Forever Chapter 5

Ashley's Point Of View

I remember getting home and everyone hugging me exspecially my mom she was crying and so was I. Nick just stood aside maybe he was waiting to talk to me? Or maybe I was jumping to big conclusions here,Finally the crowd had died down and I walked over to Nick who was outside on the porch,He just sat there swinging and finally got up and hugged me so tightly,He started to cry and so did I, We slowly walked in silence out to the docks, When we got out there we both sat down sticking our feet in the water. Neither of us knew what to say or how to feel.He finally looked over at me and spoke

"I was scared Ashley.....don't ever leave me like that again." He told me smiling,

I blushed and looked down.

"I didn't mean to,I was being nice I have a soft heart what can I say?" Ashley said remembering the horriable event.

"Ashley I know we have only known each other for a week now but I feel something for you,I dunno but just some kinda connection I want us to work this out,I like you" Nick told me,I was so happy cuz I felt exacley the same, It was like my enemy became my hero and object of affection.

"I feel the same Nick ....really when you were away from me I was so scared and afraid of dieing and never seeing you again" I told him.

He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arms around me,Our eyes met and he leaned in slowly kissing me. I thought I was in a big dream or up in the air. I didn't want to come down ever.

"I'll never let anything hurt you again I promise" Nick whispered softly in my ear.

We just sat there for awhile in each others arms watching the sea roll up on the shore. We finally headed inside we had police bussiness to work out.

"Yes I know that Sir but she is not going to and neither am I going to press charges I'm going to try to help him out here" Nick said impatiently to the sergant.

"Well we will see he might have to spend a few months in jail I'll call you back okay and see what's going to happen here" The sergent told Nick,Nick agreed and hung up with the officer.

"Well mr Peterson were gonna see they say that you still may face a few months in jail I'm trying my best" Mr peterson's eyes dropped.

"Well I know I should pay for this and if I do it's nothing that you didn't do" The man said.

I sat there just in thought,Wondering what if's and what I didn't do right.,There was no going back now. Nick came and sat back down next to me catching my eye and smiling,We stared at each other in our own little world.,I knew he was stressed and very tierd I felt aweful for putting him through this.

"Nick" I whispered softly to him.

He smiled at me and leaned over to my ear.

"What ?" He whispered back.

"You should get some sleep it's been a rough few days here" I told him.

"Well only if you come with me" He told me and then blushed.

"Well of course but you know we should keep the door open don't want the guys thinking anything" I said giggling.

I noticed that everyone had stopped talking and were watching Nick and mines little flirt game going on. I felt so embarassed at that moment,Nick then noticed too and stopped looking at me and looked at them.

"Umm what are you all staring at ?" Nick asked loudly.

Everyone burst into laughter, I covered my face and hid.

"What?" Nick asked.

His face was bright red by now, Brian was the first to speak up.

"Well we have just noticed you two are so sweet to each other now last time we saw you we thought you two were going to kill each other now it's like oh Nick oh Ashley" Brian said giggling.

I sat there so embarassed not saying a word I'd let Nick talk this one out.

"Brian we just like each other now do you want us to go back to hating each other 101 ? Or let us be what we want to be?" Nick said with sincear eyes, Brian got serious.

"Man you be what you want you two are cute when your sweet to each other" Brian said.

"Okay thank you now would everyone excuse us now were going to go take a nice long nap" Nick told everyone taking my hand and leading me to his hotel room.

Nick stopped mid way in the hall and started laughing, I looked up from my hand which was covering my eyes and stared at him. "What's so funny?" I asked him.

"Us,We use to hate each other now were getting some what sweet on each other" He told me.

"Yeah I know Nick it is funny,I love it this way though really I do" His eyes softened and he reached out and grabbed me in closer to him.

"Yeah so do I to tell you the truth when I first saw you I thought you were so beautiful Ashley like an angel" I smiled and turned around.

"Nick that's so sweet, I really am sorry that I was so rude it was a bad day and I know I was like acting so bitchy" Nick smiled.

"I know I understand now,I think fate made us bump into each other's okay were together now." I smiled and turned back around.

We stood there for awhile then finally we walked to his room. He unlocked the door and surprisingly took me and carried me to the bed laying me down gently on it.

"There you go princess I'll be back in a second okay...please don't leave" He said laughing.

He walked in the other room while I laid there silently thinking to myself.

"Ashley look where you are? In Nick Carters room.....So many girls wished they were you and you never even meant for anything like this to happen"

I turned over trying to ignore my thoughts that were burneding me so badly.

"Nick?" I yelled.

He came walking out in some shorts and a t shirt he looked just about right to sleep with,He came and laid down on the other side of me wrapping his arms around me gently.

"Yes?" He asked softly.

"Oh nothing I thought you had escaped or something" I said laughing.

"Well why would I leave you Ashley?" Nick asked me.

"I dunno I just you know was thinking" I said.

He softly nuzzled his nose on my neck.

"Please don't think that because it's not going to happen ever" He told me.

I cuddled up more to him, Letting my eyes close gently and then I was fast asleep in the pop stars arms.

