Forever Chapter Twelve

After that week Ashley had seemed to been a little distant I was praying it wasn't because of what had happened earlier that week. I walked to her room knocking on her door. No answer. So I simply opened the door.She wasn't anywhere to be found. So I was suspecting she had decided to go out with Meg. So I went down the hall and knocked on Brians door. "Hey man is Ashley here?" I asked. Brian shook his head. "But you can come in" Brian said cheerfully.So I walked inside there hotel and sat down sighing. I wondered where she was. Just as I was thinking that there was a knock at the door. I sat up straight and who was it. You guessed right Ashley. She came walking in acting as if everything were fine. I got up and went over to her. "Where have you been?" I asked quietly.She smiled. "Out" She said casually. I was mad now. "Okay fine" I said and walked out the door. She was acting so strange.I thought maybe we should just give each other some room so I did.

"Meg do you know who that girl is with AJ?" I said pulling Meghan aside. "Who!" Meghan asked me sarcasticlly. "It's Alissa....from Alabama....God that bitch!" I said in a angry tone. "What!" Meghan screamed.I grabbed her hand and we walked outside out hotel room and walked over to mine. "What's she doing here?" Meghan asked me. "Do you think I know!? I have to talk to AJ and right now!" I said. I dragged Meghan with me down the hall and straight to AJ's room. I banged on the door. He came walking to the door in nothing but a robe.My mouth dropped. "AJ!" I yelled. He smiled and motioned for me to come in. "What tha!" I said. "What's wrong I just woke up" AJ said smiling."Okay wheww" I said sighing. "Tell me what your so worried about now" AJ said watching me. Meghan just came in and ploped down on the bed watching AJ and I converse. "That girl AJ that girl your hanging out with she's bad news I'm telling you" I warned him with serious eyes. "Who Alissa?" AJ asked sounding as if she were just something petty. "Yes her you coo koo brain who else do you think I'm talking about!" I shouted. AJ just sat there smiling and accasionally laughing at me. For what reasons I still wasn't sure. "Were not together plus I think she's a little to whiney for me so naw I don't got any eyes on her at all" AJ said. I sighed a sigh of relief. still I wanted to know that the heck she was doing here. "Why's she here then?" I asked AJ. "We met on the net about 2 months ago we thought maybe we would be good for each other turns out when she gets here she's just not right for me" AJ said. "Man are you sooo right" I said that grabbing my mouth with my hands and giggling. AJ and Meghan busted up laughing.I turned red. "Gosh really she is if you want I can explain. I sat there for about 2 hours explaining myself to AJ. After I was through he decided to go tell her himself that it just wasn't going to work out.Meg and I just sat and chilled in AJ's room until Nick came in the door. He didn't even look me in the eye just mummbled something. "I'm going out with ray" I got up and walked outside. He looked as if he wasn't going to stop even if I tried to grab him."Nick where are you going?" I asked grabbing his arm. He slung it back and continued to walk away. "What's it to you Ashley?" Nick asked. I could tell he was angry with me it was in his voice.I walked a lil faster I might have even ran. I got right up in his face. "Nick what's wrong with you" I asked. He gave me a scowl and pushed me out of his way again. "Never mind then" I wrapped my arms around myself crying and walking back towards my room this time. AJ stopped me on my way in. "Hey hold up girl what's wrong?" He asked wrapping his free arm around me the other had a pizza box in it. "Nick he's upset at me" I bellowed out.AJ took me inside and held me comforting me in my time of need.

