Blinding Love Chapter Seven

I struggled as I flew up straight out of my bed in a hot sweat with tears cascaded down my checks. "Shhh" I heard someone say. "Who's here?" I asked in a demanding voice. "It's me" The man said. "Who is me?" I asked still feeling a since of terror in my mind. "Nick silly" He said giggling. I didn't say anything all I did was lay back down trying to relax and forget about the terrifying dream that had captivated my mind and body seconds earlier. "What's wrong?" He asked as I felt his hand stroke my arm. "Nothing just a bad dream" I said calmly. "Wanna talk about it?" He asked sweetly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but a dream like that I just wasn't ready to share with just anyone. "No really I'm fine" I declared once again. "Sorry, so how are you?" He asked. I just shook my head trying to smile but the fear was still there somewhat tormenting me still. "I'm fine hows AJ?" I asked not even caring about myself for the time being. "He's hurt pretty bad he's in a comma and his arm and a few ribs are broken he had some head injurys causing him to have a comma" Nick said disapointing any hopes of mine. "Oh" I said sadly. Nick reached over taking my hand and squezzing it I felt all his love and concearn flow through me making me feel so much better. "Don't lose hope Kate he's gonna pull through he's a backstreetboy and plus he's got you to survive for" Nick said. I tried to believe it but the disturbing dream I had just kept on telling me something was going to go wrong and it was going to divide me and AJ apart somehow. I was willing to do anything to make that not happen but of course there is only so much you can do. "I know Nick I'm trying to believe it" I said trying my best to convince Nick that I truely was okay when really I wasn't. Nick left thirty minutes later leaving me all alone in my room with nothing to do and no one to talk to about anything. A few days later the doctors took off my bandages and a surprisingly miracle was discovered. The doctors had taken my bandages off and I opened my eyes and for the first time in four years I could see the world in a new brighter way too everything was diffrent then I had last remember and all at once I just had to go see AJ I had to see what this guy I had been with for almost 6 months looked like. I wondered if he would even look like what I thought he looked like. I knew it would be awhile though before the doctors would let me out of there site atleast until a billion more tests were done to see weather or not my vision was going to stay or not. A few days later my wish was granted atleast I had a few vistors to ease my time. Nick and Brian dropped by every so often when they were coming to visit AJ so it wasn't all that bad for me. I got dressed and ready and walked over to his room where he was hooked up to so many machines it wasn't even funny. I walked closer sitting in the chair right next to his bed side. He had beautiful brown hair and of course it was frosted white on the front which gave him an extra appeal. He had a beautiful face it just had this sexiness about it that I couldn't even explain. His hands were so big but yet they had a gentlness to them that had made me secure in them even when I couldn't see them with my eyes. I almost laughed noticing he had a mustache that had to be done by him only someone with his crazy personality would actually do that but it was so cute the way it was so thin but yet so think and awesomely shaped. I smiled as I traced my finger over it. He looked so sweet almost as if he were just sleeping there. I wished I could just wake him up make him see me take his place. I laid my head down crying on his chest as I listen to his machines as they helped him breathe every single breath. I was awakened a few hours later by a nurse who informed me that visiting hours were over. I leaned over quickly kissing his lips softly and trying to savor the time we had first kissed in my mind once more. I walked back to my room thinking of what my life had been before I had met AJ and how it had changed ever since we had met. "Hey" I heard from behind. I turned around seeing Lura standing there my heart bursted with gladness mainly because I couldn't wait to tell her that I could actually see her. I had almost forgotten that I really had never even seen what she looked like but now here she was standing before me and I could see her. "Oh my gosh Lura your beautiful" I exclaimed as I ran up to her hugging her. She had long brown hair and hazel eyes and was so tall her face just shined with her sweet personality making me wish that we could go back to being friends like we were before. "What do you mean Kate?" She asked as she hugged me. "Brian didn't tell you?" I asked. She shook her head with a confussed look on her face. "I can see....the accident healed my eye sight or either the surgery really did bring it back" I said smiling brightly. Lura's eyes grew larger and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Kate...God I'm sorry I haven't been here" She said breaking down right in the middle of the hospital halls. I took her hand leading her outside so that we wouldn't make such a big scene right there in front of everyone with all the tears and smiles. "I forgive you Lura I do your my best friend I mean we use to dream of this day didn't we?" I asked muffling a tearful laugh. Lura reached over taking my hand and squezzing it as she looked up at me. "Yes and it came only now we aren't as close anymore and I want to be close theres no other choice for me girl we either have to be apart or be inseprable you understand?" She asked. I laughed and then replied. "Of course I understand were best friends Lura and were gonna get it back promise right after I get everything settled with AJ and life you know we will get it back" I said. Lura smiled at me as we sat there and talked and yet again I was revealed that life was going to get better and no matter what I had to look to the future and what it held for me. We talked for about an hour out there and I had explained how I had no where to stay because my mom had acted so mean to me and I had to leave because of all the mess. She offered to let me stay at her place but I had a feeling that tonight I just wanted to be alone in AJ's room hopefully it would bring me closer to him in a since.

Chapter Eight

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