Somethings Are Meant To Be Chapter Nine

When we got to the hospital we found Brian,Howie and Kevin sitting waiting in the waiting room. "Hey how is he what happened?" Nick asked. Kevin sighed. "He was driving drunk he hit another car and sadly to say killed the driver in that he is in intensive care right now they rushed him into surgery and had to repair his leg which had been ripped apart in the accident there not even sure if he's gonna make it" Kevin told us. I started crying when I heard this and so did Nick he was so upset. "So he could die?" I asked almost choking at the thought. "Yes" Brian chimmed in running his fingers through his hair. Jill was at his side of course she had always been there for him as long as I had known Brian had finally managed to get over Meghan and had moved on in his life I was so proud of him. "My God how could he be so stupid!?" Nick asked. "Because it was me" Chimmed in Jen who came walking into the waiting room. We all turned around seeing her. I stood up running over to her and hugging her. Jen wasn't as broken as I expected her to be she just seemed to be in this big daze not able to come out of it just yet. "Jen are you okay?" I asked her. "Yes I'm alright I guess" She said. She came and sat down with us waiting just like the rest of us to see if AJ was to live or not. We waited for hours until the doctor finally came and told us the news on AJ. The doctor walked sadly into the room. I had a feeling he didn't have good news for us. "Well?" Kevin asked. The doctor cleared his voice looking down at his board. "I just don't know how to tell you this but AJ died on the table we tried to get his heart beating again but after 10 times of CPR he died I'm so sorry" My whole world stopped and everything started to spin AJ dead there had to be a mistake. "NOOO!!" I heard Jen scream as she fell to the floor on her knees weeping the guys attended to her as I just sat there in shock watching everyones faces and lives turn from happy to sad maybe even destroyed. I cried on Nicks shoulder as he held me we both cried for him we hadn't even gotten back to terms before he died how could that have happened? We left the hospital 30 minutes later and returned home where Jen was placed on the couch she was still crying. "Ashley I never...never told him how much I loved him the last words I said to him were just not the real words I needed to say I wanted to tell him how much I loved him" Jen held her body as the tears spilled out I hugged her as we cried together the guys had to go to the funeral home to get all the details straightened out. "Jen he knew you loved him I knew he loved you that's what you have to believe you can't think the worse" I told her handing her a tissue. "I loved him more then anything in the world Ashley he was the one you know like you were talking about the other day he was the one I wanted to spend eternity with but now it's to late" Jen said sniffling again. "I'm soo sorry Jen" I told her. She only cried I got up to go to bed that night and there she was still laying there crying on the couch I was afraid she was going to get dehydrated if she didn't stop soon I knew she was greving in her own way though. I went up to my room and laid on the bed crying also until the phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Ash it's me baby" Nick said. I calmed down at the sound of his voice. "Hey" I said. "Hey what are you doing?" He asked. "Well just got done talking to Jen she's really shaken up" I said. "Yeah I don't blame her I'm tore up myself" Nick told me. "Yeah your best friend died and mine too" I said feeling myself about to cry again. "He's in a better place Ash we have to believe that" Nick told me. "Yeah but still doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like hell God I didn't even tell him how sorry I was for all this it's all my fault I should have never told Jen then AJ wouldn't be dead in the morge right now" I told Nick sobbing. "Baby that was AJ's choice she was gonna find out some way or the other" Nick told me trying to convince me it wasn't my fault when I knew it was. "Nick it was you can't change my mind on that I killed my best friend" I said breaking down and crying once again. "This is suppose to be a happy day remember?" Nick asked. "Yes I know it's sad though I lost someone so dear to me" I told Nick. "Yes we all did but we have to move on" Nick said. "I can't" I told him. "You will" Nick said. "I really have to go Nick Jen's crying really bad again I think she's going to get dehydrated if she doesn't stop" I told him. "Alright I love you baby things are going to be okay" he told me. I tried to believe him but right now was just another story. I ran down the stairs finding Jen with a sharp knife. "Jen don't!" I screamed. I grabbed the knife out of her hand just as she was about to slice her wrist. She fell in my arms crying. "Ashley why did you stop me I have to be with him" She told me. "No no he wants you happy he wants you alive you have to believe me on this for as long as I have known him all he wanted was to make that special girl of his happy and he still wants you that way you need some rest I think your getting dehydrated how about we take a little ride to the hospital" I said trying to slowly convince her to go with me. We drove to the hospital and I admited her telling them she was going to become dehydrated and explained the story to them. They thought she belonged more in a insitution for the trick she had preformed earlier but I couldn't let that happen she was just morning in her own ways and in mine I was making a mark a guilty spot in my heart for the rest of my life.
