Somethings Are Meant To Be

"Ashley come on were going to be late for the movie!" Jen shouted from outside. "I'm coming I'm coming" I said trying to get my earings on and walk out the door. "There you are now come on" Jen shouted. I walked to my jeep and opened up the door hopping in and starting her up. "We have to pick up AJ,Brian and Jill on the way there" Jen said reminding me. "Okay great it's all set" I said confidently. It had been 3 months since Nick and I had finally called it quits, I really was doing great to seeing a new guy named Joey and living a happy more free life. My dad was doing ten times better and our whole family was great. Brian and I had become best friends I finally introduced him to my friend Jill from school and they had fallen head over hills for each other.Jen had met AJ bartending at his favorite club and he too was in love. It seemed to me I was the only one left out here. It was fine though life was fine. "Jen I love your boots where did you get them?" I asked trying to look at her boots but focus on the road. "Oh there Doc Martins got them at rack rooms" Jen said putting on her last of mascara. "Wow I have to have some" I said. I focused back on the road speeding towards the guys apartments. A few minutes later we pulled into there driveway hopping out and running to the door and knocking. "Hey!" Brian said opening the door and hugging me. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "Nothing you ready to go?" He asked. "Yes I sure am" I said smiling. "Well good then let's go" He said. Jill came running behind and Jen and AJ were already kissing. "Hey love birds we have to get going don't make me come pull you two off of each other" I said laughing and hopping in the drivers side. Brian sat in front and AJ,Jen and Jill sat in the back squished a little. "So what are we going to see tonight?" Brian asked me. "Oh some movie I think it's like a romance haha just what I need huh?" I asked giggling and looking at him. He knew how hard it had been for me over the last six months but I had made it through. He was there the night that Nick called and asked to meet me, I had went and met him at the ocean near his house. He had addressed me and told me exacley what he planned to do and that was to be with Meghan maybe even marry her. That had to of been one of the hardest nights in my life, Giving up Nick finally and I was sure I had now. "Yeah totally hey you never know you could meet the guy of your dreams there you never know Ash" He said grinning. I smiled and nodded. We continued on down the road headed into downtown orlando I turned on the radio turning it up to the song "Believe" by Cher. It was so intune with what I had been feeling for the last 6 months, The fact was did I believe in a life after love a life after Nick? I sang louder and louder until everyone in the car was speechless and just sat quietly listening to me. Then the song was over and I turned to see everyone was listening to me. "Oh I'm sorry was I singing to loud?" I asked nervously. "Naw it sounded great Ashes" AJ remarked kissing Jen's hand once more that was entangled with his. "Thanks AJ ...umm ya" I said. We finally got to the theathre and went inside. I decided it would be best if they got into the dark theathre well hidden and I got all the treats. I walked up to the counter not even noticing how fine the guy right in front of me was. "Yes I'd like a--" I paused when I saw him. He was so attractive he had pretty soft brown almond hair and almond eyes that made me wanna scream, He also was very muscular reminded me of Brian only he was a lil more built sad to say.I tried to contunue but there was no sound coming from my voice. "Ma'am ?" He asked. I finally snapped back into reality. "Umm 3 large popcorns, 6 large drink's,One snickers bars 2 resses cups and one box of snow caps" I said very fast so I wouldn't look stupid. "Is that it?" He asked almost laughing I could tell. "Yeah that's it" I said trying not to stare to much. "Totally of $40.50" He said. His voice was so sexy I had suddenly forgoten ever feeling bad about not having anyone I had met a perfect guy so it seemed.I read his name tag which said "J O E Y" in that weird awkward writting. I handed him the money and also in it I handed him my phone number taking the one tray he followed me into the theathre. When we got to our seats I motioned for Jen to take a look at him. She smiled and almost laughed at me too. "Here you go" He said handing me the last trayour hands barely touched but I felt this electricity run through me. I was in heaven pure heaven. "Wow he was a hottie" Jill said smiling but then caught herself and laughed because Brian was sitting right next to her. "HEY!" He said