Forever Chapter One

(Ashley's Point Of View)

"God I hate it here!" I remember myself thinking.

I was walking down the beach of Tampa with my hands full of books from school. I was so mad. See we had just moved here from our home in New york where I loved it. I had so many friends there but then my dad made us move because of some better job offer. I had only been here for a few days and already I could tell I hated it.I continued walking down the beach not caring who I ran into. I ran faster and faster down the pier until I hit someone. I fell backwards right on my butt in the white sand.I looked up at the person I hit. It was a guy late teens he was about 6'1 and had the blondest hair I'd ever seen. He was a dream.I was so upset that I didn't even realise what I was doing.

"Thanks alot" I said and got up and grabbed my books.

This guy bent down trying to help me. Of course I was in such a fowl mood I didn't need any help.

"I don't need your help! Can't you see you have helped me enough" I screamed.

I looked at him and his eyes showed a very hurt expression. I felt aweful.

"I'm sorry" He mumbled.

"Hmph" I said walking away.

He turned and watched me stomp off. I finally made it home. I walked inside and dropped my books down on the couch

. I too fell down on the couch sighing. I heard the phone ring but I could have cared less. My mom picked up the phone. It was someone important I could tell. She hung up and I looked over and saw the biggest smiled come across her face.

"Hunny I have some great news" She said still smiling.

I stood straight up on the couch.

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"Well you know how I'm working for this new great make up and wardrobe designs here and all now?" I nodded.

"Well they have now signed me on to be a wardrobe and makeup help to the Backstreetboys with them backstage"

My eyes grew enourmously big. "Oh my God!" I screamed.

"And the best part is they want you to come help to"

I jumped up and down and around the room screaming and shouting, "AHHHH I'm gonna go see the Backstreetboys" I yelled over and over.

Finally after about 2 hours of this non stop action I settled down.

"So when do we leave?" I asked my mom.

" in two days there going on tour in europe"

I was so excited I felt as if I were going to burst now. Earlier today I felt as if I were about to die. Die of bordom and lonelieness. And of course I would get to see my favorite backstreetboy Brian.

"My gosh this is still so hard to believe" I told my mom excitedly. "Well we need to start getting ready and all" My mom said still smiling.

I think she knew how lonley and bored I was here.

"But wait what about dad? How long are we going to be gone?" I asked.

"Well your dad will stay here with his job we will be back in six months or less I believe" I sighed.

"Man I wish daddy could come" I said sadly.

"Well you know I've been working in the designs for over 15 years now....this is my break I'm sure he will understand. If you don't want to leave him Ash you can always stay home"

I remembered my mom suggesting.

"NOOO! Way" I said.

She laughed. "That's what I thought" My mom said smiling.

Well today's later guess where we were? On our way to the airport and on my way to a brand new life. I remember we got out of the car and said a tearful goodbye to my dad.It was so hard I knew I wanted to go but yet I was going to miss him so much.

"Bye dad" I said. I walked over and gave him a great big hug.

"Bye baby have fun with them backstreetmen"

I laughed. "Backstreetboys dad" He laughed too.

"Okay then have fun see you when you get back"

I sat and waited for my mom and dad for over 30 mins ....I knew of course this was hard on mom but it was what she wanted to do.

"Goodbye hunny see you soon" My mom said waving goodbye.

"Bye girls have fun I'll call you in a few days" He said smiling.

We both turned away and walked towards the airport doors. Of course we had to get down to security first and let them clear our names and let us through to the guys. Amazingly true they weren't that popular here. They had realised

"We've got it going on"

Here but it hadn't taken off making it a big flop for them.I loved the song I had heard it a few times but then noticed that it started to go away not really hitting it to big.

"But look at me now!" I thought.

I'm on my way to boarding the same plane with all the five hunks.

"What if they don't even realise your alive?" I thought silently.

"God what will you do?"

I tried to make the what if's disapear but it was getting harder. We made it to security finally.

"Yes ...I'm Carol and this is my daughter Ashley.I'm the new make up and wardrobe for the guys"

The security man didn't seem to much impressed by us. He nodded

" Id ?" He asked.

My mom gave him both our passports we had made a few years earlier when we went to Ausstrailia for awhile.

"Okay ma'ma proceed through those two doors that will take you out to the landing strip then you will have to be metal detected then after that please go to Mrs Carter who will be dressed in the nice white outfit"

We smiled and thanked him and proceeded through the doors. I remember walking right up to Mrs Carter she was so nice.

"Hello Mrs Carter?" My mom asked.

"Yes?" She said.

"I'm Mrs Collier this is my daughter Ashley,Were here for my new position as Make wardrobe designs'" My mom was so confident thats what I loved about her.

"Oh hello ...Welcome aboard" Mrs Carter said smiling.

