Forever Chapter Three

I stirred a little and looked down at Nick who was still sleeping peacefully.He had been so sweet to sacrifice his sleep for mine. I had seen that he had laid me on top of him so we could be more comfortable. He stirred a little and then I decided to sit up.So I did and a few minutes later he woke up.

"Hey" He mumbled softly.

I smiled sweetly.

"Hey you look like you had a rough night,I didn't hurt you or bug you or anything?" I asked him.

"Naw I'm fine just thesse chairs you didn't hurt me at all,Your light as a feather girl"

I gave him a uh hun kinda grin.

"Well what do we do now Nick?" I asked him.

He stared off but then brought his attention back to me.

"Well I have no idea why don't we ask someone for 32 cents to make a call believe me I can pay them back later." I smiled.

"Well of course you can Nick." I told him giving him a your crazy kinda look.

"Well then shall we?"

He got up and stood over me extending his hands to me.

"Well sure" I said.

I took his hands and he helped me up, We walked up to the desk and Nick proceeded to ask the desk clerk.

"Yes umm I know this sounds really odd but I left my wallet with my mom when we stepped off our plane and I have no change what so ever and this little lady and I we slept here all night because they left us." The clerk smiled.

"Well how much do you need Mr Carter" She said winking at Nick.His His eyes got big.

"Well umm about 32 cents" He asked shly.

I could tell right at that moment he was so embarassed.

"How about I give you a ten and my address so you can mail me the money later" He smiled.

Trying not to show how embarassed he was to have to be practically begging.

"Thanks Miss, I will send you back that bill" He said winking at her.

She handed us her phone number and address and of course the money and we walked to the nearest phone.

"So whats the first thing your going to do when we get back to the hotel ?" I asked Nick.

"God I want to kiss you" I told myself.

Well I'm going to lay down and sleep until our show tonight" He told me.

"Well I think that sounds nice...I think I might do what your going to do,only you know seprate beds and all" He laughed and blushed too.

"Yeah to,sounds nice" He said recovering.

"God I want to cuddle up with you again." I said silently inside.

"God you sound like some horn dog Ashley" I scolded myself.

"Yeah so anyways lets go ahead and make that call"

I said ignoring the fact that Nicks eyes were locked totally on me.

"Oh yeah sorry"

Nick took the change and ploped it in the phone. he picked the phone up and dialed AJ's phone. I was guessing then that he picked up because Nick said hello. They talked for awhile then the conversation got a little more serious .I think that AJ was yelling at Nick. As if it were his fault we had spent our night here in this place. He finally hung up and turned to me.

"God there on there way how about we go down stairs and get something to eat?" Nick asked me.

"Well sounds nice to me" I smiled hoping it would make Nick a little more happier too.

We walked down the iron steal steps and down to where all the food was located. I noticed a man standing to the side he looked a little homeless. I stopped and looked at Nick.

"Please can we give him 2 or 3 dollars?" I asked him with pleading eyes.

He looked a little worried but gave in, I walked closer to the man and was just about to hand him the money when he grabbed my arm and held out a knife, I screamed.

"Please don't hurt me" I begged him.

He held the knife closer to my neck.

"No one move or the girl gets hurt"

Nicks eyes started to well up he was so worried he tried to come closer to grab me but he knew it was no use, Security was called but they couldn't just shoot him because they would have to kill me too. He grabbed me and opened a exiting door behind him and we exited through the door,I staggered crying more in more in fear.

"Please don't hurt me, What did I do?" I asked.

I could feel the tears stinging my face as they fell down. "Your with that boy,that super star, Nick somebody I've seen him before at the magizine stands on the covers, you can get me the money I need to live" He told me.

His voice was horse and terrifying, He was going to use me to get money, I knew now that this summer trip was going to be more then what I bargained for. I looked at the door we had just left and no one was even trying to help me, He took my by my hand and we ran to a car,t was in very bad shape on the outside but who knows how well it could run,he opened my door and shoved me in,he took out some hand cuffs and cuffed me to the car.

"There that way we won't have any problem with you trying to escape will we." He smiled evily at me.

I sat there crying and crying, the tears I thought would never stop, I had never been so terrified in my life. He started the car up but soon found there were police chasing us,He kept on though. Finally we parked in some underground car garage and I heard the loud sirens pass by,I knew that there might now be no hope for me.He jumped out of the drivers side and the opened my door making me fall down to the ground.

"Oww" I said crying more,He showed no pitty on me.

"Get up bitch" He said fiercly,I slowly rose from my feet but I refused to look this man in the eyes,he took me to some dark room and shoved me on the floor tieing my feet and and hand cuffing my hands.He then slapped a peice of duck tape on my mouth. My face dropped as I cried. He walked away and I didn't see him for what seemed like hours.

I remember waking up to her face. It was weird.I'd never met someone like her. And I mean really. She had this beautiful smile. Long brown hair that was just so pretty. Her brown eyes that just twinkled when she smiled. I think I was beganing to like this girl alot. I looked up at her and smiled. "Hey" I said still half asleep. She looked over and me and smiled.

