Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter 14

The next few weeks were great for Nick and I we began to spend more and more time together trying to forget or just not even worry about the problems that we had in life. We had announced our wedding a few days earlier and everyone was so happy for us wanting to take a part in the special event knowing how long it had taken the two of us to make it to this point. We were both so happy though.

"Ya Jen please come I want you to be my maid of honer I miss you" I told Jill smiling at Nick who was outside throwing a few hoops. "I will I promise I mean who could miss looking so glamourous?" She said giggling. For one Jen was really looking up atleast since AJ's death. She had been through so much and I didn't want to bring back any painful memories by telling her I needed her at the wedding. "Are you okay with this?" I asked trying to reassure myself. "Yes why wouldn't I be?" She asked light heartedly as if she had almost forgotten that AJ was gone. "Well I thought maybe because of AJ and all this might bring back some painful memorys for you" I said trying so hard not to hurt her feelings. Jill sighed as she tried to continue. "Ash, thats the past I have to move on if I'm gonna live, actually I have some good news" She said. I could tell she was smiling by the way she was talking. "What's that?" I asked suspiciously. "Well I've met someone" Jen said. I was shocked because it seemed months ago she could have never gotten over AJ's death. But I was so happy for her. "Really!?" I asked. "Yes his names Matt he's so great Ash he reminds me so much of AJ he has all the tattoos too" Jen said laughing. I laughed to only because I was happy for her. "Jen gosh this is great so is he coming with you to the wedding?" I asked. "Yes if it's okay with everyone I really don't want anyone to be mad at me for moving on or anything"Jen said sounding a bit worried. "Awe man there gonna be happy girl it's been a year and a half and it was time for you to move on" I said encouraging her. "Oh thank you so much for everything girl you telling me this just makes me feel so much better, but I'll be there next week early before the wedding so you and I can do a little something before you get all tied down to that hunk of yours" She said laughing. "Alright good that should be fun" I said laughing. "Alright girl check you later, hey thanks again" Jen said just before we were hanging up. "Your welcome you know I love you" I said smiling. "Ya I do and I love you too see you later Ash bye" She said hanging up. "Bye" I said. I hung up grabbing the brush near my bed side and brushing my hair and putting it up. I walked through the house and then went outside to talk to Nick. I came up behind him slowly wrapping my arms around his waist. "Hey baby" I said softly. Nick turned around and looked at me smiling and then he slowly wrapped his arms around me giving me a deep passionate kiss. I savoured it and let go opening my eyes slowly and looking at him deeply. "I love you" I said softly. "I love you more" Nick teased as he played with my hair. "You know you can't possibly love me more then I love you cuz it's just not possible" I said trying to argue with him as always. "No, no, no my dear I love you more and I know it" He said laughing. We argued all the way inside the house and finally stopped when the phone rang. Nick walked over picking it up. "Hello?" He asked. He looked a little worried after the few seconds and then his face relaxed. "Okay Meg I'll do it but just this time you can't let your boyfriends take the place of your daughter" Nick said sighing frustratedly. Meghan here lately had really been ignoring Chloe for her dates here and there and it really was making Nick angry. He hung up the phone hard and just sat there sighing. "Is she going out again?" I asked. "Yes she doesn't even care about my child, I ...I just wish she could live with me" Nick blurted out and then I turned towards him with a strange look. "What?" I asked. "Ashley I love Chloe so much she deserves so much better I can give her that so what do you say?" Nick asked smiling innocently. "I dunno this isn't just something you think about for one day and then say yes this will effect our whole lives Nick it's just not a drop of the hat thing here" I said sighing. He stood up walking over to me and hugging me. "Thats what I love about you, you have to think before doing" Nick said smiling. "Yes and we will, but you know who I called this morning?" I asked him."Who the president?" Nick said laughing. I hit him and gave him a disaproving look. "No Jen mr smart ass" I said. "Oooh aren't we using big words" Nick said running before I hit him. "So what did she have to say?" Nick asked from the living room. I walked in into the living room that way I could hit Nick if he need it. "She agreed to being the maid of honer and get this, she has met someone" I said excitedly. Nicks face turned from sweet to worried. "Who?" He asked shortly. "Nick don't tell me that your angry about this it's been a year and a half!" I said feeling a bit angry. "It's just I dunno what the rest of the guys or AJ's family is going to think" Nick said. "They should think oh I'm so happy for her not oh she needs to be more respectful, AJ wanted her happy and this is how she's gonna do it and I'm behind here 100% no matter what!" I said."Your right Ash maybe it will work out who knows"

A week later everything began to fly by and now Jen was coming in less then five minutes. "You think she's coming anytime soon?" Brian asked from the corner of the gates room looking outside the window at the planes flying off. "Yes be patient" I said sighing. Everyone had decided to come a greet her knowing she was as close to a wife as AJ would of ever had. Finally her plane touched down and we waited for the moment I only prayed that everything would go alright knowing that her new boyfriend would be with her and I hadn't told the guys about it. "There she is" Nick said loudly as he walked up to her giving her a warm hug. I stepped up next giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Hey girl who's this fine catch with you" I said laughing. He only blushed slightly and then laughed. "This is Matt you guys he's my new boyfriend" She annouced as she somewhat presented him. I did have to say the guys took it so much better then I thought they would they hugged her and introduced themseleves to him. "Well Matt looks like your pretty much in the club" Nick told him laughing. Matt did resemble AJ in alot of ways except his bleach blonde hair well that was another thing. We all returned home and had lunch everyone was talking up a storm and I just stood there watching as life was taking its tole thinking about what the years ahead had to hold for me and for Nick. "Hey everyone out to the boat lets go for a ride" Nick shouted as he ran for the door. I just laughed because Nick was always so energetic about things exspecially his boat. We all got in our swim suits and followed as Nick reved the engine up and took us on a ride I don't think were gonna quiet forget just yet. On the way out to the gulf Jen leaned over and began to talk to me. "Ash, theres something I gotta tell you" She said. "What?" I asked loudly over the sound of the boat people talking and the wind. "Matt asked me to marry him" She shouted almost so loud that everyone could hear. "WHAT!?" I screamed loudly making everyones eyes glue to me. "Look what you did Ashley!" Jen said storming off and going down into the boat. I sat there almost franticly thinking about all of this man she was moving fast maybe she wasn't even thinking about it yet. I ran down to the bottom of the boat. "Jen!" I screamed and finally came running into her. "What do you want Ashley what's wrong with it?" Jen asked. "Whats wrong is that its been a year and a half plus how long have you been seeing him?" I asked sighing. Jen was hessitant and then told me. "Two months after AJ's death" She said hanging her head low. I immediately felt my blood boil. "Jen how could you!" I screamed. "I dunno I missed AJ so much I needed someone" Jen said trying to justify herself. I only turned my back to her growling to myself. "Ashley please forgive me you have to understand" Jen said crying. "I can't understand how you could of acted like that and just forgot about him" I said feeling myself feel how I did after AJ had died. "I was lonely, and now I realize how wrong it was and I had to tell you, please forgive me" Jen said grabbing my shoulders and trying to hug me. I only pushed her away and sat there alone and cried.

Somethings Are Meant To Be finally Chapter**Not yet finished**

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