Forever Chapter Four

I didn't see to many things just the empty darkness and me. I don't know how long I had been there but it seemed like forever. I laid down and cried for a little longer. I couldn't believe such a creep would use me like this. Money was always like this. After a few hours the man came in the room and threw me some food and un tied my hands so I could eat. I was so angered I couldn't look at him. The thought of him made me want to cringe.

"What are you planning to do with me?" I asked him.

After I said it though I thought about how stupid it sounded.

"I dunno get the money I want and give you back.All I need is the money ..I've lived on the streets for 10 years and I'll tell you it's not a kinda life you want to live."

I frowned still had my head down eating the food he had brought me what little it was.

"Well why steal...Why don't you go ask for help from the goverment or something?" I asked him.

"The goverment never helps the people in need they don't frankly give a damn about anything but themselves" He said angerly.

"Well if you let me go I could help you ....I could get you a nice job and a decent house I could" I told him.

His eyes lit up a bit at the sound.

"You think you could?" He asked me.

"Yes if you could just let me call Nick ...He can help you...You don't want to do this your going to end up in jail and that too is not a good life" I told the man.

He frowned"Well I can take you down to the corner and let you call from there but tell him no tapping and no police okay?"

I really was getting through to this man,I finally felt like I was going to be able to make it through this hell.

"Okay thank you so much sir I will do exacley what you say and I promise to help you" I told him smiling.

He picked me up and untied my hands and legs and walked me down to the corner of the street where a payphone was. I picked it up I remembered my mom giving me the number before I had left this morning so I took the peice of paper out of my pocket and dialed. My heart was skipping beats from the joy that I was feeling. He finally picked up.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Its me Ashley Nick I'm fine we need to talk." I told him seriously.

"Ashley, are you alright he hasn't hurt you has he?" Nick asked me.

"No Nick he wants to make a bargain no money....He just needs a job and a decent house is all then he will let me go." I told Nick calmly

"Well I can get him that Ashley but what about the cops they want him." I Nick said

"Well I am not going to presure charges only because I realise he isn't that harmful he was just trying to find a way to eat and live Nick" Nick sighed

"Okay how about I get it arranged and you call me back in a hour" Nick said

"Wait, Nick whatever you do please no police involed he won't let me go if there are,No taps either" I asked pleading with him

"Okay I promise you Ashley, I won't" Nick said,his voice was so worried and scared but yet caring and gentle too

"I will call you back in an hour to be exact okay?" I told him

"okay Ashley I'm sorry about this....I feel bad" He told me sadly

"It's not your fault Nick, I'll be fine" I said hanging up and turning around to this man.

"What do you mean she's been kidnapped?" Tammy Ashleys mother asked me.

"God this man she felt bad for him he looked homeless and she reached out to give him money and he grabbed her and brought a knife out and said if anyone moved she was a goner,God I'm sorry Mrs Collier" Nick said holding his face in his hands and crying again.

Tammy came up behind him and hugged me.

"The police have it handling don't worry it's not your fault" Ashleys mom told me.

"Maybe we should go home Nick?" AJ suggested.

"No what if...." AJ sighed,

"Nick she's not going to come back here he's taken her somewhere." AJ told me.

"Okay I'll go but I won't leave the phone" I swore to all of them

They helped me up and we made our way to the hotel,We had to cancel the concert for the night because of her disapearance.I sat and waited for hours by the phone I was so worried about her,Wondering if she were even alive. Then the phone rang, I picked it up praying it were her.

"Hello?" I asked,

I heard Ashleys voice project fuzzy over the phone.

"Its me Ashley Nick I'm fine we need to talk." She told me.

She sounded so serious not really scared like I had expected.

"Ashley are you alright he hasn't hurt you has he?" I asked her very worried about her safety.

"No Nick he wants to make a bargain no money,He just needs a job and a decent house is all then he will let me go." She told me her voice was very calm.

"Well I can get him that Ashley but what about the cops they want him" I said.

"Well I am not going to presure charges only because I realise he isn't that harmful he was just trying to find a way to eat and live Nick" I sighed.

"Okay how about I get it arranged and you call me back in a hour" I said

I wanted her safe and back here with me and when she was I would never let her go again.

"Wait Nick whatever you do please no police involed he won't let me go if there are.No taps either" She asked pleading with me.

"Okay I promise you Ashley ,I won't" I said.

There wasn't going to be any mistakes I had to keep her safe.

"I will call you back in an hour to be exact okay?" She told me.

I really didn't want to let her go afraid that this could be it.

"okay Ashley I'm sorry about this,I feel bad" I told her.

I felt so guilty about it all.

"It's not your fault Nick I'll be fine" She quickly hung up and I got to making those phone calls to get her back safetly and in my arms.

I called up in Orlando and landed this man a job as a limo shouffer and a nice appartment in Orlando...Also $6000 in cash,If that wasn't enough then he would give more,All it took. an hour passed quickly and Ashley called me back. "Nick what have you got?" She asked me.

"Well I have landed him a job as a shouffer in Orlando making $15.00 an hour and a really nice appartment in Orlando and $6000 cash is that enough?" I asked her.

"Wait let me see" She told me covering the phone.

I could hear her talking to the man and telling him what was down.She came back to the phone a few minutes later.

"Nick he has agreed only if he can get clear of the charges" Ashley told me.

I sat and thought.

"Hmm well I'll try to work that out is he willing to let me come and pick you two up?" Nick asked.

"I'm not sure wait just a second" Ashley told me.

She came back to the phone moments later. "He says yes were on frankford street at the old warehouse...Nick please no police" Ashley begged me.

"I promise angel I won't" I told her.

Ashley froze for a moment, I felt sorry that I had said that now.

"Okay see you soon Nick ,thank you" Ashley said.

"Your welcome Ashley" I didn't want her to go again but I wanted to see her, I didn't know what I was liable of doing when I saw her. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was and how I was going to protect her. I quickly got my keys and ran outside hopping in my car,I went to Orlando on the back roads as fast as I could there wasn't any way I was going to let her slip out of my hands now. I finally made it to the warehouse. I got out of my jeep making sure there were no police anywhere.I slowly walked in the warehouse and saw Ashley and this man standing there. He realised her and she ran into my arms.I held her so close.I could hear her crying and feel her wet tears on my flesh.

"Nick God I was so scared" She whispered to me.

"Well you did so good Ashley"I told her letting her cry on me.

I looked over at this man who was standing there with shame and guilt in his eyes.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you again Ashley I promise" I told her.

I hoped I wasn't rushing it here but I really cared for her,She let me go and looked me in the eyes.

"I know Nick " She told me.

We finally let each other go and walked over to the man.

"Sir you are in alot of trouble some I may be able to help you out of...." I told him.

He looked at me.

"I'm sorry Mr Carter really I wished I hadn't done this if you ever can please forgive me" The man asked me.

"Yes only because my dad always told me never to let there be unforgivness in my heart"I said to him.

"Thank you may we get out of here now?" The man asked.

"Yes" I told him.

I took ashleys hand and we lead the man out to my car and we drove home.

Forever's main page

Chapter Five
