Forever Chapter Eight

"Maybe she's forgotten about it?" I thought to myself then later realized how ridiculous that was to think.

We walked down the street and finally made it to a fast food restaurant. I put on my dark sunglasses and tucked my hair up in a hat. Praying no one would notice me. I opened the door for her and she walked in I walked in a little after her. She acted like everything was okay maybe I shouldn't even mention Johanna to her, We sat down and started to order.

"Yes, umm hamburger french fires coke and a milk shake" Ashley told the waitress smiling.

"Alert! Alert! okay Nick she's really pissed and depressed now she's gonna eat enough food for the two of you" I told myself wanting to laugh.

"And you sir?" The waitress smiled looking down at me with her pen and paper.

"Umm the same " I replied.

I had to make it seem like I was covering up for her,She just sat there for awhile not even moving just staring off into space,I felt aweful of course.

"Ashley is there something wrong" I asked her afraid of what her answer would be.

"I'm fine why do you ask?" She looked me straight in the eyes with her hand proped up on the table holding her head up.

"Well you just seem so distant is all" I told her.

Her eyes were cutting straight through me I had to look away,So I did turning my head looking out the big glass windows.

"Oh I'm just tierd Nick it's been a long day you know" She told me casually.

I knew better though.

"Yeah same here" I told her looking back but now down at the table.

We sat in silence for awhile,I knew what was going through my head but I wondered how she was feeling at the moment.


"Flight 402 is now boarding at gate 12 for a flight to Orlando Florida" I sighed knowing what this meant.

"Ashley come on dear" My mother said ushering me too come.

Really I didn't want to go everything I needed and wanted was right here, Ya there had been rough times for me and Nick but we had surrived almost all that summer. By the time I could even get back to him he would be gone to some other place on this unfathomable world.

"Yeah I'm coming I'm coming" I said in a depressed voice.

But before I boarded I took one last look,Then blew a kiss imagining that it were my Nick. I felt a tear coming on but I had to be strong now. So I hide any sign of sorrow and boarded the plane back home.


We went to the restaurant and ate.I tried my best not to show any sign that I was shaken or upset with him, He knew though and I knew it too. I couldn't believe he was just going to sit here and act like this it was just so stupid of him.

"Nick I think I'm gonna head up to my room now" I told him.

We were sitting in the lounge looking out this big window on the whole city. He looked over at me with a straight face.

"You mean down" He said giving me a stiff laugh.

"Yeah I forgot,Were on the top floor lounge here" I said looking away from him.

The pain was incressing it was eating me alive.

"Well you want me to walk you down?" He asked me getting up.

"Yeah if you want to" I told him picking my purse up and walking away.

He seemed to get the hint and walked behind me. We walked in silence to the elevator, When we got inside he pressed for our floor and walked closer over to me.He didn't say anything but his eyes told me everything. He came even closer coming so close our bodys couldn't squezze any closer. He looked in my eyes and took my face in his hands and leaned in for a kiss,I was so hurt right now just kissing him would make me think about him and that blonde haired bimbo I had seen him with earlier. I turned my head making him kiss my cheek. I looked away feeling the tears once again,I walked to the other corner of the elevator and stood there with my head in the corner.

"Ashley I'm sorry" He said quietly staring at me even if I couldn't see him at the moment I knew he was I could feel it.

"Nick don't tell me that okay I saw you and whoever she is,Do you know how that felt seeing that?" I asked him.

My voice was muffled because my head was stuffed in the corner. He came closer putting his arm on my shoulder,I shoved it off.

"Nick don't" I said walking to the door I could see that our floor was approaching.

"Ashley what can I do?" He asked me.

"Nothing,well wait when think about it you could leave me alone!" I shouted at him just as the doors came open.

I ran out not even wanting to stay long enough to hear his oh so lame excuses. I had seen the bimbo and him kiss I saw the passion that he used with her. I stopped at my door and unlocked it,When I got inside AJ was sitting on my bed watching tv. I threw my purse down looking at him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked him.

I still was embarassed about earlier tonight.

"Oh I wanted to appoligize for today I didn't know" He said softly.

I could tell he was embarassed, Just as I was.

"It's okay it was an accident,how did you get in here anyways?" I asked him going to my bathroom getting my night gown and robe on.

"Oh they gave me the key,Mrs Carter cuz she has a copy and I knew it would be awkward if I just started talking to you at the door sooo I did it this way" He told me.

His eyes were glued on the tv set.

"Okay good hehe,God you won't believe what I saw ..." I stopped myself.

Maybe it wasn't good to talk about Nick to Aj. But it was to late now.

I watched her walk away from me and I sat in the elevator .No one was around so I hit the button to bring me back to the top floor,Maybe I could get away up there. I was wrong though,When I got there guess who was there? No one else but Johanna. She noticed me right away as I exited the elevator.

"Nick!" She said running over to me and hugging me.

I didn't hug her back, Only because I didn't know what I wanted at the moment. She looked up at me.

"What's wrong" Johanna asked me.

I put her arms off of me.

"Joe we need to talk" I said seriously to her.

She looked confused. I walked over to the couches in the lounge and sat down,The place looked like a ghost town so I thought it would be safe to talk here.

"Nick tell me whats wrong" She demanded.

"Joe were over okay,We have been for two years alright! I have a new girl in my life and she means so much to me I can't lose her" I told her looking her straight in the eyes.

Her faced turned to a hurt expression.

"Really?" She asked trying not to show her pain to me.

"Yes,I can help you if you need money just tell me" I said taking her hand.

"I don't need you or your money Nick!" She said getting up and walking off in a fit.

I sat there and held my face in my head.

"AHHH!" I screamed out.

The only person there was the bartender so I guessed he didn't care.

"Need a drink?" He asked me.

"Yeah but I'm to young " I told him.

I walked closer to the bar sitting down.

"Well I can give you some wine then just don't tell no one" He told me winking.

He got out a wine cooler and handed it to me, I drank it down.

"Women problems?" He asked. I'd guessed he had seen her,So I had to agree,I was in trouble.

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