Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Three

"Nick wake up honey" I heard someone call but then realized it had to be a figment of my imagination and I soon drifted back into my darkness. "God will he be alright?" Meghan asked standing near shivering and crying. Jane looked at her as if she were ready to go into the looney bin, this wasn't a time to panic but a time to get together. Jane rounded up the kids and we all ran out to the car. Jane had totally forgotten about Meghan, she was sitting on the dark pier alone crying. "Leslie hand me my phone I need to call the guys" Jane told her daughter with a serious tone. Leslie obeyed her mother and handed her the phone. Jane was about to call when she was interupted by Aaron's voice. "Mommy is Nick going to live" He asked sniffling yet another tear. "Yes he's a Carter Aaron he will survive and we must help him to get there" Jane told her son bravely. Jane was slowly dieing inside her son was in a hospital maybe even dieing. Aaron continued to cry while Jane took her cellular phone and dialed Brians cell phone first. It rang about three times and then someone picked up. "Hello?" Ashley said, wondering who would call her on the cell phone. "Yes is Brian there?" Jane asked. "No this is Ashley, erm I'm using his phone" Ashley said nervously. "Ashley is that you?" Jane asked. "Yes Ma'am this is me" Ashley said cheerfully. "Ashley sit down hunny" Jane told her. Ashley began to worry from the sound in Jane's voice. "What is it Mrs. Carter?" Ashley asked. "Nick, hunny he's been in a boat accident he's--" Jane stopped mid way and let out a single cry. "What?" Ashley asked barely breathing. "there rushing him to the hospital that's why I was trying to get a hold of Brian" Jane told her. "Oh my" Ashley said. She tilted her head downwards and started to cry. "Dear call Brian for me please and tell him what happened and get him to tell the other guys, I'm so sorry Ashley" Jane told her. Ashley couldn't even think her whole world was spinning and she couldn't think. "Yes I will I'll tell them and I'll be at the hospital in no time" Ashley told her quietly. "Thank you, goodbye" Jane said. "Bye" Ashley clicked the phone off and began to cry. I knew I had to tell Brian so I took the phone and clicked it back on dialing Brian's home phone number. "Brian" I said calmly as he answered. "Yea?" He asked. "Brian, there's been an accident, Nick, Nick's been in a boating accident" I said breaking down right inside the airport. Brian didn't say anything for the longest time I had began to think he had hung up. "Brian, I need you to call the rest of the guys please and hurry up and get here, I'm on my way to the hospital" I told him trying to get myself back together."Okay,bye" Brian said. He was like a zombie he didn't say anything he was in a worse shape then I.I ran through the airport. the tears began to run faster and faster down my cheeks, I made it to the outside of the airport and I whistled for a taxi. "Please take me to the LA hospital" I said in a panic.The taxi driver ushered me to hop in and I did. The ride was to long for me I sighed and cried more my mind rushed with every thought I could think of. Nick in the hospital it just couldn't be true he was the best boat driver possible the ocean was his home how could this have happened? I asked myself over and over. I sighed holding my head in my hands and trying to focus trying to believe that things would be okay, I mean we had never even made up."Miss are you okay?" the driver asked me. "Yes are we there yet?" I asked. I looked up and saw that we were. I hopped out and gave the driver his money and I looked at the building and sighed. I ran towards the doors and they flew open automaticly. I walked to the front desk immediatly. "Where is Nick Carter?" I asked frantically. "He's in surgery his family is waiting over here though" The nurse said pointing to the waiting room. I walked towards the waiting room and noticed Mrs Carter with her head bowwed crying. Aaron's head shot up and he saw me. "Mommy,Mommy Ashley's here" Aaron yelled running after me and leeching onto my leg. Jane stood up and walked towards me. I grabbed Aaron and hugged him then went to Mrs Carter and hugged her we both cried in each others arms. We both felt the extensive loss in our lives and we were both scared of lossing the most important things in our lives. "Nick's in surgery he damaged one of his legs's" Jane told me choking on yet another tear. "What?" I asked. I thought of how Nick and his dancing moves were what made him what he was, He was a Backstreetboy. We waited and waited and waited. Finally I had fallen asleep from the long await. "Ashley wake up" I heard Brian say. My eyes fluttered and then opened to see his. "Hey" I said weakly. "Wake up he's out of surgery" Brian told me. I sat up wiping the sleep from my eyes and seeing that all the guys were standing around waiting. I leaned over and hugged Brian tightly. He hugged me back. "Brian is he okay?" I whispered in his ear. "Yes he's fine we can go see him soon" Brian told me reassuringly squezzing my hand. I smiled and let him go sitting back in my chair. Aaron came bouncing down the halls and finally landing in my lap. "Hey Ashes, Nicky's okay now" Aaron said smiling at me. I saw Nick in Aaron too and it made me want to burst into tears once again, I held them back though. "I know Aaron, I dunno what I'll say" I said going off into a daze. "Tell him you love him" Brian said interupting my daze. "Huh ? Oh yeah I suppose" I said. I stared off again thinking about how when Nick and I had first met and I was kidnapped, he had been so brave for me and I had found out his true feelings when he first saw me that look in his eye, it just told me that things were okay and that he cared about me. "Ashley you can go in now" Jane said motioning towards Nick's door. I got up and let a deep breath out. I walked towards his room and opened the door. When I entered Nick's eyes seemed so sad and hurt. I walked over and sat near his bed side. "Nick" I began to say. "Shh" Nick said puting his hand up. "What?" I asked. "Don't say anything Ashley, there's something I have to tell you right now it can't wait any longer" Nick said quietly. His voice didn't even sound like the Nick voice I knew. "Continue then" I told him. He tried to sit up and then he began. "Ashley, I've been thinking about you ever since this morning, even before that I've been thinking about you for atleast 2 months before that, and I've come to the conclusion that I, I can't live without you Ashley your my soul mate and I love you, Please come back to me" Nick asked, his eyes had a sweet sparkle in them. One I hadn't seen for me in months mabye even this whole solitude year without him. I reached down and carressed his face with my hand and he leaned his face so that his face could feel my hand run across his face. "Nick, I came all the way back here to tell you the samething you made everything so easyily, now all there's left to say from me is this, I love you Nick and I can't live without you either I want you back in my life and I give you the right back to love me again" Ashley said matter afactly. Nick smiled. "I love you more Ashley" Nick teased. "No I do" I said. I got up off my chair and Nick scooted over I climbed in the bed with him and he held me close to him the rest of the night.

Chapter Four

Go back home
