Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Eleven

"Hey" I said as Nicks face came close to mine at my door step. I reached out giving him a big hug. "Hey baby I haven't talked to you in awhile and I missed you so I decided to drop anything and everything I had to do for the day and come spend it with you" Nick told me nuzzling my neck with his nose. "I missed you to I love you too" Ashley said nonchalantly. "hehe I love you too baby I mean my fiance" Nick said giggling. "Wow did we forget about it?" Nick asked. "Yes I think we did amongst all the problems lately we did" I told him letting go of him and looking at him. It had been 4 months since AJ's death and still none of us were even ready to talk about it we hadn't even announced our wedding plans or even discussed it yet. "Well how about tonight I'll call my family I'll call your family and of course the guys" Nick said smiling but I hinced a since of sadness when he said the last part about the guys only because AJ wasn't going to be here to share the most special moment in our relationship. I squealed with joy clinging to Nick and giggling. "Thank you so much this has made me the happiest girl in a long time" I said smiling. "I'm glad your happy that's all I want" Nick said giving me a eskimo kiss. I giggled and Nick picked me up in his arms carrying me into my apparment and laying me down on the couch and kissing me gently. "mmmmm" Nick said as his toungue carressed mine slowly. He was such a great slow kisser even when he got a little faster he was still an awesome kisser either way. "You like?" I asked giggling inbetween our smile smooches. "Mmmm yes I do" He said smiling. I reached up grabbing his sides and tickling him madly. He laughed falling down on the floor and me toppling over on him he looked red as he couldn't breathe from all the laughing. "Hey nooo" Nick screamed laughing harder and harder. "What?" I asked. "STOOOPPPP!" He screamed once more. I let go looking at him with no mercy. "Thank you hehe" He said as he laid flat out on the floor with me straddling him and laughing. "Ooo aren't we forceful" Nick said teasing me. "Yes when I want something I am" I said laughing. We finally ended up laying next to each other smiling. "So like when do you think we should get married?" Nick just came out and said. "Well hmmm I wanna have it in May" I told him. "Aight and where?" He asked. "hmm I've always had this big dream of having one on the beach I mean I know we live on the beach but still" I said. "Whatever you want is what I'm gonna give you baby" He said leaning over and kissing me softly on the nose. I smiled reaching up and kissing him back on the lips. "Whoa!" We heard from behind us. I stopped kissing him and turned around to see Jen. I jumped up when I saw her, we hugged and I almost cried it had been months and I hadn't seen her or heard from her. "Jen!" I exclaimed. "Ashley!" She said back in excitement. We hugged once more and she came and sat down on the couch. "So why haven't you called or tried to get in touch?" I asked. "Cuz I just needed to be alone I didn't want to be reminded of what waited here at home for me" Jen said. "Well how are you?" I asked sympatheticly. "Well better much better I've found myself you know I've gotten together I'm doing great" Jen remarked with a big smile. I knew there was more to this though I mean who could get over something like that in less then 4 months? Nick smiled and talked with her while I went and got us some drinks I came back and they were still chatting on the couch. "Here you are" I said handing the drinks to them. "Wow its so great to have you back do you have anything you want me to help you move back in?" I asked. Jen's face suddenly turned from happy to sad. "Ash, I'm not moving back in accually I'm moving out" Jen said. "What! why?" I asked. "Because this place reminds me to much of AJ I've made plans to move to LA because I have a new big job over there modeling" Jen said. "Oh...I see" I said sadly. "Don't be mad I'll come back and visit" She said. "Alright it's your life your desicions" I told her. "Your angry with me though" Jen said. "No I'm fine with it Jen really" I said. "Good now Nick come help me get my stuff from upstairs" She said walking away from the room. Nick followed her and I only sat on the couch realizing how everything changes after one thing happens.

"Bye Jen call me" I shouted as she drove away. I turned to Nick who was looking at me sympatheticly. "Nick why does everything have to change?" I asked him. "Because if it doesn't then life would be so boring" He said. "Yeah but I lost Meghan,AJ and now Jen" I said sadly. "But look you haven't truely lost them they still live inside your heart Ash" Nick said taking his hand and placing it on my heart. "Aww Nick your to sweet" I said reaching over and hugging him.He hugged me back smiling. He stopped soon though and let go of me looking at his watch. "Damn I was suppose to pick up Chloe 30 minutes ago hey can you wait here I'm gonna bring her back here since you two haven't met yet and she is gonna be a big part of our world Ash be right back" He said reaching for his keys and leaving me before I could even say okay. After Nick left I only sat there on the couch watching tv I finally reached over for the phone calling Brian. "Bri" I said as he answered. "Hey" He said. "Hey can you talk?" I asked. "Yeah I'm all alone" Brian replied. "Yeah me to Nick just left to go get chloe" I told Brian. "Really so how are you and Nick?" Brian asked. "Well we did have news to tell you the night of AJ's death but it was posponed for like 4 months now" I told Brian sadly. "And whats the news?" Brian asked. "Well Nick and I are engaged to be married" I said excitedly. "Oh my God really? I'm so happy for you girl" Brian said enthusiasticlly. "Thanks I think we were planing to tell the family but we haven't found the right night just yet" I said. "Well how about this weekend?" Brian asked. "Hmmm sounds good to me maybe I should get busy calling everyone or maybe you and I should just have a good chat we haven't talked in what seems like years" I said. "It's been about 6 months" Brian said. "Dang we have been bad we really should have talked sooner" I said. "Yes we should have" Brian said. "So whats up?" I asked. Brian and I talked for atleast 3 hours as we both sat and watched ghost on tv. "Man what time is it?" I asked as I was about to dose off. "Ummm almost 11 why?" Brian asked. "Damn it he's not home he left at 8 too God where is he?" I asked. "Me dunno I am only the imperial chesse man" Brian said laughing. I laughed along too and was almost startled when Nick came flying through the door. "Brian I have to go" I said slowly hanging the phone up and staring up at Nick with an evil glare. "Where have you been?" I asked. "I can explain" Nick said. "Well you better hurry cuz right now your running out of time" I said sharply. "I went to go get chloe you know and when I got there she wasn't there and neither was Meghan she's kidnapped my child Ash I searched all night for them went to grandparents house everything she's gone" Nick said sadly. I suddenly felt bad for scolding Nick so badly. "I'm sorry so what are you going to do baby?" I asked coming over and sitting next to him. "I dunno I'm not sure after 48 hours I'm gonna call the cops and were gonna find her that's what she has my child and it's just not right" Nick said coldly. "How about you sleep on it then come to my bed and we can sleep in each others arms while you think" I said trying to take his mind off of everything. "Baby not tonight I just have to much on my mind" Nick said as he got up off my couch leaving me. He kissed me gently goodnight and then left. What was it with people they just drop by and leave now even Nick at the sound of his daughter gone he freaks and leaves me. I had to have something more then Meghan had I just had to have a baby that was the answer. I slept hardly any that night only thinking about what the future was going to hold for Nick and I.

Chapter 12

Go back home
