Prolouge To Forever

Proulouge "You really don't expect me to walk away from her like that" Nick shouted at Kevin.

Kevin turned around solemly. "Yes I do.....Just turn around and pretend she was never there I do it alot."

Nick's eyes feeled with tears. "My God kevin I made love to her I love her you just can't make me forget about it all"

Nick turned around to walk away.He had to go see Ashley.

"Just forget her Nick we leave in the morning and so does she."

Nick turned away and ran down the street to the hotel she was staying at. He entered in the hotel and got in the elevator.When he got to her door he paused. "Nick please don't leave me tomorow I love you so much I can't stand the thought of losing you"

His mind was trailing back to late last night when they had made love under the stars.I knocked.


God her voice was like an angels.

"It's me Nick" I said.

She came to the door right away flinging it open and kissing me. I felt a rush of emotion hit me.

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked me.

"Were leaving tomorow and I came to say goodbye this just might well be for forver."

My eyes wanted to cry but I didn't want to show weakness to her.

"Oh God I ....I dunno what to say Nick"

Ashleys sweet eyes that were once happy last night had now feeled with clear watery tears.I took my hand a brushed them from her cheek.

"Please don't forget me Ashley .....Everyone wants me to forget you but I just can't it's impossible."

She held on tighter to me.

"I won't believe me if it's the last thing I do I will get back to you somehow some day Nick"

I didn't want to go but I had to I never wanted to let go but my very demanding job told me I had to.

"Goodbye Ashley I love you so very much" She cried even more even to the point where she was almost wailing. My heart was breaking I could feel it.

"Good bye Nick I love you too .....Don't forget my promise"

I softly nuzzled her neck with my nose.

"I won't, I promise I won't"

I let her go slowly kissing her more passionate then ever. She finally let go of my lips her tears rolling softly down her face.I walked slowly to the door opening it and taking one last look that would might as well have to last me for forever because that's how long I was willing to wait.

Chapter One

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