frowning. "Oppss but baby you know your so much hotter" Jill said kissing up once more. I laughed and sat down as the movie started. I could barely keep my mind off this guy he was soooo nice and cute and I just had to know more about him and soon.The movie was great besides the fact that I surely couldn't wait to get out and see him once more hopefully he would call me soon. "Wow that was so sad" Jen said wiping yet another tear away. "Awe don't cry baby" Aj said wraping his spare arm around her. I thought AJ was always so sweet to women maybe him and D should trade places cuz I thought AJ was the ladie killer of the group. "That was a great movie huh babe?" Brian said looking at his girlfriend Jill. "Yes..." Jill said while still sniffing. I hadn't even had time to think about the movie with Joey on my mind. The others continued to walk slowly and talk fast but everything around me disapeared and all I cared about was getting out to see Joey. Finally we were out and I looked all around for him but he was no where my heart dropped thinking that maybe he was gone to the restroom I asked a guy working there about it. "Hey where did Joey go to?" I asked. "Oh his shift ended well" he stopped looking at his watch. "About an hour ago why who are you?" He asked. "Oh nevermind it's fine" I said walking away after my friends rather gloomly. I had to almost run to catch up with them they hadn't even noticed I was gone but finally I reached my black jeep cherokee and I opened the door's for everyone and they all piled in except they all sat in the backseat together. "Oh I see how it is leave the lonely one all alone" I said trying to sound as if I were hurt. "I'm sorry Ash you want me to sit up there ?" Brian asked sweetly. "No Bribear you can stay back there alright" I said starting up my car. "Okay kewl thanks" He said getting back to making out with Jill. The ride home was filled with many sounds some I wished I'd hadn't heard. I ignored them all in all and continued onward. About 30 minutes later we arove back at Brian's house. "Hey were home" I annouced rather loudly. "Oh umm yeah" Brian said getting up practically laying on the floor with Jill. I tried not to laugh but I did. AJ and Jen were nestled deep in each other's arms so deep I wasn't sure if I was going to get her home with me tonight. I stepped out of the car walking them inside. "Thanks for a great time Ash " AJ said kissing me on the cheek and then hugging me. "Your welcome bone it was real fun" I said smiling. Of course my thoughts were racing of you know who what do you think I am crazy or something?? "Thank's Ashes" Brian said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek also. "Your welcome to Brok" I said. "Thanks alot from me too Ashley" Jill said. I still didn't know Jill really that well she was one of those people who was hard to get close to. Jen had become my best friend of 6 months we had met through AJ of course she had met him and then I was spending so much time with them that we became instant friends. She was the best. "Jen we should get going" I said already starting to pull her away. "Alright bye baby" Jen said to AJ turning to him and kissing him passionately and then finally letting go and walking away walking backwards though. "Bye everyone" I shouted one last time and they all waved and said bye. Jen took a little longer but we finally were loaded up. "Ahhh he's such a dream Ashley" was the first thing to come out of Jen's mouth. I smiled. "You lucky" I muttered. "Awe so are you but in your own way's Ash" Jen said. "Yeah uh hun girl you just tell me that" I said. "Naw I'm not but I'm tierd that's all I know" Jen said yawning. "To much lip locking back there?" I asked sarcastically. "Naw that was mostly Brian and Jill" Jen said laughing. I joined in the laughter too. "Yeah that's them" I said right as we pulled up in my yard. Over the last past six months I had bought a condo about five minutes down the road from the guys condo.It was such a nice place and I felt such freedom now too. "Home sweet home" Jen said yawning once more. Oh did I forget to mention that Jen lived with me too? Well we unloaded and headed inside.First things first I landed on the couch. Not even giving myself time to do anything I closed my eyes and drifted off into dream land dreaming of Joey but during the dream Nick enter ruining it all for me. I woke up in a sweat crying for some odd reason. I got up going to the kitchen and picking up the phone. I must have still been dreaming because I dialed Nick's number. He picked up his voice sounding sleeply. "What?" He asked grouchly. I almost talked but soon just hung up and headed back for the bed.

Chapter Two

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