Together Again

together again


"What's wrong, why are you crying?" A little blonde haired boy asked. The little girl looked up at him then looked over at a bunch of children playing. "Oh." The little boy said knowing that she was crying because the children were making fun of her. "What's your name?" The little boy asked. "Lillian." The girl replied in a soft voice. "My name's Nicholas but people call me Nick hey I'll call you Lillie." The boy said in a cheerful voice. The little girl smiled. "Why were they making fun of you?" Nick asked. "Cause they said I was fat and that I couldn't play with them." Lillie said. "I'll play with you." Nick said. Then the two went off to play.
10 years later

"Nick will you pa-leese hurry up?" B.J. Carter called. "Yeah yeah I'm coming." Nick replied. "What's the rush?" Nick asked. "Well the plane leaves in one hour now see we wouldn't have a problem if I had a car but It's not like I can buy one." B.J. said. "I told you a long time ago just because I make a lot of money does not mean that I will buy you everything you want." Nick said coming down stairs. "Yeah yeah yeah save it we've gotta go." B.J. said walking out the front door. Later after Nick had drove B.J. to the airport to fly to California to be with the rest of the Carter family Nick returned to the beachfront house that he had bought for himself. About an hour after he had been home the door bell rang. When Nick answered the door there was a tall brunette girl standing there. "Hi I'm the babysitter." The girl said. Nick thought for a minute. "Mom wouldn't really get me a babysitter would she." "Who are you suppose to babysit?" Nick asked unsure. "Aaron Carter." The girl replied. "Oh crap." Nick mumbled. "I'm sorry but there's been a big mistake, Aaron is in California my mom must have hired you before she decided to bring Aaron with her to California along with Aaron's sisters well there my sisters too but well sorry." Nick said. "Oh just great." The girl said. "Sorry." Nick apoligized again. "No I could live with not being able to babysit it's just well I'm kinda stuck in Florida." The girl said. "You don't live here." Nick said. "No I live in New York but I use to live here but you don't want to know that god what am I gonna do." The girl rambled on. The two stood there silent for a couple of minutes. "Do you wanna come in?" Nick asked. The girl walked in. "Uh I'm Nick." He said. "Lillian." The girl replied shaking Nick's hand. "Can I use your phone?" Lillian asked. "Sure it's right in there." Nick said pointing to the kitchen. "Thanks." Lillian said walking into the kitchen. Then Nick heard a ring coming from the couch. It was his cell phone. "Hello." Nick said. It was Brian Littrell on the phone. "Nick what are you doing?" Brian asked. "You were suppose to be here thirty minutes ago." Brian continued. "I can't go now." Nick said. "Why not?" Brian asked loudly. "Cause there's someone here." Nick answered. "Who?" Brian asked curiously. "Well It's a girl." Nick said unsure of Brians reaction. "I don't believe you Nick you're in town for like 2 seconds and you've got a girl but um Nick don't you remember a girl by the name of Sarah your girlfriend." Brian said. "Yes I remember Sarah I don't know this girl she was suppose to babysit Aaron." Nick said. "Yeah sure." Brian said sarcasticly. "Well just get here before I'm thirty." Then they hung up. "Thanks for letting me use your phone I'm gonna walk to the hotel." Lillian said. "Ok but do you really think you should walk all that way in that?" Nick asked pointing to the bad thunder storm outside through the window. "Can my day get any worse?" Lillian asked looking up. "Well since it was my mom that made the mistake I feel kinda obligated to let you stay here since it was were you were suppose to stay before." Nick said. "You mean you would let me stay here when you don't even know me." The girl said. "Well my mom was gonna let you stay here and if she trusts you then I guess I should too." Nick said. Lillian laughed. "Well I've like gotta go so I'll see you later." Nick said. Nick left not really knowing what had just happened. When Nick got to the club at which he was suppose to meet everyone at right away he caught sight of Sarah his girlfriend of one month. He greeted her with a hug and a kiss. He hadn't seen her in two weeks because of a minor tour. Then the two walked over to the tabel were