Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Six

"What are you thinking AJ how could God I can't believe this" Nick said turning around and crutching himself out the door almost knocking me over. I was standing there wide eyed opened looking at this scene laid before me. AJ just sat there in the bed speechless. "I hope your happy" I added slamming the door I heard something crash to the floor and I ran off to find Nick. I didn't know what to do my best friend had been cheated on by the man of her dreams how was I gonna tell her? Wait I wasn't going to tell her I have to leave it alone. I found Nick sitting down in front of the tv giving the 64 a beating. "Nick" I said softly from the couch. He paused the game turning around to look at me. "What?" He asked in a soft but angry tone. "Baby what am I gonna do Jen's like gonna be devestated and AJ may never tell her" I said sighing. "Oh believe me ole Bone will tell her if I have to make him tell her he will he's such a slime bucket" Nick said turning around back to his game. I laid back on the couch trying to think deeper. "Hey you guys what are you doing?" Howie asked cheerfully. My head poped up giving him an evil look. "Whoa say no more" Howie said walking out of the living room.Nick looked back at me laughing. "I'm so bored" I exclaimed rolling over exaggerating my boredom. "What you wanna do?" Nick asked looking back at me mischeviously. "Not that you pervie" I said laughing. "Oh now I'm a perv" Nick said . He dropped the remote controler coming over to me and kissing me passionately. "Nicky" I squealed as he tickled me all down my sides and thighs. "What you want more" Nick said laughing too. We laid on the floor tickling each other laughing our asses off. "Lets get out of here so your bored mind don't explode" Nick said laughing then getting serious as he brushed back my hair that had cascaded all around my face. I smiled kissing his cheek. Nick stood up helping me up. We heard a ring at the door bell and it made me jump. "Who could that be no one ever rings the door bell..." Nick said walking outside to the patio thingy right before the door. "Hey watch out get Ashley to answer it, you never know could be a crazed fan" Brian shouted from inside the house. Nick thought it over and made me answer it. I slowly opened the door and to my surprise it was the girl I never wanted to see again. "What are you doing here?" I asked glaring at her. "I'm here to see the father of my child" She said marching past me and looking at Nick. Nicks eyes nearly shot out of his head when he saw the size of her stomach. "My gawd what happened to you" Nick said in pure shock. "You happened you and your manhood and you know about this I wrote you that letter your mom must have gotten it, it told you about the pregnancy you knew Nick!" Meghan shouted shoving her pregnant belly right at Nick. I took one look at Nick and boom he was out cold on the floor. I ran to his side. Brian and the rest of the guys came charging out when they heard the bang too. "What happened?" Brian asked looking down at Nick. His head looked up seeing Meghan there with a big pregnant belly. "Whoa nevermind what I just asked" Brian said with wide eyes just like mine where. I watched the guys carefully take Nick in and place him on the couch where I fanned him off throwing ice cold water on him accasionally. His eyes fluttered and then met mine. "Why didn't you tell me Nick" I asked feeling the tears coming now Meghan had a chance at winning Nicks heart back again. "I just couldn't Ash, how could I ruin the best thing in my life" Nick said tracing his finger down my jaw line. "Nick I just dunno what to say or so you need to talk to her and I need to get out of here this is just to much for me" I said standing up. "No please I need you Ash stay" Nick said trying to get up from the couch. "How can I my ex best friend is standing outside with your baby Nick your baby where does this put us" I said sighing. "It puts us where we are we aren't gonna give up and I'm not going back to her if that's what your thinking" Nick said looking at me. "I dunno what I'm thinking but I've gotta go" I said walking to the door. Nick sighed heavily sitting on the couch. "I love you Ashley" Was the last thing I heard as I opened the door and walked out of the house. A few days later I came back to the house and knocked on the door. AJ of course came running to the door and to his surprise I wasn't to happy to see him still. I had went back to my apartment for a few days and sat around eating ice cream and cookies just being depressed over the news Meghan had delievered to Nick and I. "Hey" AJ muttered as I passed by coming into the house. I didn't even say anything to him only because right now he certainly wasn't my favorite person in the world he hadn't even told Jen yet. "Where's Nick?" I asked walking in. "Oh he went out with Meghan don't ask me why though cuz I have no idea" AJ said. I felt the anger and jealousy rise up in me and even for a moment a hint of sadness overwhelmed me. I decided maybe it would be for the best just to go home again staying around wasn't going to make a thing better. "AJ tell him I called I'm heading home" I said making my way back out the door. "Alright bye" AJ said shuting the door behind me. My mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything but of what Nick and Meghan could be doing right now hopefully not planing for the second child or even a wedding. I got in my car and drove back over to my house laying on the couch a crying for a little while but sobbering up when Jen and AJ came baralling through the door. "Hey!" Jen exclaimed laughing out of joy. "Hey" I said trying to sound happy. "What's up?" She asked smiling. I hated to see her so happy with a man who was doing her wrong that man was one of my best guy friends too. "Oh nothing just watching all my children and it's so sad doctor drake tried to save marrisa the love of his life but she died" I said fake sobbing. Jen giggled her and AJ came inside sitting down on the love seat. AJ looked at me a few times as if he was trying to beg me not to tell her. "So what are you to up to today?" I asked smiling. "Oh not much just went out for a walk on the beach and were about to go clubbing once I go upstairs take a shower and get dressed" Jen said I watched her squeze AJ's hand smiling all that happiness was soon to fade and I knew it. "Oh well you better hurry up then" I said staring back to the tv. "Alright AJ you can come up with me if you want to" I heard her say giving AJ one of those looks. It only grieved me more to know that she was being cheated and lied to day by day. I sat alone after Jen and AJ had left just sat and watched whatever was on TV until the door bell rang. I jumped up walking to the door. I opened it slowly seeing Nick standing there. "Let me explain" He said walking in. "Explain what?" I asked trying to act as if I had no clue to what he was saying. "About me and Meg I only went to lunch with her because we discussed after the babys born what she and I will do about me seeing her alright and I want to have a part in my babys life I don't want to abandon him I mean he's my kid for God sakes" Nick said really fast to me. "I understand just tell me next time before I think up all these doubtful conclusions" I said sitting down next to him."Baby you are the love of my life no one else you know that" Nick said kissing me. I kissed him back slowly and deeply. "I love you" I whispered as I let go of his lips. We just sat on my couch together and he held me for hours just letting me feel all his love not by kisses not by touching but by just being there just holding me so gently he showed me all he had inside.

Chapter Seven

Go back home
