Forever Chapter Fifteen

"My God Brian it's a engagement ring isn't it?" I asked stunned by the diamond on this gold band. "Yes it's for Meghan ...Well it was I don't know what to do with it now" Brian said sadly. "You know what Brian the same thing goes for you if you want Meghan bad enough your going to have to fight for her" I said firmly. "Well maybe we should both fight for what's rightfully ours" Brian said. "Yeah but I think mine is a lost cause now there just isn't the love there anymore I think it would be better if I just moved on" I said walking off into the hall trying to avoid any talk about it. I went back into Brian's room and saw that AJ was finally awaking and so was Howie. "Good morning sleepy heads" I said laughing. "God have I been hit by a bus or what?" AJ said rubbing his head. "Well you have been drunk that should explain it" I told him. "Here's some coffee you guys" I said handing them mugs of coffee. "Thank's Ashes for everything" Bone said. "Yeah same here" Howie said. "Well I mean if I was drunk you guys would take care of me" I said. "Yeah that's true" Howie said. "Okay well I'm gonna go get dressed and head home I'll see you guys later" I said starting to walk out of the room. "Hey you can't leave without a hug" AJ said with a sad puppy dog face. "Oh yeah I can't can I ?" I said laughing I walked back in the room and hung low and hugged AJ then walked to the other side of the bed and hugged D "Bye" They said at the same time. "Bye boys" I finally walked out of the room my clothes in my hand and walked into Brians bathroom and took a shower then threw my clothes on. After I was through I went to the living room to tell Brian I was leaving. "Briabear I'm gonna head out" I said sweetly. "Okay thanks for helping me out" He said. "Your welcome thanks for everything too" I said. "Your welcome come back anytime and you know that offer stands true" He said. "Yeah I will bye" I opened the door and walked outside to the open fresh beach air. It smelt so great I loved it here. I walked slowly to my jeep and then loaded all my stuff up and took off. I was drove around town and felt a little hungry so I stopped at a fast food joint. I sat there thinking more and more about Nick . Maybe Brian's right maybe I should fight for Nick but I later banished then thought from my mind. I watched as happy couples came strolling through the door laughing and smiling. I acually felt a tear feel in my eye. I had never meant to be so mean to Nick I loved him deep down inside I did. I finally couldn't hold back my tears so I took my food and went out to my car. I cried for awhile and then felt a little better. I drove back to my lonely house and sat there watching old home videos of us on the road. At one part I finally just had to turn it off it was when Nick was holding me in his arms and kissing me right in front of the camera AJ was yelling something about no tounging. I laughed but then it hurt. I stood up pressing the eject button. You know sometimes the best things aren't meant to last forever just wasn't a word in my dictionary after all this time I had lost him. Maybe I would give up this last fight or maybe I wouldn't. I walked up to my room that night and wrote a short entry in my journal and cut off my light and started to close my eyes when I heard my cordless phone ringing. I reached over and picked it up. "Hello?" I said. "Ashley get down to the hospital there's been an accident" AJ said. "What who??" I asked frantically. "It's Nick he's been in an accident he's hurt really bad" AJ said. I jumped up out of my bed getting dressed. "Alright I'm on my way" I said. "okay bye" AJ said I hung up rushing to the hospital. Unfortunately this yet was just another one of my dreams I woke up sweating and crying and looked over at my phone that was ringing. I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Ashley is that you?" The voice asked. "Yes what is it?" I asked. "Can we talk?" He asked. "Sure " with that I clicked my phone down. Just maybe this could be another chance for us who knows sometimes when you love someone you have to wait to see when the sun will rise and they will love you again. I've learned not to give up on love and I won't ever, not even on Nick.
