I'll be quit but just tell me what do you hear?" AJ asked. "Well it's angry tonight, the sea is you know if I could see I would paint this picture I know it's beautiful" I said sighing. "Don't worry about that Kate soon enough you are gonna have your sight back" AJ said. "Well would you still care about me if this surgery didn't work?" I asked. "Of course what do you think I'm just hanging with you waiting for you to be able to see so I can like hit on you get you to fool around with me?" AJ asked. "Maybe" I said. "No you know what I'm gonna stick around until you tell me you don't want me around okay and until then maybe that will ease your mind?" AJ asked. "I'm sorry if I've hurt you AJ it's just I don't understand why your so good to me" I told him. "I just want to it's so hard to explain it's just I want to be here for you Kate" AJ said. "I can take that explanation for now well atleast until you can give me a better one" I said smiling. "Well go how about I take you down to the surf" AJ said getting up and helping me up. "AJ!" I squealed as I landed flat on my butt. AJ just stood there laughing. "What are you laughing at buddy boy!?" I asked smiling and laughing still. "You of course you should have seen your face!" AJ said laughing still. I stood up reaching out to slap him but I missed him feeling like a total fool. "You can't catch me!" AJ teased as I heard his feet running away. I chased him down the beach of course I had no idea where I was going I screamed when I felt these hands wrapping themselves around me. I smiled feeling the warmth of AJ's body all over me. "You don't mind?" AJ asked. "No" I said boldly. AJ held me as tight as he could without totally squezzing the life outta me that is. I leaned back letting him hold me I acually for the first time in a long time I felt safe with him. "You make me feel safe AJ" I told him. "You make me feel gosh it's to hard to explain it's just the best feeling in the world I know I don't want to scare you away I just have to be honest with you" AJ said "You can be honest with me I'm sorry I was so weird last time it's just I felt what your trying to tell me right now and it scared the hell outta me" I said giggling. "So your okay with this?" AJ asked again. "Yes I am as long as you are" I said. "I am totally down with it" AJ said laughing at the end of his sentance. I felt him turn me around and his wet thin lips touching mine making a combinations of sensations go through my body. I wrapped my arms around him the best I could and I hopped I wouldn't make any mistakes. I leaned back in finding his lips and kissing them passionately. We finally stopped when we heard someone coming. "Whos that?" I whispered. AJ didn't answer just turned and I heard him pick everything up and come to my side. "Kate we need to get out of here" AJ said. "Why whats wrong?" I asked feeling scared. AJ once again didn't answer me he just took my hand and lead me to the car. I began to panic when I heard voices. We began to walk faster and faster I was so scared because the voices seemed to get closer and closer. "You run from us!" I heard a voice shout from behind and I began to cry because the fear was to intense. "Baby don't cry" I heard AJ whisper to me. I heard AJ open his side door and he picked me up throwing me almost in the seat. He then got in and started the car I heard tons of men shouting. "Come back here bastard" I heard one of them shout. I was to stunned to even think at the moment. AJ started to drive off until we heard a gun shot and then the tires making hissing noises. "AHH!" I screamed as I felt the car spin out of control the last thing I knew was that I was laying on the cement out cold.

"Yes we have just recieved notice of a car accident/car jacking in the bad side of Orlando the two people who were in the car we still have no news on who they are and how they are" The reporter said. I opened my eyes hearing voices everywhere and sirens what had happened? "Where am I" I said starting to cry again. I felt a body next to me and I thought it was someone who was going to hurt me so I scrunched up. "Don't hurt me!" I shouted holding myself in a little ball. "I'm not going to hurt you I'm here to help you, seem that you and your boyfriend were in a car accident"The man told me. "What!?" I asked trying to sit up. "Sit down ma'ma your going to hurt yourself!" The man exclaimed laying me back down to the stretcher. "No where is AJ?" I asked. "Ma'am he was rushed in a helicopter to the hospital he was hurt badly" He told me. I gripped his shirt and I cried. "AJ..!" I screamed loudly. The man strapped me down to the stretcher afraid I would get up in a frantic and hurt him. "Take me to him please!" I begged. "Were taking you to the hospital" The man said. I felt myself being lifted up and taken into the ambulance. "Wait!" I screamed but he didn't stop. The sirens sounded as they drove me down the road. I only cried thinking of all the horrible things that could have happened to AJ. They stuck Ivys and needles in me prodding to find out if I was okay or not I knew the only thing was that AJ was hurt and I had to be there for him like he had been for me.