"Lets get you guys sittuated in the plane then shall we?" I smiled.

and so did my mom I could tell this was going to be the best time of my life. Mrs Carter helped us with our luggage on the plane and then she went to find us seats. She smiled at me and I smiled genuialy.

"So I know where you would like to sit" She said still smiling. "How about I put you right up here with Nick?"

The thought was okay. He really wasn't my favorite though.

"Sure" I said trying to sound happy.

She walked me farther up the plane and we came to the isles where the guys were.

"Nick this is Ashley she's new on the staff"

Nick smiled but then somewhat frowned, As if he knew me from somewhere.

"Hey Ashley how are you?" He asked.

'Oh I'm fine" I said turning and looking out the window as if to ignore him.

He laughed. "You know what?" I looked back over at him very anoyed.

"What?" I said sharply.

"I ran into a girl walking down the beach who looks exacley like you......that wasn't you was it?" Nick asked me.

I was so surprised."My God ashley this is the guy you ran into!!" I thought.

I freaked.

"Umm I don't think so I was in Orlando the other day" I replied.

He still seemed not to satisfied with the answer. "Well then I'll just leave you alone now" He said laying back and popping on his head phones and blaring Nirvana.

I already could tell he and I were not going to get along to well. We flew for what seemed like days. I decided to get up and walk around. I looked over and saw Brian. I just about died.

"Hey" Brian said smiling.

"Hey sorry I bothered you but where's the bathroom on this thing" He laughed.

"Oh right down there" He said pointing down to the planes tail.

"Oh thanks" I said.

I sure hope I wasn't drooling. I passed Nick again. He gave me a glaring look as I passed by. Of course I gave him a dirty look back. "God he is so anoying" I thought.

"What was his mother thinking putting us together?" I thought again.

I finally got to the planes bathroom and used it. I stared up at the mirror fixing my misplaced hairs. I opened the door and accidently hit someone as I was coming out. I looked over the door and saw AJ.

"Opp's I'm so sorry" I said looking at him with an uneasy look.

"Oh that's okay just a lil love pat I know" I tried not to laugh but it was coming out slowly

"Gosh really I'm sorry" I said once again.

"Hey no problem ...??" he said.

"Whats your name?" He asked me.

"I'm Ashley my moms newly on staff here." He smiled.

"Well welcome aboard our lovely life" He said joking.

"Thanks I think" He laughed.

"Well I better step in here and piss before I blow up."

He took the door and shut it.I proceeded to walk back to my seat but right as I was about to get in the row of seats with Nick.A sudden turbulence made me plunge straight forward into Nicks arms.

"Ouch" I exclaimed.

"Man are you just magnetically attracted to me or something this is the second time in two days." Nick said frowning.

" Hey it's not my fault you were the one in my way" I said in a smarty pants kinda voice.

"Oh so now you don't lie do you?" Nick said pushing me off of him.

"Thanks alot jerk" I said getting up off the tiny space below his feet.

Everyone came huddling around us after hearing the arguement we were having.

"Whats going on here Ashley?" My mom asked me sternly.

I sat up straight with a embarassed look on my face.

"Nick here made me fall in the floor" I said giving him a acusing look.

"No she's always bumping into me and being a jerk about it" Nick said giving me a cocky smile.

"Well if you two are going to argue all the way there then maybe I should move you Ashley" Mrs Carter said.

Her voice was no longer kind and gentle it was stern and sharp.I felt like crying.Everyone was looking at me like I was the ememy and really it was Nick's fault.Mrs Carter helped me over to a sit with AJ and Howie. I looked back at Nick. He stuck his toungue out at me.

"God I'm more mature then he is" I thought silently.

AJ looked over at me making faces at Nick and pulled my head towards his.

"Hey lil girl you better behave don't make me get my trusty belt out" I laughed. and so did Aj.

"So anyways whats yours and Nicky baby's problem?" AJ asked Me.

"Well it's just he's got an ego problem and also he think's he's so hot!" I said folding my arms across my chest.

So far this wonderful trip has turned into hell.

(Nicks Point OF View)

"Hey Nick can you hurry up in there?" I heard Brian say.

"Yeah man let me just get my brush and I'll be right out" I told him.

I grabbed my brush and headed out of the bathroom.

"Hey thanks man" Brian said.

I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Hey I'm gonna take a quick walk on the beach" Nick told Brian.

"Sure I'll see you later,I need to go see Lauren before we leave anyways" Brian told me.

"Sure cool I'll see you later then."

Nick closed the door behind him and walked down the beach shoreline. I was so captivated by how beautiful the sky was today.There wasn't a single cloud in the sky just blue for miles. I wasn't looking of course and all of a sudden fell backwards. I got up quickly and saw a young girl with her school books scattered everywhere. I looked down at her.