"Hey" I mumbled softly.

Her smile seemed to light up this small dark plave in my heart.

"Hey you look like you had a rough night.I didn't hurt you or bug you or anything?" She asked me.

"Naw I'm fine just thesse chairs you didn't hurt me at all.Your light as a feather girl"She gave me a your lying kinda look.

"Well what do we do now Nick?" She asked me.

I noticed her legs were swinging back and forth. I wondered if she were as nervous as I was. I stared off not meaning to.Of course my head was filled with thoughts. I heard her and turned my attention back to her.

"Well I have no idea why don't we ask someone for 32 cents to make a call believe me I can pay them back later." I told her smiling.

"Well of course you can Nick" She told me.

I wondered if she liked me like I did her. "Well then shall we?" I got up and stood over her.

"You want to hold her hand don't you Carter?"

shook my head trying to forget anything my head was saying.Just extending my hands to her.

"Well sure" She said.

She took my hands and I helped her up.We walked up to the desk and I proceeded to ask the desk clerk.

"Yes umm I know this sounds really odd but I left my wallet with my mom when we stepped off our plane and I have no change what so ever and this little lady and I we slept here all night because they left us."

The clerk smiled."Well how much do you need Mr Carter" She said winking at Nick.

"God people always notice me don't they?"

I thought to myself silently .

"Well umm about 32 cents" I asked her somewhat shy.

I was somewhat embarassed to think I have tons of money but yet at the moment I have none.

"How about I give you a ten and my address so you can mail me the money later." I smiled.

I felt so bad to be doing this right in front of Ashley.

"Thanks Miss I will send you back that bill" I said winking at her.

She handed us her phone number and address and of course the money and we walked to the nearest phone.

"So whats the first thing your going to do when we get back to the hotel ?" Ashley asked me.

"Be with you" I told myself.

"Well I'm going to lay down and sleep until our show tonight" I told her but really I wanted to hold her so close and maybe take a nap with her.

"Well I think that sounds nice, I think I might do what your going to do,only you know seprate beds and all" I laughed and blushed too.

"I wonder if she wants me as bad as I want her?" I thought to myself.

"Yeah,sounds nice" I said.

"She almost had you there Carter" I told myself.

"Yeah so anyways lets go ahead and make that call"

I wasn't even alive I didn't think I felt like I only had eyes for her. As I stared uncontrolably

"Oh yeah sorry" I took the change and ploped it in the phone. I picked the phone up and dialed AJ's phone. AJ finally picked up

"Hey" I said.

"Where have you been Nick God we have been looking for you for hours we even came back to the airport and looked you were no where." AJ said scolding me.

"Hey it's not my fault AJ I left for just a second and then like I met Ashley and we talked and all,Then we come walking back in and you guys are gone so hey don't blame it on us" Nick said sighing.

"Hey well her mom and your mom are freaking here,So were on our way please don't leave" AJ said to me.

"Sure see ya" I hung up and turned around looking at Ashley.

"God there on there way how about we go down stairs and get something to eat?" I asked her.

I was somewhat agervated with AJ.

"Well sounds nice to me" She smiled.

It made me feel a little better still I was mad.We walked down the iron steal steps and down to where all the food was located. I saw Ashley watching someone so I looked over to see what her eyes were peering at.It was a homeless guy.Ashley's eyes I could see were filled with so much sorrow.She turned to me and looked at me with longing eyes.

"Please can we give him 2 or 3 dollars?" She asked me with her pleading eyes

I wasn't so sure about it I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach but I couldn't tell her no,Ashley took the money from my hand and walked closer to the man.Right as she got to him I saw out of the corner of my eye the man grab a big knife out of his pocket. I was suddenly feeled with panick I didn't know what to do or think.I was out of any words to say.Her expression alone left me to question inside my soul. She screamed making everyone look at her and this freak..

"Please don't hurt me" She begged him.

I wanted to take her in my arms so much and get her from this man but I knew he would hurt her if I even tried. He held the knife closer to her neck.My heart felt as if it weren't beating.Like this was all a dream. "No one move or the girl gets hurt. The mad man called out.My eyes welled up with tears I felt so helpless it was a feeling no one can explain it's like it's right there in front of you but there's no way to help.Security was called but they couldn't just shoot him because they would have to kill her too. He finallly grabbed her feircly and jerked her through the exiting door.I ran towards the door after her but a security gaurd stopped me.

"Do you know what your going to do when you get to him boy?" He asked me. I dropped to my knees and held my face in my hands and cried a little.Right there in front of everyone. I know it's silly.I was so worried I wanted to take this man and kill him for hurting her but I knew it wasn't posible.i was always able to make things better.But this time I was helpless. The security gaurds rushed behind him.I heard police sierns but I wasn't sure they would make it in time.I sat there with my hands in my face wondering if she was okay and how I was just going to break the news to her mom.

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Chapter Four
