Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Five

"Jen you have to understand baby me and her are over me and you were so much more special then me and her ever were" AJ told Jen holding her hand to his heart. Jen's tears became even heavier. "You really mean that?" She asked through her sniffles. "Mean it!? I know it" AJ said smiling. Jen just leaned over crying even more on AJ's shoulder. "Baby I know I could never hurt you" AJ said. "I know" Jen replied. But deep in her heart she wasn't just sure how serious this relationship was.

"There you two are!" Jane exclaimed as we walked into Nick's house. I walked up to her hugging her tightly letting go she looked at me and smiled. "So you and my Nicky are at good terms?" She asked. "Yes ma'am we are" I said. I looked behind me reaching out for Nick he took my hand and squezzed it lightly. I took Nick to the living room and helped him get situated on the couch. "Thank you baby, your such a help" Nick said smiling. "That's what I'm for" I said walking off into the kitchen for some snacks. Aaron greeted me there. "ASSSSHHHLLEEEYY" he screamed leeching his body to me. "AHH!" i screamed falling to the floor. "Aaron get off her!" Nick yelled taking his crutches and coming to my rescue. I looked up seeing the pleased happy look on Aarons face and I just cracked up. "Your almost as hyper as I can be Aaron" I told him sitting up with him clinging to me. I looked up at Nick laughing too. "He's a hyper boy I tell you imagine living with him for 11 years!" Nick said rolling his eyes. "Hey I'm not that bad!" Aaron said supporting his actions. I giggled kissing Aaron on the forehead. "You know kid if I was about 11 I'd be all over you" I said. "EWWW!!" Aaron said unleeching from me and walking out of the room. Nick doubled over in laughter and I stood up giving him a evil glare. "Awe I love it when you get mean" He said tickling my side. I tried not to smile but it was so hard not too. "There's that smile" Nick said. I fell over on the couch laughing even more. Nick fell on top of me kissing me and tickling too. "Ewwww" Aaron said once more. We both stopped kissing and looked up at him. "Hey go find you a woman I've got mine" Nick said smothering me with yet another kiss.I giggled kissing him back. We sat and made out on the couch until Nick stopped kissing me and I soon found out that he was laying on me fast asleep. I laughed a little and rolled him over and let him sleep for awhile. I decided to go help Jane out in her garden for awhile. I walked out and sat down in the swing next to her garden and watched her for awhile. "Hey Ashley I didn't realize you had snuck up on me" She said smiling. "I'm sorry Nick just fell asleep so I decided to come out here and talk to you" I said. "Well thanks I always love company" Jane said. "Sooo" I said searching for words. "You know Ashley, I've known you were the girl for my Nicky ever since we met" Jane said looking at me with earnest eyes. My mouth dropped a little at the sound of what Jane had just told me. "What?" I asked speechlessly. "Yes you are the girl my Nicky is suppose to marry I can feel it" Jane said. "Really, that's so cool" I said. "Yes, I know this is so awkward telling you this but I just wanted to tell that if you ever need anyone to talk to anything at all Ashley you can some to me your like a daughter to me" Jane said reaching up and taking my hand. I started to cry at the sound of all this. "Gosh,I dunno what to say" I said fingering a tear away. "Just promise to take care of my baby" Jane said. "I can do that" I said. "Good" Jane stood up and so did I and she gave me a nice long warm hug.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Nick asked whining. "Baby you were sleeping you were obviously wore out I didn't want to awake you" I said tracing my finger along his cute face.He smiled reaching up for a kiss. "Nick we have to get ready, the guys are taking us out tonight" I said stopping him from a sweet kiss. "Awe man" Nick said. "Get up let me help you with that foot" I said helping him up off the couch. "But it's gonna be bad if any fans see me like this" Nick said. "Who are you there to impress me or the fans?" I asked him. "You of course my angel" Nick said leaning in for yet another kiss it was like his lips were eternally glued to mine. " I love you" He said after letting go of my lips. "I love you more" I said smiling. "Not possible" Nick said brushing his hand along my face. I came in closer wrapping my arms around him and hugging him closely. "God your the best!" I said. "Naw your better" Nick said laughing. We stood there hugging until Brian came busting through the living room. "Whats up y---" He stopped mid sentance when he saw us. "I am soo sorry" He said. "Naw it's okay we needed to get it together anyways" Nick said letting go of me. "Naw continue the love fest baby!" Brian said giving us his peace sign. We both laughed as I made my way back to the guest room to get dressed for tonight. I picked out a pair of capri pants and a white tank top with a cardigan over it. I had my hair pinned up with butterfly hair clips and had silver loops in my ears. I looked great. I walked out of my room to great Nick who looked so fine! He had on a tight bug baggy pair of tommy jeans and a tight green rib nit shirt. He was to fine to even express in words made me wanna scream "I WANT NICK!" I only laughed to myself though. "Well should we get going?" Brian asked as Nick made his way out the door with his two crutches. "Mr limp" Brian said joking with Nick. "Hey man you better watch it I'll be outta these in another week and then I'm gonna come knocking at your door" Nick said shaking his crutch back at Brian. Brian only laughed. "You couldn't whoop me even on your best day" Brian said laughing. "Right!" Nick said. "Alright boys let's not be babys!" I said giggling. I helped load Nick into the car and then I got in. "Were not baby's were MEN" Brian said with a deep voice. "Right you just keep on thinking that pretty boy" I said smirking. He just laughed and drived us towards the guys apartment that they shared next to mine and Jen's. "What we doing here?" I asked. "This is where the parta is tonight" Brian said. "Kewl" Nick said hopping out of the car and crutching his way up the driveway. When we got inside there were girls everywhere and I found D in the center of it. "D what you doing?" I asked. "Oh entertaining the girls here" He said smiling wide. "You bad, bad boy!" I said laughing. I walked into the living room with Nick and we sat down on the couch together. "To bad I cant hold you in my arms and dance with you" Nick said sadly. "Oh don't worry we can make up for it next week I promise" I said taking his hand. We sat there most of the night doing nothing just watching everyone else. I leaned over laying on nicks lap and I fell fast asleep I didn't wake up till the next morning where Nick was laying nesstled under me just like that time at the airport. I leaned down kissing him softly and his eyes opened seeing me there. "Good morning angel" Nick said. "Good morning my nick" I said. I got up off of him and headed to the bathrooms on the way there I was walking by AJ's room and noticed there was a girl in there who most certanly wasn't Jen.My eyes opened wide and I ran down the hall straight to the bathroom slamming the door behind me and leaning up against it in shock. "What the?" I thought. I hadn't just imagined another girl in bed with him she was there alright. I used the bathroom and then walked back to the living room not even bothering to look back again. When I got there Nick was gone. "Nick?" I yelled. I walked back to where I heard shouting voices coming. "Nick?" I asked. He was standing right in AJ's door way and you would never guess why he was yelling.

Chapter Six

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