
I ended up back at AJ's house and I knocked long and hard on the door about four times and then I heard AJ coming to the door. "Alright, alright who is it?" He asked opening the door and seeing me.

He stoppped and just stared at me and finally let me in. I didn't dare speak one word to him because I knew if I did it would only make things harder for the both of us. I walked past him and went into the guest room throwing on my night clothes and laying down in my bed. I leaned over on my side shedding a few tears and then quickly gaining composure when AJ knocked on my door. I didn't move I just laid there. "Kat can I come in?" I heard him ask. I only laid there crying even more not wanting to say the words. He finally just opened the door and closed it behind him leaning against the door. "Kat, I'm sorry" He said slowly and softly.

I just laid there not really wanting to say anything but I knew I had to. "AJ could it of been so easy to of told me the truth?" I asked through my sniffling crys that I was still trying to hush. "I never thought we would get so close Kat really" AJ said.

"What so I was never anything to you, I thought maybe we had something AJ but obviously I was so wrong" I said bitterly. "You are something to me Kat I find myself falling deeply in love with you and it scares me because I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes down to it" He said. I turned around sitting up and staring at him coldly and then I opened my mouth. "Well until you do, I'll just be leaving in the morning to find a apartment and job" I said. His face fell and then he came closer sitting down on the bed. "Kat please don't shut me out" He said reaching over to touch my face with his hand. I only threw his hand away and turned around and began to cry. "Leave me alone please" I begged as I sat there feeling all alone in the world. He got up and left the room and I sat there and cried myself to sleep. I woke up the next morning hoping to avoid AJ but it wasn't possible. he was already up and getting ready for his day he was dressed in some addidas trainers and a addidas tank top and some tennis shoes so I was guessing he was getting ready to go either work out or he had rehersals. When I looked at him all I could think of was the night he had kissed me and how he had kissed me. There was no doubt about it he did have feelings about me but they were shared of course they were. I walked past him with a few of my things and tried to make it out the door but he stopped me. "Kat I don't want you to go,can't we somehow work this out?" He asked with pleading eyes. "I don't get off on being with someone who cares about somebody else" I said stiffly and then I pushed past him and made it outside but I had forgotten my car was still at my house. I growled in frustration as AJ watched me from the doorway. "Need me huh?" AJ said laughing. I got so angry that I walked up to him and stomped my feet. "Listen here I don't need you I can get to my house by myself thank you very much" I said walking inside grabbing my coat and walking out to the road where I intended to find a bus stop. I walked for atleast two miles and I was tierd and cold and it had began to rain. I stopped and sat on the curb and cried all alone in the rain. I almost had a heart attack when a ford expedition pulled right up next to me. I looked up seeing AJ standing right in front of me. "Why are you here?" I asked. "You need me admit it" AJ said lending his hands down to help me up. "No I don't" I said bitterly and then turning my head. "Kate quit with the I'm to good to need your help crap because if I have to I'll lift you over my shoulders and carry you into this car and take you home" He said firmly. I just sat there and a few seconds later AJ did what he said he would do. I started screaming as he lifted me up and sat me in his car. I sat there like a upset child and didn't say one thing as he started up the car and started towards my house. "Kate I'm sorry" AJ almost whispered as we drove along. "No your not" I said bitterly. AJ just growled and hit the gas a little harder which scared me a little. "What can I do? What can I say to make it better?" He asked. "You should know the answer to that one" I said. "I know I know gosh I just Amanda we've been together for almost three years it's so great!" AJ said. I felt my heart slowly break as he talked about her. I only turned towards the window and didn't say another thing the whole ride home. He took me to my house and I saw my mustang was still in the drive way. I opened the door hopping out and walking to my car. AJ got out and I wished he hadn't because it wasn't going to change anything. "Thanks for the ride" I said shortly. "Your welcome,look can we forget everything start over?" AJ asked. "It's to late AJ, lies make everything complicated" I said. AJ sighed and turned away I only watched and felt extreme sadness overwhelm me. Weeks later Nick called me to see how I was because he hadn't seen me in awhile. He asked me to go with out him to a club later that night and so I aggreed only because I knew I didn't have anything better to do. I wore a blck short tight dress with a low v neck and letting my hair fall past my shoulders. I picked up my purse and ran out the door when I heard him beeping for me. When I got out there I saw him standing there and I smiled. Nick was very attractive but to bad for me all I could see him as was a little brother figure in my life. "Hey!" I said as a gave him a big hug. "You look nice" Nick said as he laughed and faked checking me out. I hit him playfully and ran over to the passenger side hopping in. We drove to Carus club which was one of the hottest clubs in Orlando Nick opened my door and I got out brushing my hair back and taking a confident smile. "So you talked to AJ?" Nick asked me.

I almost wished that he hadn't even asked because it only hurt me to think about him. "No" I said shortly.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of asked" Nick said.

"Oh I'm fine just lets party" I said laughing.

We entered the club and there were people everywhere and the music was blaring. "Well you got what you wanted" Nick said laughing.

I laughed as I dragged Nick out on the dance floor. We danced a few fast dances and then Ushers nice and slow came on. Nick took me and wrapped his arms around my waist and we began to sway. It felt awkward being in his arms like this but yet it felt good to have someone with me. "Nick your so great" I said as we dance.

"Your awesome" Nick said smiling.

"Thanks for tonight I really needed something to get AJ off my mind" I said as I sighed. "AJ doesn't deserve someone special like you Kate" Nick said.

I felt a red blush fluster over me as he said it.

"Awe Nick your such a sweety!" I said smiling at him.

"Your worth it" Nick said back.

I felt really shy and weird because Nick was more of a brother to me then any boyfriend matterial. "Thank you Nick" I said plainly.

"Could I have everyones attention please" The DJ said from his box up above the stage. We both turned looking up at the DJ to see what was so important. "Thank you I have a very special request that an annonomous person has asked me to do could everyone please clear the dance floor for this one and would Katlyn Roberts please come forward. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that AJ was standing there decked out in this major outfit. I just stood there frozzen almost as if the whole world had stopped. The DJ began to play Aliyahs "How could the one" I felt the tears stream down my face as he took my hand and proceded to dance with me. I was falling under his spell again I couldn't help it, I was falling head first into a endless love with this man. "AJ, why?" I asked through my tears.

He took his finger and stopped a tear that was begining to fall down my face and smiled. "Because I love you" He said.

I felt as if the whole world had stopped and it was only me and AJ but the truth was every eye in the club was on us.

"But what about Amanda?" I asked afraid of what might the truth be.

"I told her I had found my soul mate and that I couldn't last another day without her" AJ said.

I cried even more after he had told me this how could it be that I had really found a guy like him who loved me so much.

"I'm sorry" AJ said sweetly as he pulled me in closer I laid my head on his shoulder as we danced.

"I forgive you" I said smiling.

The rest of the dance was just magical and I once again had fallen into AJ's love and I knew I needed him he was all I had for the time being I didn't want to lose him.
