Forever Chapter Two

"Hey Ashley wake up" I heard my mom's voice echoing through my head

."What?" I said sleeply waking up to her smile.

"Time to get off the plane angel" I got up slowly and took my carry on's off with me.

I passed by Nick's seat but I didn't see him. Thank God. We walked slowly off the plane and I noticed Nick and all the guys standing in a circle talking. I knew I wasn't a part of it so I walked on.

"Hey Ash come here" Aj said

. I turned around and walked closer towards him.

"Hey did sleeping beauty wake up?" He asked joking with me.

"Yeah but there was no prince there to kiss me awake" I said flirtly.

He blushed. "Well if I had known you wanted a goodmorning kiss then it would have been but you didn't tell me" I laughed.

"Maybe next time" I said walking off slowly.

Nick I noticed still had an evil look glared towards me. I shrugged it off though.He wasn't worth a bit of my time.

"Yeah man she's really cool I think" Aj said smiling.

I frowned. "Of course old Nicky here has a taste for her so I better watch out.

"No I don't like her are you all happy now?" They all were fairly shocked.

"Gosh Nick she really seems to like you too" Brian said laughing.

They all suddenly got quiet so I had to see what the problem was here. I looked up at the ladder extending from the plane and there she was walking down. I felt sudden anger come over me. So I turned my head to her."Hey Ash come here" I heard AJ say.

I wanted to kill him now. "Hey did sleeping beauty wake up?" Aj asked her.

She pranced closer. God shes so sickning. I thought.

"Yeah but there was no prince there to kiss me awake" Ashley said.

God shes such a lil flirt. She laughed.Which also bugged me so badly.

"Well if I had known you wanted a goodmorning kiss then it would have been but you didn't tell me" Aj said back.

Now they were both in this little flirt thing here. Its not like you care Carter. I thought to myself.

She turned around."Well maybe next time" She said and then walked off.

Aj of course was looking pretty chipper.

"I think she likes me" He told the guys. I sighed and walked off.

"What are you thinking getting in fights with Nick?" My mom asked me.

"God mom he was the one that started it he is such a dork" I exclaimed loudly.

"Look if you don't straighten up you will be on the first flight out of here, I want you to apoligize right now and get along with him Ashley."

I sighed"Yes mother just for you" I said smartly.

"No for you Ashley" My mom told me.

She grabbed my arms and pushed me out of the bathroom and out to the guys. but when we got there Nick was no where in site.

"Oh well mom he's not here I'm gone." I said quickly running off.

My mom almost yelled but stopped herself before she said what she wanted to. I ran around the back of the airport to this lil stair way where I was sure Nick was no where to bug me. But I was wrong. I turned around and saw him sitting above me . I turned. "Hmph" I said loudly attempting to walk off.

"Hey please stop" Nick said softly to me.

His voice just made me it's so hard to explain it was like something inside me wanted to stay. "What?" I asked still turned around.

"Ashley if were going to hate each other this whole trip it's just going to be hell for both of us so what I'm asking is if you will please forgive me and maybe consider us being friends?" He asked me sweetly.

I sighed. "Well I guess" I said sharply still.

"God you can't ever be nice to me can you" Nick asked.

He got mad and walked off. I felt really bad now. I ran after him.

"Nick stop" I said firmly.

He turned around his blonde angel hair was falling all around.

"What?" He asked sharply.

I sat there and stared at him for a milla second.

"Nick I'm sorry about me being so bitchy lately, I really wouldnt mind being friends okay?"

He frowned a lil but tried not to show the smile I saw breaking through.

"okay then if it's what you want" He told me.

"Yeah it is I don't want to spend my whole summer being at war with you" He laughed.

"Yeah that would suck" We both laughed then.

"Hey we better head back over to the plane they might leave us" I said somewhat worried.

"Naw they can't leave me..." He joked.

"Really" I said seriously.

"Okay whinny baby then lets go" Nick grabbed my arm and we ran back to the plane.

When we got there everyone was gone.

