Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Eight

"Nick you think will have baby's one day?" I asked as Nick and I lounged out on his boat out in the middle of the ocean. "Sure we will baby, you know though chloe is so beautiful" Nick said smiling. I became jealous just thinking that Meghan still had a hold on my Nick. "I will have to see her" I said just trying to sound a little inthusiastic. "i know you don't want to Ashley I know it hurts you" Nick said directing his eyes back to mine with a sympathetic smile on his face. "How can I the man that I love has his first child with my ex best friend it hurts still" I said sadly. "I know but you and I will have one just you and me I promise" Nick said smiling. I believed him too. We stayed out there a little longer and Nick finally drove the boat back to the shore. I stepped off the boat and walked off slowly. I felt two arms slowly encircle my waist and I laid my head back on Nicks chest trying to breathe it all in. I found it hard to breathe when he was around he was so perfect for me. "Nick?" I asked almost in a whisper. "What baby" he replied in a whisper. "I love you so much" I said feeling the depthness of my words from inside of me. "I love you more" Nick said squezzing me tightly. "How much more" I said teasingly. "More then every single star thats lighting up the sky tonight" Nick said. When he said it I felt a feeling of love rush over me. "Gosh I don't know what to say" I said trying to stumble for the words to say. "Just say you love me thats all I want" Nick whispered in my ear. "I love you Nick" I said turning around and looking up at him deeply. He came closer kissing me passionately our mouths were all over each others I mean open mouth tounges it was so great. I did have to say he was the best kisser. We stood there making out for atleast another thirty minutes and finally we came up for air. I laughed a little and looked at Nick who was also trying to catch his breath. "Man your intense" Nick said. he reached out rubbing his finger down my cheek. I moved my head down as his hand traced along my finger. "Oh am I?" I asked flirting. "Yeah and flirty" Nick said kissing me one more time quickly. We walked hand and hand back up to his house. "So what's up with AJ and Jen?" Nick asked half way up the hill. "Oh well ummm I kinda told Jen and she kinda told AJ so now there kinda over" I said sadly. "Dang that sucks so bad!" Nick said holding my hand tighter. "There going what we went through Nick" I told him. Nick shock his head up and down. "Yup hopefully he won't end up with a baby in the end even though I do love my Chloe awe shes just a lil me with those baby blue eyes and the blonde hair I promise you she's gonna be a singer just like me" Nick said with a look of pure awe on his face. I was happy for him in my own way of course. "I can't wait to see her" I said smiling. "You know what though Ash" Nick said. "What?" I asked. "I named her Chole Ashley Carter" Nick said smiling brightly. "Well how did Meg feel about that?" I asked feeling the anger rise withen me just thinking about it. "I told her that since she got to pick the first name I got the middle name so she had no problem" Nick said smiling still. "Thank you" I said coming in closer wrapping myself around his arm. "Your welcome it's only cuz I love you and even if it isn't our baby I want to look at Chole and remind myself how I will never leave you again because you, you Ashley you are my heart and soul baby I mean when my mom was writting that book all should put in it was the heart and soul of Nick Carter lies in the love of his life Ashley Brooke Collier" I felt the tears glistening my eyes when he said this. "Awe gosh Nick your to sweet" I said rubbing a runaway tear from my face. "No Ash you deserve more then me but as long as I breathe I will give you all I have to give all of my heart all of my soul everything there's nothing I wouldn't and won't do for you" Nick said. "So you think about our future and you think there's one?" I asked not wanting to sound to uncertain. "why do you not think there's a future for us?" Nick asked. "No I believe there is just wanting to see your point of view on it" I said looking up at him smiling. "Well let's put it this way if I were about a year older and maybe had my carrer under hand then you my dear you would be wearing a mighty large ring" Nick said smiling. "Wow really?" I asked. "What about the ring?" Nick asked. "No you know I don't care about tha I mean about us being together as one forever" I said. I stopped to think of the seriousness that the word forever in itself held for me and even for him it was a long time as long as I breathed he would be there everyday and the same for him through sickness and health forsaking all others till death do we part. "Yes we belong together Ash I know it do you?" Nick asked. We approached the steps of his house and we just sat down looking up at the nights sky. "Yes I do with all my heart" I said looking at him seriously. "Well then you won't mind if I ask you this then" Nick said getting down on one knee before me. I started to cry looking at Nick as he looked at me deeply. "Ashley will you marry me?" Nick asked taking a black velvet box and opening it to reveal a big diamond band. I took it out of the box placing it on my finger. "Yes Nick with all my heart I love you so much" I said. I leaned forward kissing him deeply and crying too by the time I finished hugging and kissing Nick his whole shirt was drenched with tears. "Wow you cried out a whole river on me baby" Nick sai brushing a few stray hairs behind my ears. "You've made my dream/fantasy come true" I said smiling. "You sure you don't want Brian?" Nick offered laughing. "No I thought I did but then I realized how sexy your are" I said poking Nick in the stomach. "Don't get me all excited" Nick said giggling. "Oh and why not" I said coming closer making Nick fall back on the cement porch. I laid on top of him kissing him all over. I almost had his shirt off until the phone rang. "damn it" Nick said getting up from underneath me and going towards the phone. "Yeah" Nick said. "What!?" Nick said. He sounded really upset like something bad had happened. "Will be right there" Nick hung up the phone and came rushing outside. "Aj he's, he's been in an accident!" Nick exclaimed. I all of a sudden felt light headed thinking of all the things I had done and said over the last three months and I felt aweful. Nick went inside grabbing our coats and we rushed to the hospital to see AJ and oh my God what was Jen going to do?

Chapter Nine

Go home
