Forever Chapter Fourteen

The next few weeks were spent alone mostly I went out with AJ and Brian and some other friends. Ever since the other day I felt better about how everything had ended up even if it wasn't suppose to end like this. Maybe sometimes the things that are meant to be just take awhile to be meant to be. This day I had decided to drive over to Brians because he had called and asked me over for a little party he was having. They were going back on tour two days from now and he wanted to make sure they went out with a bash. When I arrived AJ came running outside to greet me almost knocking me over. "Hey" I said laughing. "Hey where have you been ? In a hole?" He asked giggling. "No at my house dude" I said. "Oh well anyways come on in girlie" He said. We walked inside to where the party was jamming I looked around noticing all the guys were here and oh yeah Nick was too. I watched as my EX best friend and EX lover danced together. I knew he wanted me to watch but I just couldn't. I turned my head and walked over to AJ who was over at the punch and refreshment table. "Hey you wanna dance?" I shouted over the loud music. "Sure!" He said taking my hand and leading me out to the floor. Cher's "Believe" came on and everyone was dancing I just danced like I was in a daze listening to the music everything it said had to do with me. The fact was did I believe that there was a life after love and frankly I answered that question back with a "Heck no" I laughed and AJ turned and looked at me like I was mentally ill. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah just thinking boner" I said. The song finally ended and I walked back to the refreshments table bumping into Nick on accident. I didn't say a word and neither did he. He finally walked away with his and Meghan's plate. I sighed and decided to go back into Brians bedroom and watch some tv or something. So I did I went and flopped myself right on his big king sized bed and closed my eyes dreaming of the days when Nick and I were so happy and not so unhappy now. "Hey" Brian said walking in and closing the door behind him. "You alright?" He asked immediatly with a worried look on his face. "Fine ...I'm fine Brian just a little tierd and bored of everyone and everything" I said. "Yeah I'm sorry this party wasn't the best" He said. "No it's going great for everyone ...just not me you really should just go back in there and have fun I'll be fine just watch some tv or play a game of nintendo" I said reaching for the remote. "Okay call me if you need me Ashes" He said walking out of the door. I placed my head on the bed crying deeply. All the pain from inside came out gushing all over Brians bed. I finally was so exhausted that I fell asleep during my tearful release. I woke up later on in the night noticing where I was a I freaked. I got up walking into Brians living room noticing that AJ had passed out on the rug and so had Howie. I was about to walk out the door when I was startled by AJ shouting. "What do you mean I can't do that who do you think you are do you know who I am officer!!! I am AJ freaking ass Mclean of the backdoor I mean backstreetboys" I started to laugh quietly and then it turned into one of those drop on the floor laugh. I heard a light flip on and I saw Brian standing there with a mighty sleepy evil look. "Ummm ummm I'm sorry I was just leaving" I explained. "Why you should just stay here go jump in my bed I'll get you one of my shirts so you won't like feel uncomfy" He said smiling shyly. I followed him back into the condo's bedrooms and he got me a gray t shirt and some jogging pants to sleep in. "Here night night Ashley" He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. He then went back to his spare bedroom and went to bed I was guessing. I slipped off my clothes and was just about to get in the shirt when someone came barging through the door. I screamed. "WHAT!" I turned to see AJ standing there drunken of course and looked as if he were about to unload his guts I ran to the bathroom with only a bar and some jogging pants on to help him to the toliet. Thank God I did cuz he seemed to puke out everything in that one time. I got him a towel to help him out. "AJ babe I'll be right back hang in there" I said. I ran back to Brians room and put Brian's gray shirt on. Just in time to because Brian came running out of his room. "What the hell is happening in here?" He asked looking at me confused. "AJ he's having a hang over I guess" I said. "Dang that must really suck bone" He said. "Yeah...It--" AJ tried to say but then started puking again. "Yuck!" I exclaimed feeling a little weazy myself. I stepped out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. "You alright?" Brian asked coming up behind me. I turned around and saw him. "Yeah this sure has been a night for me!" I exclaimed. "Yeah me too I didn't drink as much as these fellows though Howie should be barfing in the next bathroom in awhile" Brian said laughing. "Poor baby's " I said with a puppydog look on my face. "hehe you are so compasionate Ash" Brian said smiling. "Yeah it's just me I can be a freak sometimes though" I said laughing. "Yeah me too..I'm gonna miss you when we leave again girl" He said sadly. "Yeah I'd come if like Nick and II still weren't in a hissy and I'm sure Meg's coming" I said sighing. "Yeah...but Meg's staying here she has some music audition thing I think" Brian said. My face lit up. "Well maybe I will think about it" I said taking another gulp of my orange juice. "Yeah you should don't let Nick stop you girlfriend what is it that the spice girl's say?" He asked sounding as if he were embarassed that he didn't know. "Girl power baby!" I said busting up laughing. "UHHH!" Howie said from the room and imediatly he rose up and ran for the nearest bathroom. He joined AJ puking at the toilet and the sink. "Dang we have a bunch of sick puppys" Brian said giggling. I walked back into the lving room sitting down on this leather recliner and drifting slowly back to sleep. Only to be awaken the next morning by yelling. "What the hell is she doing here what you accuse me of being a cheater and crap and now she's sitting there in your clothes asleep Brian explain that" Nick said angrily. I sat up and said "Why the heck should you care what I do Nick it's not your life so butt out!" I said firmly. "Yeah what she said" Brian said scrambling for words. "Fine then I'll be going now that all the joy in me coming over has been spoiled" Nick said looking at me while he said it. "Hey I didn't say you had to leave I mean yes I'm here Nick and yes your going to have to get use to the idea of having me around cuz I'm gonna be in your face 24/7 for the next four months!" I said coming into the kitchen. "Why's that?" He asked me. "I'm touring with you guys Brian and AJ invited me" I said with a haughty voice. "Fine with me" He said. I went into the kitchen and got some cereal out and a bowl and ate some breakfast watching Nick's evil glares keep coming my way. I got done and put my plate in the sink and went back into the back bedrooms to check up on AJ and D. They were both snuggled in the bed I was sleeping in earlier they looked so sweet. I felt a huge smile spread across my face bigger than any I had seen lately. I walked back in the kitchen noticing that Nick had finally left. "Hey he left?" I tried to not sound so happy but it was hard. "Yeah he was to pissed to stay anyways" Brian said putting some of the dishes up. "Well it's his own fault he can be mad I'm only mad when he makes me mad" I said helping Brian with the dishes. "Well I should be mad at him but I'm not I blame Meg more then him I loved her you know" He said sounding like he was about to cry. "Awe Brian I'm sorry really.....we both were hurt weren't we?" I asked. "Yes even more I wanted to give her this" Brian said. My eyes lit up with excitment "Oh my gawd Brian!" I screamed looking down at this beautiful.---

Last Chapter Fifteen