"Thanks alot" Was all she said.

I bent down to try to help her but she pushed my hand away.

"I don't need your help! Can't you see you have helped me enough" I stepped back.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

Obviously this girl was having a really bad hair day and I didn't want to get in the way.All she did was stomp off mad. I didn't even catch her name. She was very beautiful though.I decided to head back home. All the teenage girls would be getting home soon and I was gonna be in deep doo doo if any of them saw me.So I turned and walked home. When I got there my mom was on the phone. With who ...God only knows.

"Hey Mom " I said coming in and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I went to the fridge for some food.

"Hey Nick?" My mom called.

"Yeah ma ?" I said from the stove.

"We have a new make up artist and wardrobe now her names Carol Colier. She's bringing her daughter who is also into the make up and wardrobe designs" My mom told me.

"That's great! How old is she?" I asked out of suspistion.

"umm I think about your age 15 or 16" My mom told me.

"Cool she sounds fun" I remarked.

I stuck my pizza in and went in my room and flipped on the TV. There we were right on the TV. Aaron must have turned the copy video of "We've got it on I watched myself and about died laughing.

"Mom look do you think I look silly on that video?" I asked my mom.

She came walking in my room and saw me on the TV.

"No Nick you look sweet." She said smiling.

"Thanks mom" I got up and hugged her.

Then I decided to go in the living room and spotted aaron playing some nintendo.

"Hey buddy what you playing?" I asked him.

"Umm some mario kart you wanna play?" Aaron asked.

"Sure lil dude" I said giving him a nuggie.

We played most the eveing until I started to get tierd I walked in my room and laid down and fell fast asleep.

(A day later)

"Nick wake up" I heard echoing through my ear.

"What what?" I said sleeply.

"We have to get to the airport were leaving for europe today" I sat up a lil and met eyes with my mom.

"Oh yeah I forgot" I giggled.

"Man what time is it?" I asked her.

"About 5:30" She said.

My eyes grew larger.

"Gosh man let me sleep for a few more hours" I told her.

"No Nick wake up"

She went in the bathroom and got her spray bottle and sprayed me down with wet cold water. I hopped out of there so fast.

"Damn mom gosh I'm up" I said.

I got up and got my clothes on. Some tommy jeans and a white tee shirt

"there are you happy?" I asked her.

"Yes now today I'm gonna let that new girl sit with you if thats alright with you?" Nick nodded.

"Sure I'd like that" I told her.

We got everything ready all our luggage and headed to the airport.When I got there I got all my luggage and had it loaded on the plane then I went on the plane and sat down in my seat. I was just about to nod off again when my mom came over to me with some girl. He was guessing it was the new girl. But she looked faguly familar.

"Hey Nick this is Ashley she's the new staff member" My mom told me.

I frowned a lil at her.She still looked familar to me.

"Hey Ashley how are you?" I asked her nicely.

"Oh fine" She said rather coldly. She turned towards the window I remembered trying to ignore me.

"You know what?" I said to her.

She turned around looking at me rather snooty."What?" She said.

"I ran into a girl walking down the beach who looks exacley like you,that wasn't you was it?" Nick asked me.

I was so surprised."It's her Nick ....God and she's not even going to tell you the truth.I thought.

I freaked. "Umm I don't think so I was in Orlando the other day" She replied.

I could tell she was rather anoyed by me so I decided to shut up.

"Well then I'll just leave you alone now" I told her.

So with that I took my head phones on and blared Nirvana. Ashley got up a few hours later to go to the bathroom. I was happy of course.She was gone for awhile. Like I really cared. She came back a few minutes later.Then all of a sudden we hit some really bad turbulence as she was sitting down she plunged straight forward into me.

"Ouch" She exclaimed.

"Man are you just magnetically attracted to me or something this is the second time in two days." Nick said frowning.

" Hey it's not my fault you were the one in my way" She said in a smarty pants kinda voice.

"Oh so now you don't lie do you?" Nick said pushing her off of him.

"Thanks alot jerk" Ashley said getting up off the tiny space below my feet.

Everyone came huddling around us after hearing the arguement we were having. "Whats going on here Ashley?" Her mom asked her sternly.

She sat up straight with a embarassed look on her face. "Nick here made me fall in the floor" She said giving me an acusing look.

"No she's always bumping into me and being a jerk about it" I said giving her a cocky smile.

"Well if you two are going to argue all the way there then maybe I should move you Ashley" My mom told her.

She got up and left to sit with Howie and AJ."God she is so anoying" I thought.

She turned around slowly and stuck her toungue out at me.So I did the same. "Who's older here? you or her Nick?" I thought.

I finally forgot she was even there laying my head back and falling softly to sleep.

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Chapter Two
