Never Let Go (A short Story)

"Nick don't you think we should go back to the others? We might miss our flight." Chloe said. "nah, they wouldn't leave with out me on the plane" nick said conceitidly. "oh really, and why's that?" chloe asked. "well of you havent noticed yet, im kinda the lead singer of basically the most popular bandin the world." nick answered. "oh really? you could'a fooled me, i always thought that you were goofy nick carter that i grew up next door to for the past 15 years." chloe said. "really? well then, maybe your right." nick said. "i know im right. and im also right about this. and i really dont think its a good idea to be here alone, with the palne about to take off to germany, and with out a body gaurd. especially with out a body gaurd. i mean you guys have had this freaky anonymous stalker for the past year-i dont think its a good idea to be anywhere with out a couple of body guards." chloe stated seriously. "fine, just 5 more minutes with you alone, then we'll get on the plane. please??" nick begged. "fine jsut 5 more minutes. thats it, then we go to the plane, and everywhere else we go, we go with at least one bodygaurd. deal?" chloe asked "deal" nick said and then started making out with her. "ok, now we really have to go nick. it's been...." chloe said while looking at her watch..."8 minutes. come on nick the planes gonna leave, lets move your big ass." chloe said and started to run pulling nick with her.

"jesus chloe, why didnt you slow down when i asked you to??" nick asked out of breath with his hands on his knees. "because....look, they just left, see them pulling out to the runway??? god nick!! i told you they would leave!! and besides, why are you out of breath? you work out basically 24/7, you should be running laps around me." chloe said. "so.....anyway, i guess we should go and get tickets for the next flight." nick said walking to the counter. "hey when's the next flight out to germany?" nick asked the lady. "are you nick carter?" she asked nick. "yeah why? doyou want an autograph or something?" nick asked her. "no, i have a message, actually 2 messages for you." she said handing him the messages. "oh ok thanx." nick said and walked back to chloe. "hey chlo, we got 2 messages." nick said. "so, read them" chloe said laughing." "ok, here's the first one............ frack & chloe- sorry we had to leave without you, but we have a deadline and we can't afford to screw up our schedule just because you 2 had to make out some where. crazy kids!! no, the real reason we left is because we all thought it would be funny. anyway, no hard feelings (i hope) just catch the next flight out and we'll meet ya there. ill see you when you get there. ~frick "oh, brian is definately going to pay for this one." nick said. "yeah he is. now read the other one." chloe said. "ok, here it is..............

hey nickers-

you still in love with that bitch chloe? oh well, we'll deal with that issue later. but, i had a special surprise for you on that plane, but since you were to busy locking-lips with chloe, the plane left without you. but i'm sure watching the surpirse will be satisfying enough for me. so what i want you to do right now, is turn around and look out that window and look at the plane that your supposed to be on. trust me, you'll thank me later. ~sugar

"what the fuck is that about?" chloe asked puzzled. "i dont know, but lets turn and find out" nick said as both nick and chloe turned around to look out the window to see thier plane


all of a sudden a big explosion blew all of the windows out and knocked everyone who was around, down. when nick and chloe got up, they were covered in glass. then it hit them what had just happened. "oh shit, our plane!!" nick yelled jumping up and running to the window. "oh my god!!" chloe yelled jumping up and running to nick. "aaron!!" nick said and jumped out the window on to a bunch of boxes below the window. he got up, then started running to the wreck "nick, wait!!" chloe yelled following him, but he ignored her. "mom!!!!!!oh shit!!!! brian, kev, aj, howie!!! nooooo!!!! god!! why did this have to happen?!?!?!?!?!?" nick yelled and started crying. "sshh, it's ok nick. look on the plus-your alive." chloe said trying to comfort him. "no, look on the downside, i lost my mother, my brother, and my only friends." nick yelled still tear streaked. " what, im not considered your friend?? and what i didnt lose anything??" chloe screamed. "you didnt lose your family!! thiers a difference between me and you" nick yelled. "are you insane??i lost the onyl family i have!! or have you forgotten that denise and aj were on that plane?? look, you may have lost your mom and brother, but you still have your dad and 3 sisters. i, i have no one" chloe shouted. "aj and denise were not your blood family. you dont know what its like to basically watch your family die and be able to do nothing about it." nick screamed. "just listen to your self nick!! you are not thinking befor you open your big mouth!! i have watched the people i loved, and still do love, die. twice now. have you forgotten how i lost my real family?? well let me refresh your memory.....i was 3, on a road trip with my mom, dad, and older sister. drunk truck driver. i was the only survivor. denis adopted me, and we moved next door to you. she became my mother, and aj, my older brother. sure i was only three, ya might say, that i didnt know what love was. but all i knew, was that thier pain and screaming in that car was real, and i couldnt make them stop screaming. so dont you DARE tell me, ME, that i dont know what it feels like to watch my family die in front of my eyes." chloe screamd. by this time she was sobbing uncontrollably and she took off running, not paying attention to where she was going. "wait, chloe god damit, STOP!!" nick yelled running after chloe. "what!! what do you want now?? do you want to remind me again that i have no family now??" chloe screamed, "because if thats what you wanted to say, you can just shove it." "no, thats not what i wanted to say. god, this is not how i planned it. this whole day went wrong just because that stupid bitch sugar." nick said. "what do you mean not how you planned?" chloe asked puzzled. "see, i told brian to leave with out us on board the plane." nick said. "why?" chloe asked still puzzled. "because today, today i was going to ask you to marry me. so...will you??" nick asked getting down on one knee. "yes. yes i will marry you. but please promise me that you will never let go of me? i mean phsyically yes, but please not emotionally. promise me you'll always be around for me. i've lost to many people that i have loved, please dont let me lose you." chloe said. "i promise babe, i will never let go." nick said and slipped the ring on her finger and leaned in to pssionately kiss her.

in the back round, they could hear the fire engines and police cars swarm the area . but they didnt care because they had each other and they would never let go.

Email her with any comment about the story thanks a ton for letting me use your story too!
