Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Two

The next morning I woke up at about 11:00 to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I got up and grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me going to the door. I opened it to see AJ. "Hey....She's upstairs" I muttered pointing to the stairway. "No it's not her,The person I'm wanting to talk to is you" He said sounding serious."Okay come on in I'm gonna go in here and make me some coffee " I said walking into my kitchen. "Okay look I got home last night you know and like I went to sleep right and then I get a phone call in the middle of the night I get a call from Nick and he's flipping out telling me someone called and didn't even say anything,So anyways I had to convince him that it probabley was just a crazed fan who found out his number so he flips even more, so what I am wondering is this, were you the one that called him last night?" AJ asked staring me straight in the eye. I knew I was guilty but trying not to show him was the thing. "Umm ummm yes I did " I said shamefully. "Why I thought you were through with him Ashley" AJ said. "How can you be through with someone your so sure is your soul mate huh?" I said trying to hold my tears back. 'I'm sorry Ash" Aj said getting up from the stool next to my bar to hug me. I let him hug me but I didn't cry. "Well do you want me to tell him that it was you?" AJ asked letting me go. "No not really but if he has to know then just tell him" I said walking back over to my cabinets and pulling out a coffee cup. "Well maybe I should then to make him stop worrying" AJ said. He picked up my phone on my cabinet and dialed Nick's number. I didn't want AJ to but I knew it wouldn't be nice to Nick so I didn't stop him I just listened. "Hey Nick it's me boner" AJ said. "Yeah ...anyways I wanted to tell you I found out who your little stalker was" AJ said giggling. I of course found nothing funny about this. "It was Ashley" AJ said acting as if it were a normal thing or something. "Yeah I know so you want to talk to her?" AJ said. "Okay just a second" I flipped totally,There was no way I was going to talk to him but AJ handed me the phone. I put it up to my ear and started to talk well almost. "Hello?" I asked barely being able to speak. "Why did you call Ashley?" He asked.He didn't sound to happy. "I dunno I had a dream about you and I woke up in a fright and like just went and picked up the phone I'm sorry about it" I said apoligicly. "It's alright really" He said. I became speechless and I was guessing the same had happened to him because he wasn't really talking either. "Well" He said. "Well what?" I asked. "Are you gonna talk?" He asked. "No I was waiting for you to talk" I said. "Oh sorry" He said. "Yeah me too" I said. "What are you sorry about?" He asked. I stopped myself from saying anything else. "Erm I'm just sorry is all" I said. "Oh well I have to go anyways Meg's here were going out to Cally to see my parents for the day" He said. "Oh okay well tell your mom I said hello alright" I said. "Yeah I'll do that bye" He said. "Bye" I hung up and so did he I sat down on the stool and laid my head on the counter. "What's wrong?" AJ asked. "Me" I said sadly. "Naw there's nothing wrong with you angel" AJ said. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Baby come on were gonna be late" Meghan called from my room. "Alright I'm comming" I came walking out of the kitchen more puzzled then ever. I had just gotten done talking to Ashley the girl that I once thought meant more to me then life but then things went down hill and I lost her. I now was with her best friend Meghan who was really nice but just wasn't Ashley. God I wanted her back so much sometimes it made me ache inside. I tried to push her aside but today I dunno I just couldn't help but think about her.....I had even thought about her so much that it pushed me to start taking matters into deeper issues something no one had any clue about but me. "Baby who was that on the phone?" Meghan asked putting on her earings as she walked into the living room. "Oh just AJ he was calling me to tell me some corny joke about nsync is all" I said muffling a fake laugh. "Oh okay well let's go now" She said pulling my arm and my body out the door. I locked the house and went to my car opening the door for her and then going around and getting in. We drove to the airport and got on our private bsb jet and flew out to Cally. We had a long flight ahead of us maybe it would even give me time to think about things. We arrived at my parents house at about 3:00 and went up and I opened the back door. "I'm home!" I shouted. Everyone came running at me exspecially little aaron who hopped into my arms shouting. "Hey buddy!" I said hugging him tightly. My mom came running towards me crying and hugging me. "Ma what's wrong?" I asked looking at her. "I missed you angel where's Ashley?" She asked. She didn't know that I had well busted up with her this definately was going to be hard. "Well we ...Well ma we just aren't seeing each other anymore and we haven't for almost a year now I have a new girlfriend her names Meghan" I said taking Meghan by the hand and pulling her up in front of me. "Oh I see" My mom said sounding disapointed. "Hello Mrs Carter" Meghan said chippery. "Hello Meghan it's nice to meet you" My mom said. That's what I loved about my mom most she could really hide what she was truely feeling alot of the time. "Come on in you guys your father is gone on another trip something to do with aaron" My mom told us. "Oh man I wished he could have been here" I said. "Yes I know me too" said my mom. We walked into the kitchen and sat down to a lovely lunch and then after that we decided to go out on the boat. "So honey what happened between you and that dear girl Ashley?" My mom asked since Meg was busy getting dressed to come out with us. "Mom it's over that's all there is to say" I said frankly. "But what happened is what I want to know Nickolas" My mom said. I always knew when she called me by my full name that she meant business. So I proceeded to tell her. "Well let's just I cheated on her with Meghan" I said shamefully. "Nikolas Gene Carter how could you do that to that girl she loved you know that don't you?" My mom said angerly. "No not until she was gone atleast" I said. "Well you were wrong in hurting her she was special Nick" My mom told me. I was just about to reply when Meghan came walking back into the room. "Wow you look nice" I remarked trying to get my mind off of Ashley and of my problems. We had a nice day even if my mother wasn't that happy with me. When we finally had gotten back to the house it was well past 9 and I was dieing for a joint. "Baby I'm going to go out for awhile on the boat to think alone" I told Meghan. "Okay I'll see you when you get back then" She told me giving me a kiss. I took my jacket and walked down to the shore where the boat was tied up and losened it from its hold. I hopped on the boat and sat in the drivers seat lighting me up a joint. God my habit had become so bad I really wanted to stop but the urges were to strong. I started her up and headed to God knows were with a marijuna joint lit up in my hand.

