Forever Chapter Eleven

That weekend Meg arrived in London at the airport of course I was happy I had never even met her face to face before.We waited for about an hour for her then someone matching her features stepped off the planes ramp and into the air port. I screamed. "Meghan!" I ran and gave her a huge hug.Forgetting that I should have waited and let Brian hug her first. I let go and we both looked at each other then laughed. "How have you been!?" I asked her. "Great!" She smiled and I noticed her staring at Brian. So I let her go and she went up to Brian. And of course they were lip locking what else would you do when you first see your internet love? Nick just held me as we watched the two love birds. "Okay umm we got to get back sometime" Nick said. I could tell he was getting a lil impatent with them. "Nick!" I said jabbing him in the stomach. "Sorry!" He said. He grabbed me and turned me around taking me in his arms and kissing me. "Nick!" I exclaimed. "What got into you?" I laughed."Your just so beautiful I can't help myself" He said. He gave me his shy grin. I smiled stepping on my tip toes and kissed him.We left the airport and got in the black limo waiting outside for us. We got in and we were all really quiet. "Well..." I said shyly. Meg smiled at me. "Gosh this is just to awesome Ashley would you have ever imagined?" Meg said looking at me. "No never in our best dreams girl!" I said. I giggled a little and then smiled. Nick and Brian were just sitting there listening to us babble on and on about ourselves. "Wow so you two knew each other right?" Brian asked me. "Yeah you knew that Brian!" I said laughing. "Sorry I'm just trying to make convo here" Brian mummbled. After that no one really said anything Nick and I just sat there watching Brian and Meghan experiance all the things we had just began too experiance.We got to the hotel and we all went to our rooms. Well let's just say Brian and Meg went in the same room and Nick and I went in my room. "You'd think they'd never met before" Nick said joking. Then he laughed. "Duh! baby!" I said walking up to him and wrapping my arms around him. "Hey there in love what else can I say?" I looked in Nick's eyes. "Well ya that's about all you can say hunny" Nick looked down at me and smiled. Then slowly leaned down kissing me so passionatly. "Ashley I know this might be fast or it might not" Nick said. "But I love you it's just something I can't stop myself from feeling for you" I felt the tears well up in my eyes and finally the ran down my face like a little stream. "Gosh Nick....I'm speechless really I am.....I love you too matter how weird the circumstances are" I said.Nick picked me up twirling me around and then kissing me again. "God you have made me the happiest man alive Ashley....I swear I'll never forget this moment as long as I live" Nick said. He got so serious at saying that. I knew it had to be true. Meg and I had decided maybe to spend a lil quality time together so we packed up and went to all the stores in London. All the guys had some promos to do anyways. We caught a cab and went way into the city."So are you happy your here?" I asked meghan. "Gosh more than anyone could know" I said smiling. I really didn't even have to ask her about it I could plainly see that Brian and Meghan were very happy. "Well that's great.....I know I'm so like gosh how can I put it I'm nervous hehe I've never talked to you face to face it's all new for me" I said smiling. "Yeah same here but hey here I am girl!" Meghan said giggling. She leaned over and hugged me. For the rest of the day all we did was shop and shop some more. I could tell that Meghan was getting tierd of course I could have shopped for atleast 3 more hours. We returned back to the hotel to find AJ and Nick fighting. I walked up to them. "Hey what's this about?" I asked giving them both evil looks."He stole my cross necklace that I just bought!" Nick said yelling at AJ. "Man I didn't steal it I found it laying outside your door your lucky that no one else picked it up" AJ shot back at Nick. I stood between them and then finally took my hands and put them over there mouths. 'You shut up and you shut up" I said looking back and forth from Nick to AJ. They both got quiet. "Thank you now I will do what I think should be done before anyone comes and sees this commotion and notices who you are" I walked over behind AJ and placed my hands on his neck taking off the gold chain then I went and placed the necklace on Nick's neck then walked back right between them. 'Before you say another word AJ ...You know that's Nick's necklace now...he bought it so therefore you can't have it" I said. AJ got a sad puppy dog look on his face."Okay" He said quietly and then walked off. Nick stood there smiling. "Nick! Don't be mean!" I said with a stern voice. "I sowwy baby" Nick said. I looked back and noticed that Meg was gone and I felt so bad. "Gosh she sure does get in and get out" Nick said. "Yeah I feel bad now" I told him. "Hey don't be maybe she went to Brian's room or something" Nick told me. I nodded. "Yeah maybe your right" Nick smiled. "So what you wanna do tonight?" Nick asked me. "Hmm whatever you want to do" I said. My mind and eyes were on something else at the moment.I looked over and saw AJ talking to some girl. I was interested in seeing who she was.She looked so firmilar."Well okay then how about we go skinny dipping" Nick asked teasingly. "Yeah sure" I mumbled to him. He smiled."I can't believe that were gonna do that....hey go get ready!" Nick shouted. He ran back to his room really fast. I didn't even realize what I was agreeing too either.I quickly thought and remembered what I said and started screaming. "AHH Nick I didn't mean that come back here!" I ran to his room and already he was in his trunks. "What angel?" Nick asked me. "I said I didn't mean what I said!" I shouted at him.He smiled. "Ya I know I was just seeing if you were listening to me and obviously you weren't" I frowned. "I'm sorry baby" I came over and sat on the bed next to Nick.Nick wrapped his left arm around my waist and looked me in the eyes.A fell back on the bed and Nick got on top of me kissing me more passionately each time. I wasn't sure if I was just ready for this commitment yet I was so scared. I knew that this just wasn't the right time for this so I stopped Nick. "Nick...I ..I'm not ready for this just yet" I said. I felt so stupid now. I mean I had Nick Carter right here ready for my command but I just knew it wasn't the right time."What?" He asked softly still kissing my neck. "I just can't do this right now!" I said a little louder this time. He stopped and looked me straight in the eyes. "I understand I don't think I'm ready just yet either baby" Nick told me getting up off of me and walking over to the fridge and grabbing a coke. I just sat there on the bed surprised at what I had just heard.Nick had truely handdled this moment so great. A few weeks after that call from Nick I recieved another from AJ. "Hello?" I asked a little more cheerful this time. "Hey baby!" AJ said sweetly. "Hey bone" I said. "So are you doing better since our last talk?" AJ asked. "Well ya kinda I'm trying to live and look forward to being with you all again" I said smiling at the thought. "Well good news girl friend were coming back to Florida tomorow evening ...our tours over here in Europe time for a rest" AJ told me. I about screamed when he told me this. I had waited so long to hear this God it was such a dream come true. "Really?" I asked barely able to speak."Yes! and I'm bringing the goods if you know what I mean" AJ said giggling. "God I'm soo just gosh it's so hard to explain but I'm happy is all I know" I jumped up on my couch jumping up and down. I knew I wanted to cry but the tears just couldn't come. Aj continued. "Come to my place tomorow night around 7:00 ...then you can see Nick" I told him I would be there and then hung up dancing around my room singing. " up!" I yelled banging on the door.She finally opened up the door with sleep still in her eyes. "What?" I she asked me. "Hey...can I come in?" I asked. She finally let me in but ended up laying back on the bed. "Ashley I've thought about last night sooo much and I think you and I were right in not doing that....I want to wait till I'm married and I think you want too right?" I looked over at Ashley to see her laying on her bed fast asleep. I crawled in the bed with her and fell back asleep of course this way of sleeping was so much better.