I woke up a few hours later in a hospital room not hooked up to any machines just laying there. A doctor came walking in the room and looked at me seeing I was awake he began to talk to me. "Well your awake now I can tell you what I need to tell you" He said. "And what is that?"I asked. "Well I thought I might tell you there's a chance your vision could come back from the accident" He told me. "I know there's a chance already just because I just had corrective eye surgery" I told him. "Oh I had no idea" he said. "Why are my bandages off?" I asked. "There were none on there when I checked you out" He told me. "Oh well I am suppose to see if I can see within a few days and right now my eyes are shut so I wouldn't know" I said laughing. "Well how about I take a look?" He asked. "Sure" I said sitting up. He came walking over to me opening my eye lids and shining a light into them. "Do you see any light?" He asked. I sat there watching and praying that just I would see maybe a little light it could be a start. I almost cried when I saw a speck of light come into my vision. "Oh my God I ..I saw something" I said begining to cry once more. "What did you see?" He asked. "A lil speck of light it was like shining through" I said sobbing even more. "Man this is miraculous" The doctor said clicking off his flash light. "Mrs. Roberts there is quite a good chance you could be seeing by the end of the week" He said cheerfully. I just cried and hugged him thanking him. "Where is AJ?" I asked. "Who is AJ?" He asked. "He's the man who was also in the accident with me" I said. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear what he had to say or not probabley because AJ could be dead for all I knew but I had a feeling inside that he was near. "Well he just got out of surgery he had a pretty bad gash in his head they had to realease alot of pressure up there" The doctor told me. "Can I go see him?" I asked. "Well he's in intensive care but you can sit outside his room until visiting hours come around which is in about an hour" He told me. "How about you just tell a nurse to come and get me when that time comes" I said. So he did and he left me all alone in my room of course I was to estatic to even do anything but think of when I could see. I needed to call my mom but I was sure she would flip if she knew I were in another accident so I decided to steer clear of that option. An hour later a nurse came in my room just like the doctor told me she would. "I'm here to take you to a ....Mr Mcleans room correct?" She asked. "Correct" I said. She came and helped me into the will chair and wheeling me down to AJ's room. "Remember he still isn't concious so you need to be careful here's his hand" She said placing his hand into mine. It felt so fragile so limp I wanted him to be alive and dancing singing everything he regularly does he shouldn't even be in the bed like this I should be taking his place I don't have anything to live for he does. "Thank you" I said as she left. I rubbed his hands and began to talk to him. AJ I'm so sorry God if I could go back I would have never asked you to go to the beach I should be the one laying in that bed not you" I said I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I talked to him. "I have some good news though, I was checked out by the doctor and he says that I could be seeing by the end of this week, isn't that the best news ? It would even be better if you were okay and you could hear me if you do hear me please squezze my hand" I told him. I felt nothing and heard only the sounds of the resperator machines humming and clicking. "It's almost time for me to go AJ your family is waiting outside I'm sure they want to see you even more then I do" I leaned down kissing AJ's hand and the nurse rolled me away. We stopped when I heard a fimilar voice call me. "Kate!" I heard her shout. the nurse stopped and looked at the young girl. "Lura?" I asked. "Yes what are you doing here what happened?" She asked. "AJ and I were in a gang related accident" I told her. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yes but he's not" told her. "I know all the guys are really tore up his mom is a wreck" Lura said. "Tell her I'm sorry" I said. "Alright I'll come by and see you later k?" She asked. "Sure" With that I was rolled back to my room. I thought all night about all the things that had happened over the months some of them were the best and the worse Lura and I had slowly drifted apart she was always too busy with Brian to even talk to me anymore. "Kate what are you doing here what happened" I heard my mothers frantic voice ask. I sighed realizing tonight really was going to be a long night. "Mom I was in an accident gang related I'm alright but AJ isn't" I told her. "My I told you about that boy look what trouble he got you into" She said sighing. "He saved my life mother I would have been shot to death over a car if it hadn't been for him" I shouted. I already didn't want to talk to her she never listened to the important things. "You can't see him anymore that's it you just can't he's puting silly things into your mind making you think your accually normal like the rest of us" With these words I felt anger rise up withen me. "Mother just shut up I don't want to hear you and you know what by the end of the week I'll be no more worries to you" I said sharply. "What how dare you talk to me like that!" My mother shouted back. "How dare you neglect your daughters needs" I shot back at her. A nurse entered the room looking weird at the both of us. "Visiting hours are over miss" The nurse chimmed in "Yeah and don't come back" I shot back at her. She only looked at me sour leaving the hospital room. I sat there the whole night crying tears of bitter pain thinking over all the years my mother had only seen me as a extra not an equal I was diffrent to her. I fell asleep thinking of this the tears were dry and sticky on my cheeks as my eyes fluttered and I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Seven

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