Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Seven

2 months later Meghan delivered Nick and hers baby and everyone was so excited except me of course. I didn't even bother with going to the hospital I knew Nick would be to envolved with the new life of his baby daughter that wasn't mine to even bother with me. I jumped when the sound of the phone came to my ears I reached over picking it up. "Hello?" I asked not sounding to thrilled. "Hey it's me Jen I have nothing absoulutely to do you wanna go out?" She asked. "Yeah all I'm doing is sitting around wondering what my boyfriend is doing right now" I said sadly. "Oh well sounds like you need to get out then" Jen said. "Alright I'll be ready in about thirty minutes okay?" I told her we hung up and I ran to the bathroom getting ready to go out. I ended up in a pair of flare jeans and a red tube top I looked pretty good. Jen showed up right on time and I hopped into her jeep cheroke and we took off. "Hey!" Jen said ever so happily. I was guessing AJ still hadn't told her about the slut he had in his bed two months ago. "Hey girl why you not with AJ?" I asked. "Oh he had to go down town something about his car I'm not sure he just left me a message on my machine so I dunno but here I am" Jen said. Of course he's down town probabley down town with some girl. "Oh" I said plainly. "Why is there something wrong?" Jen asked. I couldn't break it to her there was no way but AJ was never going to tell her. "Jen gosh I hate telling you it shouldn't be my job it should be AJ's" I said nervously. "What are you talking about Ash?" Jen asked her smile slowly deteariated from her face and it formed a frown. "Well like two months ago Nick and I went to that party at the guys house right and I well I woke up the next morning and accidently walked in on AJ and some other girl" I told her. She slammed on her brakes and looked at me. "What the hell!" she shouted. "Yes Nick caught him and talked to him too!" I said. Jen just sat there looking like she was in complete shock. "How could that bastard do that to me!?" Jen asked starting to cry. I leaned over hugging her to comfort her. "I dunno he didn't even tell you over the two months I just God I didn't want to tell you I feel bad now" I told Jen. "Grr that's it were driving to his house right now he's gonna tell me now" Jen said slamming her foot on the gas pedal making my head fly back and hit the seat. I squealed watching the road to the side of me become a blur. she had to slow down or she was gonna kill us both. "Jen SLOW down!" I screamed from my seat. She finally slowed down as we entered AJ's driveway. I cowarded low to the seat knowing that AJ was going to hate me for forever. Jen jumped out of her car as AJ came out his door slowly looking at her with a big smile. His smile soon enough turned to a frown when Jen's face met his. "What the hell were you thinking AJ I mean what was running through that thick pig head of yours?" Jen asked moving her hands which gave me somewhat of an idea of what was going on. "What are you talking about?" AJ asked. "I'm talking about cheating on me I'm talking about lying to me and never telling me that you slept with some other slut!" Jen shouted loudly rolled down my window so I could get in the action. "Who told you!?" AJ asked as he threw me a glare. "Why, were you afraid to tell me yourself cuz your so much less of a man then I thought you were if you were a man you would admit to your actions!" Jen screamed turning aroudn from AJ. AJ came closer swinging her back around to him. "I'm sorry Jen really I never meant to" AJ confessed. "That's just bull shit and you know it you've been cheating all along I'm sorry but I'm not going to be a side dish for you so it's over" Jen said. She walked quickly over to the car and hopped in not even giving AJ a fair chance to say anything else. She started up the car pulling out as fast as she pulled in. I just sat there in pure shock of what had just happened. AJ deserved it though and everything Jen had said was right. "Jen" I said a few minutes later. "What?" She asked. "I'm sorry" I said. "No I'm glad you told me I'm glad I'm not wasting my time anymore" She said looking straight ahead I could see the pain she was feeling I had once went through the same thing with Nick. "The same thing happened to me Jen and I thought that Nick was wasting my time and he had there for awhile but I found out that he was the one for me" I told Jen. "Well I thought he was the one but obviously I care more about him then he does about me" Jen said. I saw a solitare tear run down her face. "I'm so sorry Jen" I said once again only because I felt it was all my fault. "If your thinking it's all your fault then your wrong cuz it's not mine or yours it's his and if he loves me enough then he will have to prove it to me and I mean prove it" she said turning down the street to our condo. "Here I'm gonna drop you off home cuz I need to be alone" Jen said turning into our driveway. "I understand" I said. I reached over giving her a deep hug and I got out of her car. I walked to the front door and noticed a paper taped to my door. I took it off the door reading it.


Hey I got back from the hospital but you were gone so I went out with the guys to grab something to eat be back soon I love you so much.


I took the note and walked inside laying myself down on the couch and sighing. I had had yet another horrible day and life was sure to get even more difficult.

Chapter Eight

Back home
