Blinding Love Chapter Eight

AJ remained in the hospital for two more weeks making me wonder if he was even going to make it out of the comma but I had hope I knew he couldn't and wouldn't die on me not when we were just starting things off with each other. That morning I got ready and left the house driving in AJ's car to the hospital I turned up the radio so I could listen to some music to ease my mind. "Has anyone heard that AJ Mclean is in a comma cuz that's what I heard because the other night I was watching TV and heard he was in the hospital but not in a comma so I went down to the hospital and saw some of the guys there and they were talking about him beinging in a comma or something like that hey who knows but here is there new song of there new CD Millennium No one else comes close" The DJ said. I sat there wondering just why the reports had to get into your business it was so annoying when they did this because they would try to dig up everything they could even if it wasn't exacley true. I got to the hospital and got out walking up the side walk and straight into the hospital doors. I wasn't exacley expecting really anything to happen but it did. "Kate you won't believe it, he's awake!"Brian almost screamed running towards me. My face dropped and then I began to cry as I followed Brian to his room. When I got there everyone was there but no one went into the room and I wondered why. "Can I go in?" I asked faintly. "Yes we were all waiting we wanted you to be first since Denise hasn't made it here just yet" Kevin said smiling. I walked slowly into his room seeing him laying there wide awake made my heart skip a billion beats. "AJ?" I asked as I came closer. "Hey Kate, I heard the good news, we did it girl" He said trying to smile but I could tell his body that had been bruised and scratched couldn't even smile that well just yet. "Shhh don't exhaust yourself into another comma trying to talk to me" I said giggling. "So what do you think?" He asked. I looked at him puzzled as I sat in the chair. "About what?" I asked. "About me am I what you imagined or did I disapoint you?" He asked. I could tell he really couldn't tell what I was going to say and that somewhat worried me because he should know that whatever he did would never disapoint me. "AJ you don't disapoint me believe me when I saw you, I thought you looked like a god" I said smiling. "Right more like a clown right?" He asked. I laughed and then reached over taking his hand. "No what I said first fit it more right" I said. He looked down at my hand with a shocked look that scared me almost tempting me to let go but I couldn't I had been so worried about him for the last two weeks. "So were you scared?" He asked. I let out a sigh and then began to tell him slowly. "I was scared as hell don't do that to me again and don't ever take me out there again if you have to just leave me alone if it means saving your life" I said letting out a loud gasp for air. He laughed faintly and then looked me straight in the eyes and smiled. "I'd do it all over again Kate if it meant bringing you happiness and it did" I looked at him weird as he sat there and I sat there just talking. "What happiness?" I asked. "I gave you your sight and its what you wanted and what I wanted because you wanted it" AJ said. I laughed because that was somewhat complicated. "Thank you, I'm gonna go now because everyone else wants to see you and I don't want to hog you all to myself but I'll be back I promise" I said getting up to leave. I slowly let go of AJ's hand and watched his eyes follow me as I left the room. "Kate" I heard him say softly. I turned around and looked back at him. "Yea" I said. "I....I...thanks" He said. "Your welcome" I said smiling as I left the room. Everyone went in after me and I decided to go get something to drink because my body was shaking and I had no idea why.I stood there swigging down a mountain dew and trying to get my nerves to calm or atleast what I thought was my nerves. "AJ be careful" I said as I helped him up the stairs to his room.had been two weeks since he had awaken and since then he had been at the hospital and they finally let him come home and I was so glad sleeping in his bed alone was so lonely and I needed him here to protcect me from any harm. "Oh man is it just me or has these stairs like gotten longer while I was gone ? You haven't been playing with my credit cards now have you Kate" AJ joked as he laughed. I laughed with him as we made our way into his bedroom finally. "No silly" I said laughing. I slipped as AJ tripped and fell on his bed I came tumbling right on top of him. I looked down at him smiling shyly and wondering what was going to happen next. My heart began to beat wildly