"You think he ever thinks about me?" I asked AJ who was still sitting on my stool in mine and Jen's apartment. "Yes of course he does who could forget such a pretty face" AJ said smiling at me. "And a pretty body might I add" I blushed realizing aJ himself had seen me in the lovely nude. "Who has a pretty body?" Jen asked making her way down the apartments steps. "Why of course you baby" AJ said getting up and kissing Jen goodmorning. "That was a lovely awaking" Jen said smiling and locking eyes with AJ. I envied Jen she was so happy and I was just what was I? I asked myself. I got up and went upstairs to get dressed for yet another lovely day. I was getting dressed combing my hair when I looked in the mirror and asked myself. "What are you Ashley?" I feared the question wondering myself what I was without someone like Nick. I got up and walked downstairs noticing AJ and Jen making out on the couch. I cleared my voice but they dtill didn't stop so I had to get out of there so I decided to walk next door to Brians condo. I knocked a few times and then my Brian came running to the door. "Yeah?" He asked opening the door. "Hey you mind if I come in?" I asked. Brian gave me a odd look and then let me in. "Why did you knock you never knock Ash what's up?" He asked sounding concearned. "It's me it's NICK!" I blurted out and then held my hand up to my mouth. "Oh frack ?" Brian asked sounding as if it were something I said all the time. "Well what was that for?" I asked. "Nothing" Brian replied. "You know something don't you?" I asked smiling and running over and jumping on his back. "Maybe" Brian said. "Maybe, Brian TELL ME NOW" I shrieked. He laughed falling to the floor. "Okay okay stop I'll tell you" Brian managed to say. I fell off his back laying next to him on the floor. "Well he called me a little while ago and he said that today he just doesn't know what it is but he can't manage to keep his mind off of you and that he wishes things were diffrent" Brian told me. My eyes got really big and I squealed with joy. "What was that for?" Brian shouted laughing at me. "God I'm so happy" I said getting up and dancing almost a gig around his condo's living room. Brian just laughed. "Brian I have to go see him where is he?" I asked. "What! You must be crazy Ashley!" Brian shrieked. "What he's in Cally right?" I asked. "Yeah at his moms" I got up and ran to the door. "Wait hold up now where are you going you don't even know where his parent's live" Brian said. "Yeah that's why I'm going to go get ready and you my friend are going to write out the directions for me and call the airport book me a round trip alright?" I asked. "Your sooo crazy Ashley" Brian said. "I know but hey remember when you told me some things are worth fighting for" I said walking out the door well running and running quickly over to my house. When I got there AJ and Jen were gone so I thought maybe they had went out to dinner or something. I went up to our bedrooms but when I got up there I heard the strangest noises sounded like someone was moaning and yelling I went over to Jen's door and I walked in and to my surprisal there was AJ on top of Jen. I backed up screaming and finally running out of the bedroom into my room and slamming the door shut. "Oh my God" I said "Oh my Gawd" I said once more. I flopped down on my bed holding my head in my hands and panicing,Jen was going to kill me now. I went to my closet and took out my Addidas duffle bag and then went to my closet to get some clothes out. Finally I had finished dumping them all in there and I took my bag and purse and almost ran down my condos steps. "Ash come back" I heard Jen scream. I paniced and ran to the door finally she made her way down in a robe. "I'm sorry really Jen I didn't mean to do that I dunno" I shouted. Jen looked down at my bags and then at me. "Where you going off too?" She asked totally ignoring my apoligy. "Going out to Cally for awhile I need a break" I said lieing to her. "Oh well that's alright I guess just kinda embarassing that my best friend saw me getting it on" Jen said laughing. "Yeah I know I wouldn't want anyone seeing me and N--" I stopped myself and smiled. "Who?" Jen asked. "No one I have to go now gonna miss my flight" I said impatiently. I opened then door and started to go out but she stopped me again. "Okay well call me when you get there okay?" Jen said. "Alright bye you don't be to bad in our house" I said laughing. She laughed and then waved I got to my jeep and hopped in driving back over to Brians. I went to the door and he was already waiting. "Here it is you know your crazy right?" Brian said. "Yeah crazy in love ...I knew I was I just dunno never realized it till now" I said. "Okay you be carefully here's my cell phone alright and some extra money" Brian said. He reached over and handed me the cell phone and then gave me 2 $100 bills. Brian was like a brother to me like the brother I always wanted but never had. I smiled and thanked him. "Be careful you know what I'm talking about too" Brian said winking at me. "Yeah yeah I will bye" I said hopping back into my jeep and speeding off.

Before I knew it I was sailing at high speeds over the callifornia coast. I turned to look away for a few seconds and moments later I looked back and saw myself plunging straight into the oceans sand bar, I couldn't stop the boat now it was going at way to high of speeds to stop so soon. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain I soon would indure. I felt my body be lifted up out of the boat and tossed on the sand like a leaf in the wind. I opened my eyes but only for a moment and soon they were closed in what felt like an eternal darkness.

Chapter Three