"Oh crap they have left us Nick" I said starting to get a bit worried.

"Hey don't worry I'm sure there around here somewhere and if not then I'm sure we can grab a cab" I was really worried now.

"But Nick are you sure?" I questioned him.

"Yes positive believe me I'll call AJ he'll get us there" Nick slowly took my hand and we walked in the airport.

"Hey shouldn't we page them first?" I questioned

"Yeah thats a good idea"

So Nick and I walked up to the front desk

"Yes could you page Mrs Carter for me?" Nick asked the desk clerk.

"Yes I can hold on," She picked her phone up and paged.

"Yes could i please have a Mrs Carter come to the front desk please?" The desk attendant did this serveral times but I knew what had happened.

Mine and Nick's amends had messed everything up. I could hear my mom now.

"Nick it's no use there not here they left us here" I said sighing.

"Yeah I think your right lets go to a pay phone"

Nick and I walked over to the nearest pay phone to make a call but guess what we had no change neither of us. This was just great we were stuck here for the night.

"Nick God were stuck here" I said getting a lil scared.

"I'm sure they will come back I mean we have to get ready for the show tomorow maybe they meant it this way you know so you and I could become friends and apolize. I'm just waiting for Brian or AJ to jump out and say boo." Nick said chuckling to himself.

"Nick no ones jumping out" I told him.

I grabbed onto his arm. We decided to just stay the night here sleep on the chairs like helpless little bums.

"Well I guess we have no choice boy if we aren't friends after this night I'm not sure what will change our minds"

I didn't feel like laughing this was a small nightmare.

"Sorry I know this isn't that funny but it's kinda cool but odd if you think about it" Nick said smiling at me.

"Well right now I feel like I could sleep forever" I closed my eyes slowly.

"Well let's sit you down then Ashley"

Nick took my by the hand and led me to some leather seats in the airport. He sat down first. Then I sat down also.

"Hey if you want to you can lay your head on my lap that way you might be comfier." Nick suggested.

"Yeah but what about you?" I asked him.

"Oh well I'm a man" He said rubbing his chest.

I was about to die laughing.

"Well are you sure?" I asked him about to lay down.

"Yes I'm positive ash."

I slowly laid my head down on his lap right after I had I fell right asleep. Nick shifted and then laid down on the seats and slowly placed me on his chest. He too fell asleep.

"Nick you listen to me mr you better be nicer to her or I'll get you,Ground you from those final fantasy things"

Nick stopped dead in his tracks

"Wait hold up,okay yes Ma'am I will I promise"

My mom smiled of course.

"Thank you Nick I knew you would do it for me"

I smiled and walked off,I walked around the airport to this little stairway and sat about 6 steps up. I thought I could or would be alone but I looked up to the sound of steps coming closer. When who could it be? Ashley of course.I sighed. She didn't see me up there so I decided to speak up.She then saw me and started to walk off.

"Hey stop please" I asked her sweetly.

"What?" She asked me.She was still turned around.

"Ashley if were going to hate each other this whole trip it's just going to be hell for both of us so what I'm asking is if you will please forgive me and maybe consider us being friends?"

I asked her with my sweet angel voice,It always killed the girls,she sighed.

"Well I guess" She said a lil smart attiududed.

"God you can't ever be nice to me can you" I asked her.

"No Carter she is just a immature lil brat that doesn't seem to like you like all the other girls do" I thought silently.

I got mad and walked off. I felt So rejected now.No girl had ever done this.Of course there's always time for that.But her? She came slowly behind me and grabbed me by the arm.

"Nick stop" She told me firmly.

I turned around my hair was going everywhere.I sure hope she found it sexy though.

"What?" I asked her a lil put out with her attitude.I noticed she sat there and stared at me for a few moments.

"Nick I'm sorry about me being so bitchy lately,I really wouldnt mind being friends okay?" She frowned a lil but tried not to show me the smile that she wanted to let break through.

"okay then if it's what you want" I told her folding my arms across my chest.