Brian his girlfriend and Howie and his date were sitting. "Where's A.J. and Kev?" Nick asked. "Where else." Brian said pointing to the dance floor. Nick looked over and saw Kevin dancing with an attractive black woman then Nick noticed that it was the guy's choreographer Fatima Robinson. Nick scanned for A.J. then saw him dancing with about 5 girls dancing around him none of which was his girlfriend. His motto was what Amanda doesn't know won't hurt her. "Don't they get enough dancing out on the road. "Um Nick I'll be right back." Sarah said then she disapeared into the bathroom. Nick sat down. Brian leaned over to Nick and whispered. "Um about that girl at your house you were kidding right." Nick just looked at him strange. Sarah walked out of the bathroom and over to Nick. "Nick can we go?" Sarah asked insistently. "Why we just got here?" Nick asked puzzled. "Please." Sarah stated instead of asked. "Ok." Nick said. Sarah and Nick left. "Where do you wanna go now?" Nick asked upset. "Can you just like take me home?" Sarah asked. "Ok." Nick said. Nick took Sarah home and Sarah asked Nick to come inside for a minute. When Nick left Sarah's he had to walk home because he did not trust himself to drive. When Nick got home Brian called him. "Nick are you alright?" Brian asked because of his friend's drifted attitude. "Uh well ah it's just." Nick stopped. "Just what?" Brian asked. "Nothing." Nick sighed. About twenty minutes later Brian showed up at Nick's house. Nick was sitting on the couch with is elbows on his knees and his head resting in his hands. When Brian walked in Nick looked up at him. "What is wrong with you?" Brian asked. Nick got up and walked around for a minute. "Well you know when I took Sarah home last night?" Nick said. "Yeah." Brian replied. "Well ah she kinda told me something a big something." Nick continued. Brian widened his eyes. Nick paused. "So what'd she tell you?" Brian asked in suspense. "That she's pregnant." Nick blurted out. Brian ghasped. "Nick are you that stupid you got a girl pregnant oh my god what are you gonna do." Brian said. "Bri calm down." Nick said putting his hands on Brian's sholders. "Calm down! How do you expect me to calm down." Brian hystericly said. "It wasn't me." Nick said. "What do you mean it wasn't you?" Brian asked. "I never did it with Sarah." Nick explained. "But if you never did it with Sarah how is she, oh, oh oh Nick dang man sorry dude." Brian said realizeing what was going on. "Yep." Nick said. Brian being the heartful guy that he is went over and huged his bestfriend that was very upset. Just then Lillian walked down the stairs. She stood there for a moment looking at the two grown men hugging eachother. "Oh shoot I'm sorry." Lillian said. "No no it's not what it looks like." Nick said. "Oh that's ok man I fully understand hey I'm a ninties person I'm open minded." Lillian said. "No you see I just found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me and he was just being nice." Nick said trying to convince Lillian. "Oh Nick don't deny our love we can be free now." Brian said grabbing Nick's arm. Nick jerked his arm away and let out a little nervous laugh. Brian had left and Nick and Lillian were talking. "Thanks againg for letting me stay here." Lillian said. Nick was also fixing the sink at that time. "No problem hey Lillie will you hand me that rench?" Nick asked. "What did you call me?" Lillian asked. "Oh sorry I'm alway doing that I shorten people's name's without asking." Nick apoligized. "No it's just that only one person my whole life has ever called me that." Lillian said. "Oh really everybody calls me Nick except for when I get on my mom's nerves then she calls me Nicholas." Nick expained. "Wait did you say Nicholas not by any chance are you from New York." Lillian said. "Jamestown." Nick answered. "Whoa this is too weird." Lillian said. "What's too weird?" Nick asked. "No it just can't be." Lillian said to herself. "What just can't be?" Nick asked. "I like know you and you like know me. I'm Lillie Carson from Jamestown." Lillian said. "Nick lay under the sink motionless for a minute the he raised up with a surprised look on his face. He started laughing hysterically. He went over and hugged her. They both knew that this would be the start of a beautiful long lost friendship, or maybe more.

to be continued

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