Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Fourteen

The weeks went on and I saw Nick less and less and this week he was leaving for tour and the instinctive worries inside me built higher and higher. The night before they left I wasn't even sure if he was going to call me so I picked up the phone and did it instead it rang about three times and then he answered. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey, it's me where have you been?" I asked feeling a little hurt. "I've been busy Ash that's all" Nick said. "Oh to busy to even call me over a two week period?" I asked. "Yes I've been with my mom in LA umm went to NY for a while too" Nick said acting as if were all okay. "So you go to LA without even telling me I mean weren't we planning to tell everyone about our wedding plans or have you changed your mind about that too?" I asked forcefully. "No you know I haven't it's just not really been on the top of my list is all" Nick said. "Oh fine Nick gosh I don't even wanna talk alright I'm just gonna go I'll see you in 6 months hopefully by a years time you might be ready to marry me or maybe you've realized that I'm just not the one for you" I said trying hard to hold the tears back.

I walked for hours crying and sometimes just stopping and kicking the sand in frustration. There just seemed to be less of Nick and I anymore. He was always busy with something or someone else. I began to think maybe he was cheating on me again and maybe it was stupid to think but it was the only thing to explain the weirdness of his actions lately. I made it home just before dark and I was surprised to see Brian inside watching tv. I scrambled to make my face look presentable in time so he wouldn't ask any questions. I walked inside he didn't even notice I was guessing he was just in a daze over the tv. "Brian?" I asked. He didn't look up so I began to worry. "Brian" I said a little bit louder this time. He still didn't respond. I came closer grabbing him by the neck and plunging him back and forth. "BOO!" I heard him scream. I jumped screaming and holding myself and crying.Brian's face turned from boyish laugh to a paniced look. "Ash whats wrong?" He asked kneeling down next to me. I only cried because words couldn't describe what I felt this moment. He bent down wrapping his arms around me and craddling me. I slowly melted into his arms and felt comfortable. I almost died when I saw the door open and Nick standing there. "What!?" He screamed seeing Brian holding me like he was. "Nick it's not what it seems like" I said standing up to my feet. "Oh so what is it?" He asked. "It's Brian hugging me alright" I said defending myself. "Besides why do you care your hoes are waiting for you" I screamed. "What hoes?" Nick asked. "Don't play dumb with me Nick I know your cheating on me" I said. "What!" He exclaimed. "Yes you are admit it" I said. "Admit that all I've been doing is secretly planning our wedding and trying to surprise you and make you happy" Nick yelled back. After hearing this I felt so embarrassed I walked over to the door and stepped outside. "I'm just gonna leave" Brian said making his way to the door. "Might be for the best" Nick said. Nick walked past Brian and made his way out the door. "Ashley" I heard him call. I didn't want to face him right now I felt like such a fool and felt that I might even be capable of cheating on Nick. "Ashley" I heard softly as Nick approached me from behind. I let out a small cry and hide my face in my hands. I felt his body come closer and his hand lay on my shoulder. "Baby don't cry" I heard him whisper in my ear. "I can't help but think maybe I'm capable of hurting and cheating on you" I said. "Everyones born with that capability but they still love, cheating on someone doesn't mean that you don't love them it just means that your not getting the ammount of love that you need so desprately from them" Nick said. "I love you more then my life Nick, your everything to me...but I'm so scared of hurting you" I said. Another tear spilled over my cheek and on Nicks hand that was holding mine tightly. "I'll come along on the ride with you no matter what happens if you do hurt me then I'll still love you" Nick said. I cried even more knowing that he trusted me so much with his heart. "Nick your willing to take the risks" I asked. "Yes if you are" He said looking deep into my eyes. "Yes because I love you" I told him. "Well then were ready for eternity with each other" Nick said. "Yes I know I am" I said giggling. "Yeah me to angel" Nick said. He came closer leaning in for a passionate kiss. I came closer our lips met and it was like the first kiss all over. After we were done I just laid my head on his chest and looked at the stars above my head. "I love you Nick" I whispered softly in the night. "I love you now I'll love you for forever Ash" Nick said still looking up to the sky too.

Chapter Fourteen

Go home