It was 6:30 and I was so ready for this. It had be almost 8 months since I had seen Nick,held Nick or kissed Nick. All I could think about was loving him and being with him this night. I was dressed in a short black skirt with a white long sleaved shirt with one of those cute sweater tops over it. I thought I looked aweful cute tonight maybe Nick would notice me too. Never once that night had the thought of maybe that Nick had moved on entered my mind but those thoughts were to harsh to think just right now. At about 15 till I hopped in my car and drove over to AJ's house. My heart was racing like a race horse I thought I was going to die of the long awaited moment if it didn't happen soon. I got there and no one was there. I walked up to the door just in time to turn around and see a white limo pull up. I grabbed at my chest feeling as if at any moment I was going to scream. AJ came out first then Brian and Meghan of course they never could be seen apart. But this time I saw them they didn't look to happy. After Brian Howie came out I thought the suspense was going to kill me. Then finally after Kevin abounded out Nick came stepping out of the car. Just giving me this look. A look I'd never seen him give before.I smiled nervously. He smiled back but his smile wasn't so warm anymore. Something inside me was telling me maybe he had forgotten me but I quickly pushed the thought aside and walked up to him and embraced him. "I love you" I whispered in his ear. I waited for him to return it but I heard nothing. I was hurt. We all walked in after AJ had unlocked his big alarm system. I walked in right next to Nick and sat down on Aj's warm cozy couch. I felt so awkward being with him as if he didn't want me there or something of that sort. I looked over at him but he didn't look at me. Soon I just thought "Maybe he's tierd Ashley" And so I agreed and waited for someone to break the silence. "So Ash how's your day been?" AJ called from the kitchen to me smiling. I got up and walked in there where he could hear me a little more better. "Pretty good just same ole same ole you know" After AJ had broken the silence everyone started to talk even Nick. He was gibber gabbing to Howie about something. I watched Brian give Meg a glaring look and then walk outside of AJ's ocean front house. I gave AJ a puzzled look and then he pulled me over to the side. "There in a fit.....Well maybe I shouldn't tell you why ...." AJ whispered. He had peaked my intrest now. "What is it AJ ...Tell me" I said loudly and fierce. "It's about Nicky poo how about we take a walk and I'll try to tell you" AJ said. I agreed. I walked out the back door not even telling Nick and a part of me didn't want to care. AJ and I walked for awhile with nothing to say then he finally began to tell me the truth. "Ashley....Well how do I tell you this" AJ said. His eyes were telling me that this surely wasn't going to be good. "Just tell me damn it I can't take it anymore" I said throwing my hands up in the air. AJ started again. "Well Ashley last night well....We think that Nick and Meghan have something going on Brian caught them kissing last night....I'm sorry" My face fell I fell straight to the sand crying. If everything wasn't bad in my life before this it was now. AJ bent down to comfort me but I didn't need him. "Get away" I yelled through my tears. I got up and ran to AJ's house all the way the anger was just running through me I couldn't think about anything but fussing Nick out for doing this to me. I busted through the door finding him in the place I left him. The tears were still coming so hard I couldn't see straight.I pointed to him. "Damn you Nick...what's the word love to you anyways!" I said screaming . Nick stood up looking shocked. Meghan and Brian came walking in the room at the sound of me. "And you....Your suppost to be my best friend look what you did to me....behind my bitch!" I said pointing at her now. I felt like I was in a roomful of strangers. AJ came barrelling through the door staring at me in disbelief. "Ashley let me ex----" Nick interceeded. I stopped him in mid sentance though. "Don't even start Nick I don't care to see you ever ....Ever again do you hear that!" I turned around and grabbed my coat and flung the door open. Nick came after me and so did Meghan. I turned around and glared at both of them. "How dare you both.....I swear ...Just go ahead ...Show me how well you two are together I want to see" I said. I shoved Meghan right into Nick's arms and smiled a fake smile. "that's perfect wait I forgot my camera to bad" I said hopping in my car. Nick came up to the window but I just turned and backed out of the drive way some how feeling worse then I had when I had first pulled up.I drove home in tears they were bluring my vision I couldn't help but cry though. The only man I thought I could ever love had just left me. I leaned my hand forward and turned on the radio and who could it be on there. "Backstreetboys" I mummbled. There song "I'll never break your heart " Was on. I just sat there thinking about how much that song was just crap bull crap. I thought about how over the years I had told Meghan I had told her that I loved Nick with all my heart even if I didn't really know him yet. Now was diffrent now he was mine. Or was he ? I made it home but didn't come out of my car I spent the rest of my night sitting there listening to that one song....but this time on my cd player. Over and over again. Trying to believe all the words Nick sang.

Chapter Thirteen
