Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Twelve

For the next few days I saw Nick less and less he had found chloe and was all over her in a second. I spent my days at home and of course out at the malls spending away. Nothing would make me happy though except to spend some quality time with Nick. I missed him desprately. I picked up the phone and rang him up on his cell phone. It rang about three times and then he answered. "Hello" He said. "Hey baby" I said feeling a smile spread across my face at just the sound of his voice. "Hey what's up?" He asked. "Nothing just wondering when I'm gonna fit into that fast paced schedule of yours" I said laughing. "Well I'm not sure I have to baby sit tonight" Nick said. I had heard that so much this week till I was blue in the face. "Nick...Look either you want to be with me or not and if you don't want to spend some time with me then don't" I said trying not to get angered.

I do want to and you know what I'm just gonna bring baby chloe with me and we can start our wedding plans baby" Nick said sweetly. I of course was begining to think I had to schedule a appointment with him and that annoyed me. He came a few hours later with the baby and I flung my arms around him almost forgetting he had her in his arms. "Opps sorry" I said stepping back. "It's okay so what's up?" He asked smiling. "Umm not much just been sitting around shopping trying to keep myself busy" I said. "Well I'm here now I have enough stuff to keep us both busy for years to come" He said laughing. I only smiled realizing once again our relationship was going through those rough spots. I wasn't going to give up this time of course. "So what's our plans for the night?" I asked. "Well since I have to watch lil baby then we could just go pick up some movies maybe" Nick suggested. I only cringed inside realizing that he had once again told me something and hadn't done it we were suppose to start planning our wedding here we hadn't even told his parent's yet or even mine for that fact how pathetic. We went out and rented a few movies and headed home watching them they were mostly movies Nick was more into then I was into so I could have cared less all I wanted was Nicks attention but that was becoming hard to get too. I decided to get up and go outside maybe take a walk for awhile to think everything through before making anything rational. I walked a little ways down the beach noticing that Brian was standing down at the end of the pier. I ran faster and finally when I was close enough I slowed down and looked at him. "Hey" I said smiling. But when he looked at me the look on his face wasn't love but pure sadness. "Brian man what's wrong?" I asked. "God I don't know Ashley" Brian said begining to break down and cry. "Shhh tell me everything" I said sitting down in the sand. He crumbled down to the sand looking at me. "Well it's such a long story but let me explain I need someone to tell this too" Brian said. "Alright" I said. "Okay well you know Nick went and picked up Chloe like two days ago right?" Brian said. "Yeah and ?" I asked. "Well I went with him and I saw Meghan and gosh Ashley when I saw her all those old feelings came rushing back so hard and so fast it was like bam and now I'm really confused about what I feel for Jill" Brian said. "Ohh my gosh that's bad" I said putting my hand on Brians shoulder. "I'm sorry but look all you need to do is this hang out with Meghan and sort out all those feelings for her and if you feel that you can't live without her then your suppose to be with her but you must remember she broke you once and she could do it again" I warned him. "I know I know but gosh I just can't think Ash my minds filled with so much" He said. "I know but just chill take it slow" I said reassuring him. He and I sat there for atleast two hours talking about everything I told him all about my problems with Nick and he reassured me it was just because he was busy. I felt it was more but I prayed he was right.

Chapter Thirteen