"Yeah it is I don't want to spend my whole summer being at war with you"

I laughed."She's pretty Carter" I thought.

"Yeah that would suck" We both laughed then.

"Hey we better head back over to the plane they might leave us" She said.

I could tell she was getting a lil nervous. "Naw they can't leave me..." I joked.

"Really" I said seriously.

"Okay whinny baby then lets go" I grabbed Her arm gently and we ran back to the plane.

When we got there everyone was gone

"Oh crap they have left us Nick" Now she sounded more scared then she was a few minutes before.

I too was feeling a little worried.

"Hey don't worry I'm sure there around here somewhere and if not then I'm sure we can grab a cab" I told her.

But I wasn't even sure I had gotten my wallet back from my mom,Her face tensed up.I wished I could have made her feel a little more at ease at that moment but I was scared too.

"But Nick are you sure?" She questioned me.

"Yes positive believe me I'll call AJ he'll get us there"

"Why are you lieing to her Carter your about to go crazy here"I told myself.

I slowly took her hand.It felt great her hand in mine it made this lil tickling feeling go through my body.I ignored it though.We walked in the airport.

"Hey shouldn't we page them first?" She questioned me

"Yeah thats a good idea" I told her.

Ashley and I walked up to the front desk I was sure they were gone,What were we suppose to do now?

"Yes could you page Mrs Carter for me?"I asked the desk clerk.

"Yes I can hold on," She picked her phone up and paged.

"Yes could I please have a Mrs Carter come to the front desk please?" The desk attendant did this serveral times but I knew what had happened.

I had this fearful feeling coming all over me,I didn't want her to have to do this it was her first day here.

"Poor girl" I thought.

"Nick it's no use there not here they left us here" She said sighing.

"Yeah I think your right lets go to a pay phone"

Ashley and I walked over to the nearest pay phone to make a call but guess what we had no change neither of us.

"Great I did forget my wallet,Good job Carter" I scolded myself.

This was just great we were stuck here for the night.Of course we could make this a better night.All we had to do was just not think of the fact that we were stuck here.

"Nick God were stuck here" She said I could tell now that look was of pure fear.

I thought she would cry any minute "I'm sure they will come back I mean we have to get ready for the show tomorow maybe they meant it this way you know so you and I could become friends and apolize. I'm just waiting for Brian or AJ to jump out and say boo." I said chuckling to myself.

I knew no one was going to pop out I just wished they would.."Nick no ones jumping out" She told me.

I remember her grabbing onto my arm tightly. We decided to just stay there the night.I guess sleep in thesse lil leather uncomfortable chairs.

"Well I guess we have no choice boy if we aren't friends after this night I'm not sure what will make us change"

She didn't seem to happy now.

"Sorry I know this isn't that funny but it's kinda cool but odd if you think about it" I told her.

I was just trying to make both of us at ease.

"Well right now I feel like I could sleep forever" She closed her eyes slowly.

I could tell she was tierd so was I.

"Well let's sit you down then Ashley" I took her by the hand and led her to the small leather seats in the corner of the gate at the airport.

I sat down first,Then she sat down also

"Hey if you want to you can lay your head on my lap that way you might be comfy"

"You know you want her to do that don't you Carter?"

I shook the thought away,ignoring it."Yeah but what about you?" She asked me sweetly.

"Oh well I'm a man" I said rubbing my chest.

"Boy that sounded so stupid!" I laughed at myself on the inside.

She looked as if she were about to crack up laughing at me.

"Well are you sure?" She asked me one more time her head was just about to touch me.

"Yes I'm positive ash."

She slowly laid her head on my lap.I felt so happy now all the fear I had was gone. I looked down a few seconds later and she was fast asleep.She looked so sweet while she was sleeping. I shifted a bit but I really couldn't sleep like this so I took her and lifted her up while I laid down then I placed her head on my chest.After I had settled in I fell fast asleep.

Of Course You know what this is! The link back to this story page

Chapter Three