Nick's Point Of View

She walked in and everyone surrounded her. Her mom was crying so many tears I thought that she was going to become dehydrated. I watched Ashley like a hawk there was no way on earth anyone would take her away again,She had become so precious to me in what seemed like a matter of seconds,It's funny how love can throw you on loops to find that one. I just stood there waiting watching her.I didn't want to interrupt her,After awhile everyone settled down I had already went outside to just think for awhile,I guessed she would come and see me when she felt like it, But I didn't know it would be so soon. I heard the door open and I looked up to see her smile.I felt all warm inside.I sat there looking at her and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, I stood up and walked over to her hugging her tightly,I felt the tears coming and I knew I couldn't and shouldn't hold them back anymore I stood holding her in my arms and crying,I felt her wet tears falling on my white t shirt I was wearing. I could feel the smile warming up the sides of my face.,I felt so happy but yet so sad,We finally after about an hour of holding each other let go and walked in silence down to the shore on the docks. I sat down and she sat close beside me,We took off our shoes and stuck them in the warm but cold ocean sea. We stayed in silence for awhile,I didn't know what to say and I was guessing she didn't either,Finally I knew what I had to say so I told her.

"I was scared Ashley.....Don't ever leave me like that again" I told her firmly but with my own fear inside me too.

I noticed her soft face turning to a soft red color,I smiled at her. She looked down looking as if the words she had to say weren't going to come out right.

"I didn't mean to..I was just being nice.,I have a soft heart what can I say ?" I looked at her.

" Ashley I know we have only known each other for a week now but I feel something for you.....I dunno but just some kinda connection I want us to work this out....I like you" I told her.

I was worried about what she was going to say and think. Finally she spoke up.

"I feel exacley the same Nick....Really when you were away from me I was so scared and afraid of dying and never seeing you again" She told me.

My heart felt like it was on fire,I was so happy that she too had started to feel this way about me,I went for whatever I was feeling at that moment and what I was feeling was to just hold her and kiss her so I did, I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her,I looked at her and she looked at me and our eyes met,I leaned in closer and kissed her making sure that every ounce of my love was in it too.I felt so happy,not angry like before when we had met. I looked her in the eyes honestly and told her what I knew my heart was promising.

"I'll never let anything hurt you again I promise" I whispered softly in her ear.

After that neither of us wanted to ruin the moment so we sat and watched the beautiful sea rolling up upon the shore,After awhile we knew we both should head inside to start working on helping Mr Peterson with all the police trouble.

"Yes I know that Sir, but she is not going to and neither am I going to press charges I'm going to try to help him out here" I said impatiently to the sergant.

He wasn't wanting to work with me here.

"Well we will see ,he might have to spend a few months in jail I'll call you back okay and see what's going to happen here" The sergent told me.

I knew that this man had done the crime but I knew atleast that he deserved a chance.The officer and I agreed and hung up .I turned around to see the man and I told him what the deal was.

"Well Mr Peterson were gonna see they say that you still may face a few months in jail I'm trying my best" Mr peterson's eyes dropped.

"Well I know I should pay for this and if I do it's nothing that you didn't do" I listened to the man and finally went back and sat down with ashley.

I caught her glimmering eyes and I smiled. We stared at each other as if we were in our own little world together.She looked at me and I watched her mouth slowly open to whisper something to me.

"Nick" God the sound of her saying my name made me shiver inside.

I smiled of course who couldn't when she was talking. "What?" I asked softly.

"You should get some sleep it's been a rough few days here" She told me.

Immediatly the thought of her and me together sleeping entered my head and made me smile.,I leaned in closer over to her ear so no one would hear.

"Well only if you come with me" I told her.

I felt a red blush come over me,She looked at me so innocently.

"Well of course but you know we should keep the door open don't want the guys thinking anything" She sweetly but softly giggled.

I noticed that I didn't hear any of the jabber that had been going on a few seconds earlier, I looked around and saw everyones eyes peering at us.,I was so embarassed and noticed Ashley was also.

"Umm what are you all staring at?" I asked everyone almost shouting.

Everyone busted up laughing making me feel even more stupid. I looked over and Ashley had burried her head in my lap,She must have been really embarassed too. "What?" I asked.

I saw that no one was making an attempt to talk so I just stared wide eyed at everyone. Brian finally spoke up.

"Well we have just noticed you two are so sweet to each other now last time we saw you we thought you two were going to kill each other now it's like oh Nick oh Ashley" Brian said giggling.

I now was so upset,Why is it when your hating someone everyone wants you to love them then when you love them they act like you should hate them? That bothered me so bad.

"Brian we just like each other now do you want us to go back to hating each other 101 ? Or let us be what we want to be?" I asked him with kind sincear eyes.

Brian seemed to get serious and saw what I was saying was the truth.

"Man you be what you want you two are cute when your sweet to each other" Brian said.

"Okay thank you now would everyone excuse us now were going to go take a nice long nap" I told everyone getting up and taking Ashley by the hand and leading her and I out the door and to my hotel room.

I stoppped mid way to our hotel and looked at Ashley and busted up laughing, She looked up from her hand which she had been hiding her face with,She stared at me making me feel so stupid. "What's so funny" She asked me.