as he stared deep into my eyes without saying one thing. "Kate" He finally said softly as he reached up taking my hair that was cascaded across my face he took it and tucked it behind my ears. "Yes" I said swallowing hard only because right now I felt more nervous then I had ever felt before. "I have to tell you something" He said smiling. I knew what he was going to say and I had been waiting to tell him for so long just how I had felt to but I didn't really know if he felt the same. "Tell me then" I said softly. His face spreaded into a big smile as he began to say something. "Your killing me" He said as he busted up laughing. I only rolled off puffing up as I crossed my arms around my chest. He turned over looking at me and laughing even more. "Whats so funny!" I yelled as I rolled over on my stomach to hide my face from the embarassment that I knew was showing through. "I'm sorry Kate was there something you wanted to say sweetheart" He asked as he pulled himself over my back and to my left ear to tell me. "No nothing at all only that you your rude" I said loudly. AJ was quiet and finally I heard him get up and leave the room. I turned over looking up at his ceiling were he had stars everywhere and by now it was already dark and they were shinning brightly as if I were in space. I wished I were in space for being so foolish as to think that AJ really could of said the words I thought he was getting ready to say. I sat there for atleast thirty minutes and then I got up going down stairs and flipping on the tv. There was a 15 15 news up date and I listened intently to see if maybe they had any new news on the backstreetboys. "And for new news on the backstreet boys it seems that AJ Mcclean of the backstreetboys has been seeing someone new as reports zoom in about him and some girl, knowing he's still with the small girl band innocense Amanda Latone what do we think Amanda will think about this?" I paused as I tried to throw everything together that I had just heard I hoped and prayed that AJ didn't hear that because I was ready just to ask him about it myself once more. AJ decided later to patch things up by taking me out to dinner and I excepted only because I wanted to know about him and Amanda. "You aren't still mad at me are you Kat?" He asked as he ate down some spaghetti. "No I'm fine it was a good joke I was just playing with you when I acted like I was mad just to see what kinda reaction I could get out of you" I said laughing trying to cover up myself. "Well I knew you weren't mad thats why I didn't try to comfort you, but was there really something that you wanted to ask me about?" He asked as he ate some more food. "Yes there is as a matter of fact" I said getting my little sassy tone in. "And whats that" He asked. "Who's Amanda Latone" I asked bitterly. He stopped and didn't say anything just taking his wine and taking a swigg. "So your not even gonna tell me!?" I asked feeling my temper rising. "Yes she's a girl Kate" AJ said sounding as if that was all he was going to tell me. "A girl.....A girl who happens to be your girlfriend" I shouted. AJ reached over the table as to hush me but I didn't want to even look at him more less even talk to him he had lied to me telling me that he didn't have anyone acting like I was the only one. "I'm leaving" I annouced as I grabbed my purse and turned towards the door. He didn't follow me which somewhat made me realize that just maybe he didn't really care about how I felt or how I wanted him to feel about me. I ended up at the doorway of Nicks house only because I knew he would let me come in and just maybe he would know what was going on inside AJ's head. I knocked two times and then the door was answered. "Hey, Kate whats wrong?" Nick asked as he let me in. I walked past him going to his couch and then falling back and sighing.Nick walked over to the chair near the couch and then asked me again. "What's wrong?" "Who's Amanda, what is she to him?" I asked as I felt the bitter tears aproach my eyes. Nick sighed and for a minute I thought he to wasn't going to tell me who she was. "Amanda is ...she's AJ's girlfriend" He finally said. I sat up shaking my head as I cried. "He lied to me Nick" I said. "He has his reasons believe me" Nick said as he got out of his chair and wrapped me in a warm embrace I held onto him crying out my tears to him. "What reasons?" I finally asked. "I won't be the one to tell you he has to do it himself and you know what he will in his own time just let him do it" Nick finally said. I tried to forget AJ for the rest of the night but I couldn't and I knew I had to go back to his apartment because I had to sleep somewhere tonight.


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