Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Four

It had been over an hour and Jane still hadn't returned I was laying asleep in the chair next to Nick while he slept also. "Get up!" I heard a woman shout and my head and body flew straight up. "What!?" I asked sleeply. Nick awoke too. "Meghan, she left this for you Nick she wasn't there when I returned.Nick took the letter and opened it carefully I backed away because I was sure he didn't want me to sit there and ease drop. His facial expression changed from happy to a hurt one. I came closer to help him if he needed me. "Are you okay sweetheart?" Jane asked coming closer to comfort her son. "No mom I'm fine can everyone just leave me alone!?" he asked almost shouting. Jane and I looked at each other in surprise. I got up and walked out of the room Jane following behind me. I wondered just what Meghan could have done to him, I hated her so much for causing him and I so much pain. I went and sat back down in the waiting room, only wanting to run back in there and hold Nick even closer. That day soon passed as did the others. Nick was improving more and more everyday. Nick had never told me what Meghan had said to him, it was like some secret he couldn't tell anyone. Today I had decided to head home to my apartment for some rest and maybe catch up with Jen for awhile. "Jen you home!?" I yelled walking in through the apartment. I laid my purse down on the table and walked in the living room to find Jen sitting on the couch alone. I walked closer to see her crying. "Jen, what's wrong is it AJ?" I asked kneeling close by her chair. She just looked straight ahead. "Jen, is it AJ?" I asked only because I knew that was the only logically question. She shook her head. "Yes, I,I think he's cheating on me Ash and I dunno what to do" Jen said shaking. I took her hand and I held it trying to give her somewhat of an assurance. "Jen, I have only known AJ for a year and a half but in that year and a half I've learned more about him then any teenie bopper mag would ever know, I know that he is a just honest and faithful man, he would never hurt you I know because everytime I look at him looking at you I see this twinkle in his eyes, I know your asking me just how I know right!? I know because Nick has always had that twinkle in his eyes when he looked at me and that my dear is a look of love" I finally finished looking at her for some response. "I dunno still I found a love letter laying on his bed and a rose laying right on top of it, here read it" Jen said reaching out from the side of the chair for a peice of paper.I took it and began to read. AJ, Baby I've been thinking about you so much lately, the pain from you leaving is eating me up inside I know that the other night just wasn't any other night you impacted my life baby. Please if it's not over in your heart like it isn't in mine then meet me at our place at nine. I love you, Mandy I finished reading it and I to was dumbfounded by what this letter had said. Was it true!? I looked at Jen who still had tears rolling down her cheeks. "Jen,I'm sure there's just a simple misunderstanding" I said. She turned her head shaking it and crying even more. I walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone deciding to take this matter into my own hands. "Aj is that you!?" I asked. "Yeah, Ashley what's up girl!?" AJ asked in a cheerful tone. "Nothing, except that your girlfriend is sitting on the couch in our apartment and is crying her eyes out, I don't want her to get sick so you need to come over and talk to her" I said trying to hide the undercover truth of the matter. "Why whats wrong with my baby!?" AJ asked in a lil boy tone of voice. "I have no idea I came home from the hospital and there she is on the couch crying she won't tell me what's wrong she asked for you though" I told him. "Okay I'm coming over cya" I didn't even have time to say goodbye already AJ was on his way. I was sure he had to love Jen I just knew he did. I decided to leave the house thinking maybe it would be better to leave them alone in this sorta time in there relationship. I remember Nick and I had jumped that hurdle once and I really thought that would have been the last time that hurdle would be touched but it wasn't. I sat outside my apartment out on the sandy beach and stared out at the ocean thinking of Nick and me. I turned around though to hear the sound of someone approaching. I turned and saw Nick walking slowly with his crutches to me. "Nick, what are you doing out of the hospital!?" I exclaimed walking up to him. "Well I thought the only place I can get better is here with you on our beach" Nick said smiling. I walked up to him and helped him make it down a little more. "Nick your better now!?" I asked still excited about seeing him. "Yeah they said I'm gonna need some therapy but thats about it, I'm all yours" Nick let go of his crutches slaming down on the sand. He looked up at me laughing. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt my heart beating so fast I was sure it was almost out of my body. I looked up and caught his eye and the same old feelings came rushing at me. I felt so much love it wasn't even describable, I loved Nick he was the one I was born to love and live with for the rest of my life. "God this feels great" Nick said interupting my thoughts. I stopped thinking and looked up at him smiling. "Yes it's a dream maybe I should pinch myself and see if it's truely you and me here together like this" I said reaching out and pinching my arm. I closed my eyes while doing this and then opened them praying that Nick would still be there and he was. "No need to do that , oh well you already did, so angel am I still here?" Nick asked coming closer to my face. I came even closer to him closing my eyes and resting my face against his. "Ashley what's wrong?" Nick asked. "Nothing everythings perfect Nick I'm just taking in the moment I've waited for, for a long time" I said. he nuzzled my nose and then slowly kissed me. I placed my hands around his waist and kissed him back passionately. His toungue and mine were mingling back in forth in his mouth. I felt a chill go up my spine and the way I was feeling was so undescribable. I laid back slowly on the sand and he came down on me. He stopped kissing me only to look at me and smile. He opened my blouse a little and kissed down my skin towards my breast I moaned a little and looked up at him surprisingly. "hmm you know I haven't had anyone do that in almost a year it felt great though" I said. "Well you know I havent either well I've had some but it's not like your love Ashley nothing is" Nick said. "God you don't know how that feels to hear you say that, to have you here" I said.Nick smiled and kissed my neck unbuttoning my shirt all the way down. "Nick are you sure your legs still repairing" I said looking at him. "Oh this will help the leg believe me, I've waited long enough" Nick said smiling devilishly. I gave him the okay and an hour latter we were laying on the beach naked under a blanket holding onto each other at the late day light. I looked up at Nick who was sleeping peacefully. I watched as his eyelids fluttered and his mouth moved slightly and his hair that was cascaded around his white slightly tanned face. I smiled thinking of how much I had hated nick before and now he was the object ofall my affection and I knew I wanted to spend all the rest of my breathing days loving him. He woke up a few moments later noticing that I was watching him sleeping next to me. "Hey what are you looking at?" Nick asked looking around and then back at me. "You of course who else is worthy of my loving stares?" I asked sweetly tucking his fallen blonde hair behind his ear. "No one but me, I love you Ashley so much you mean everything in the world to me whatever you want I'll get it for you I'll pull the moon down from the sky and give it to me if that's what you need or want" Nick said pulling me closer. "Nick all I'll ever need is you that's it nothing else" I said.we laid there together him holding me close and just both enjoyed the moment we were both sharing. A few moments later though this embracing moment came to a halt. "What the hell is that?" AJ asked walking down towards us. "Umm hi" I said with a faint smile hiding myself in Nicks arms.Nick looked up and he to turned a red color all over his face. "God are you to messing around on the beach now?" AJ asked laughing. Jen came walking in close behind him. "Yeah so?" I asked. "Well that's pretty daring knowing that maybe somebody might come strolling along and catch you during your exstasy" AJ said. "Wow!" Jen exclaimed. "Hey could you please go get Ash her robe and me one so we can get out od the spot light here" Nick demanded becoming a tad bit upset from what I could see. A few minutes later Jen was running down the beach with two robes in her hand. I stood up and Nick helped me get my robe on and then I helped him. "Thanks Nick" I said sighing. "I'm sorry they ruined the moment" Nick said hopping on one leg without his crutches. I went and got his crutches and we both walked up the hill side by side.

Chapter Five

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