"Us ...We use to hate each other now were getting some what sweet on each other" I told her.

I felt so happy with her she was like so cool.

"Yeah I know Nick it is funny...I love it this way though really I do" She told me honestly.

My eyes peered at her so sweetly.,I reached out and took her bringing her closer to me,Wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Yeah so do I to tell you the truth when I first saw you I thought you were so beautiful Ashley like an angel" I told her.

She turned around smiling up at me.

"Nick that's so sweet. I really am sorry that I was so rude it was a bad day and I know I was like acting so bitchy" I smiled.

She had been so mean to me at first but now she was so precious to me.

"I know I understand now,I think fate made us bump into each other Ash,it's okay were together now." She smiled and turned back laying her head on my chest.

We stood there in silence I was guessing she was thinking about us just like I was.We finally made it back to my room though,I picked her up at the door unlocking it and carrying her inside and laying her carefully on the bed.

"There you go princess I'll be back in a second okay...please don't leave" I said laughing.

I was only joking, I really didnt want her to leave, Had to watch her to make sure that never happened again.I had to go get undressed so I went into the bathroom. I peaked through the door without her noticing.

"She's so sweet looking isn't she?" I asked myself.

I finally stopped looking at her so much to wear I was able to get myself clothed.,I slowly opened the door and found her laying there huddled all up,She didn't know I was there cuz I was hidden. "Nick" She called out.

I came walking out finally in my boxer shorts and a gray t shirt, I went and laid on the other side of her reaching and wrapping my arms carefully around her.

"Yes?" I asked her softly.

"Oh nothing I thought you had escaped or something" She said laughing nervously sounding to me.

"Well why would I leave you Ashley?" I asked her.

"I dunno I just you know was thinking" She said.

I hated that she felt this way, I felt so bad that she thought I would leave her.,I'd never thought I could feel this way about someone so fast the more moments I spent with her, The more I didn't want to be away from her.I leaned down over her neck and nuzzled it with my nose.

"Please don't think that because it's not going to happen ever" I told her.

I hoped I wasn't scaring her from me here.Her and I cuddled up and I watched her fall to sleep. I felt exacley how that song "I don't wanna miss a thing" Says and in my case I wasn't in for missing a thing.

"Okay people we have to get in order here" I heard everyone saying. I was amazed by how much work it was to get a show up and running. Nick came over and sat in the make up chair. I got the powder and patted it on him and under eye concealer and all that great make up stage stuff. "You know I hate this make up don't you?" Nick said smiling at me. "I don't blame you" I told him. He sat there so patiently letting me get every last detail done. When I was done he looked in the mirror. "Looks great Ashley better than any other makeup job my other artist have done." I giggled. "Yeah you just say that" Nick's face turned a little hurt look up at me. "Hey I'm hurt ...You better know I would never tell you nothing that wasn't the truth and that's the truth" I remembered that saying I still remember it like it was still afresh in my mind."Thank you Nick" I told him. He got up and kissed me softly on the cheek and walked to his dressing room. I hopped on the makeup counter sighing. "Your in such a dream Ashley....When will you wake up?" My mind asked me. God I hoped never. He was wonderful.I finally got up and went to the door of the dressing room watching all the guys walk out ready to get started with there songs.Nick walked past me winking at me. "Wish me luck" He told me. "Naw you don't need luck" I said. "Yeah I got you" I blushed. "Awe thanks" I told him. "Hey no need to thank me" He said. They finally started the show and I watched from just at the side. Nick was fantastic and so were all the other guys. They all were superb dancers. I had never imagined two months ago this would be where I would be at. Life seemed great now. Nick and I were flirting back and forth....But he hadn't yet made anything definate. I knew he would. Hopefully. After the show the guys came back exhausted to the dressing room. the sounds of girls were everywhere. Nick had seemed to left me behind and had plunged forward ahead into the crowed to the limo. I didn't think anything of it I knew this was his job and I wasn't considered a part of it so I hopped in the bus with my mom and the rest of the crew."So honey are you and Nick a item now?" My mom asked me. My mind seemed to be somewhere else that I didn't hear her. "Your minds with Nick Ashley duh!" I told myself. I was worried about where he was and what he was doing. " Ashley are you listening to me?" My mom asked getting a little anoyed. "What!?" I asked. She sighed. "I was asking if you and Nick are an item now you seem aweful close lately" She said smiling at me. "Well mom were just kinda dating I guess you could say or maybe were just friends but we really like each other." I said. I of course wasn't sure what we were at the moment. I knew what I wanted to be but I wasn't sure if that was what he was looking for. I let a big sigh. "Well that's better than enemys wouldn't you say?" She asked me. "Yeah it's great were not like at each other alot now. Makes my work and his work easier for the both of us." "Yes it is much better ...I love it here great job alot of hard work though" My mom was telling me. I didn't seem to be myself that night all I could think about was Nick and whatever in the world he was doing while I was sitting here worried about him. Had last night been a dream or reality? I wanted to know if in the long run this was worth all the work I would give into it.

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Chapter Six
