Forever Chapter Six

"Ashley !!" I screamed.

Where was she? I looked everywhere. A light rain started to fall and I was getting wet of course I didn't care, I had to explain everything to Ashley. What was I thinking bringing her here what did I want ? I decided I should go and check if she was up in her hotel so I did. I ran inside trying not to knock anyone down, I went straight for the elevator, I pressed the 10th floor. It seemed forever till I made it up there . I walked out and went to her door knocking carefully.I knocked six or seven times still no one came I gripped on the handle and pushed the door open slowly.

"Ashley?" I asked.

No answer I walked in a little farther and heard the sound of a shower running.I walked closer to the bathroom and called for her.

"Ashley are you in there? " I asked.

Then I heard her singing coming from inside. I had to guess she was okay then. Maybe I would talk to her later. I slowly steped out of her room and went to mine.

"What was that incunsiderate little jerk thinking?" I asked myself as I marched myself into the lounge hoping he wouldn't find me cuz really right now wasn't a good time to mess with me.

I sat down at the bar and decided to get something to drink before heading up to the 10th floor.

"Hey what can I get you little lady?"

I remember the little bar tender he had one tooth that was really gold and the rest looked like they were in pretty bad shape he wasn't that attractive one of those guys who you know could pick up a lady.

"Yeah a coke please" I told him not very well smiling at the moment.

He grabbed a coke out of the cooler and brought it to me.

"Here sweet thang .....How about you and..." I cut him off

. "How about you shove whatever you thinks gonna happen up your ass" I said getting up and slamming my money down on the table.

His expression was rather shocked maybe I was the first girl to tell him off like this.

"My aren't we fiesty" I heard him say as I walked out of the lounge and to my room.

I hit the elevator button so hard I thought I jammed it of course it came open and I stepped in. I watched the needle go from the first to the tenth floor. I opened my door and ploped down on my bed unbuttoning my jeans and my shirt. I finally was undressed and went in the bathroom to take a shower.I decided maybe if I sang for a while it would boost my spirits so I did. The only song that I could think of was

"I need you tonight"

Of course I had no reason why probabley cuz Nick looked so heavenly when he sang just ..just made me feel all tingly inside.

"Shut up Ashley he's a jerk and you know it" I scolded myself.

I sang and sang until I was quiet sick of the song there for awhile.I hopped out of the shower getting my towel around me and going back into my room.When I stepped in there I noticed the door was a little open. Which made a sudden panic come over me I looked around the suite for an intruder but there was no one there. I went to the door and shut it to afraid to lock it incase there might be a rapist or something in here. I turned around walking slowly over to my bed about to look under it when the door flew open I jumped up screaming and my towel flew off me. I looked up and saw AJ standing there. I was in so much shock I forgot about my towel. Soon enough I realized it was gone and flew to the floor picking it up and placing it back on me.

"AHHH What the heck are you doing!?" I asked him screaming almost.

"Damn man I'm sorry God umm I think I'll leave now!" AJ said fumbling for words.

He took one last look at me and walked out the door grabbing his head. I fell back on my bed crying at first but then laughing after awhile.I went and locked the door making sure no uncexpected vistors would come in again. I then went to my suit case getting a pair of tight jeans and I blue tank top.I could barely find enough courage to make it out the door but I did.I walked around for awhile looking for no one in particualar. And of course you would have to guess who I ran into. Nick!

"Ashley I've been looking for you all night where have you been?" He asked me.

I tried to act like nothing was wrong when I knew there was something seriously wrong here.

"I went for a walk and then went and took a shower why?" I asked him giving him a look like I didn't know what happened.

Just to see if he would cover it up or not.

"Oh well I should have knocked on your door then." He told me calmly.

I knew it he was going to try to cover it up.

"So what are you doing tonight?" He asked me scooting in front of me so I couldn't move.

"Nothing really maybe watch some tv go down town who knows" I said calmly. "Well you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Well let me see...hmmm sure whatever you want"

"Cool then lets go now" He said grabbing my arm and walking me outside.

"Okay then" I said walking along with him.

I couldn't believe he was just going to do this ....Not even ask me try to forget it.It was still running through mind of course maybe he had forgotten but in my mind he seriously had some explaining to do.

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Chapter Seven

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