Will Love Prevail part one

"Nickolas Gene Carter, touch my arm one more time and you ain;t gonna have that beatiful blonde hair anymore" Jen shouted at nick!

"your it!" nick yelled as he tapped her arm

"Thats it!! You best run if you wanna see daylight ever again, or just see it from a HOSPITAL BED!"Jen said as she charged toward Nick.

Before she could get the pleasure, CC grabbed her,

"Leave Nick, alone, Jen"

"YEAH RIGHT!! That mofo needs a beat down" she shouted

"Agreed" kev said laughin

"Nee Ner Nee Ner Neeee Neeeerrrr" Nick teased as Jen was held back

"CC, he really wants to experience death!" Jen said tryin to calm down.

"Whuts goin on?" Howie said as he crept outside

Jen quickly calmed when she saw him, she had a huge crush on him, that only few people knew about. As she just forgot about Nick, and focused on Howie, she suddenly heard an annoying voice in the background,

"Howie and Jen sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" nick sang to himself

she quickly blushed! tryin to hide, it as best as she could

"dear god, help me here, do SOMETHING, strike nick with lightning! I don;t care just do something" Jen mummbled to herself.

Suddenly to her reflief a car pulled in the drive way! it was Athena and SayDee in SayDee's new camero.

"Yo! Chic! We have been lookin for you everywhere! God forbid you would be at NICK's house!" Saydee said chuckling.

"CC made me!" Jen snapped back

"And Jen made me" kev responded

"Could it be, CC has something for Nicky?" Athena said grinning, steppin outta the car.

"ya right! I gots my eye on that cutie at the resturaunt downtown, James!" CC defended.

"Uh-huh, ssuuurrreeee" Jen said playfully.

"Anyways, why were you guys lookin for me?" Jen asked as she peered at Athena and Saydee.

"Well, we needed to talk to you, and AJ wants to see his sis anyways!" Athena explained.

"Okily dokily, c'mon CC," she said as she motioned her to come,"We'll be back later kevy, and see ya later Howie" jen grinned

"See ya later, babe" Howie replyed

Those words 'see ya later, babe' ran through her mind about a thousand times before she was inturuppted by Saydee.

"So,..whats the deal with you and Howie?" Saydee asked with lookin through the rearview mirror at Jen.

"whatta ya mean?" she replyed questioning.

"You know exactly what I mean" she said

And she was right, Jen knew exactly what she meant! She had it bad for Howie and only her and CC knew.

"She has it BAD for Howie" CC blurted

'Ok,..now CC, Athena, and Saydee knew' she thought to herself!

"I knew it" Athena shouted delightedly,

"I get to play match maker! YEAH!"

"I don't like Howie" Jen demanded

"C'mon girl! Its sssooo obvoius how you sweat that boy!" saydee pointed out,"I mean, whenever he is around you turn red, clam up, and sweat, its obvious"

"Ok whatever" Jen replyed,"Anyways, the dish is Nick digs CC!!" CC looked over at Jen suprised

"Um What?" CC asked

"Well, AJ, told me that Nick carries around pics of you, and talks about you 24/7, and whenever AJ calls me, Nick makes sure to get him to ask about you, so nick knows" Jen explained

"For real? Aww,...I don;t like him though!"

"C'mon give him a chance,..." Jen continued eagarly,"ya never know" "I,...I dunno" CC responded

Jen took that answer, she didn't wanna push CC, she got upset very easily! As they pulled in to Jen's drive way, they all got out. Jen ran inside as fast as she could. As soon as she saw Aj she ran and jumped on him, knockin him down


"A Lil hyper, now are we?" AJ laughed

Jen got up and helped AJ up

"Sup Sis! I gotz to talk to ya" "Okily dokily! Thats why I'm here hehe" she smiled

Aj led her to the back room

"Ok, here is the guy gossip, Nick likes CC, and Howie likes you" Aj explained

Those words sounded like bells to her ears,

'Howie likes you' It gave her chills to think about it

Aj Continued,

"I am a very overprotective brother, and I know that, but I trust you, you are gettin older now, and I am gonna let you make your own desicions. Even though I think an 17 year old and a 25 year old is kind of messed up, I trust you to make the right choices, ok sis?"

"YYYEEESSS!!! Ok Bro!! Thank you sssooo much! I LOVE YOU!" she said

Jen wrapped her arms around AJ and gave him a BIG hug, almost chocking him She ran out to the living room,

"Hey saydee, wheres your man?" Jen questioned

"brian? hes like out with his friends somewhere!" she responded,"why?"

"Just wonderin"

As AJ entered the room, and sat down, Athena ran and sat on his lap kissing all over his face.

"hows my babe?" she wondered

"I'm doin fine and dandy baby now that you are here" he answered

Aj and Athena had been dating for like 2 months now, even though Jen was very over-protective as well, she loved Athena to death! They grew up together! Best friends since first grade, and she knew Athena would NEVER hurt AJ! Now saydee on the other hand, she was Athena's friend! Jen didn;t know a lot about her, but she didn't really like her either. She was really nice, but there was something about her, she just couldn't stand.

"I'm gonna go see my baby ducky" saydee announced standing up

"Bye Bye Bye" CC said

SayDee walked out, and left.

"Great there goes my ride" Athena said laughing

"I'll take my babe home" AJ replyed

Jen rolled her eyes at the whole thing and walked to her room, accompanied by CC.

"GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!" Jen yelled ,flopping down on to her bed she continued, "AJ said that Nick is in love with you! He carries around pics of you, and talks about you 24/7!!"

CC looked uninterested

"Thats sweet, but I really don't like him, I mean, hes nice and cute and all, but, i just, don;t like him like that" CC stated

"C'mon! Give it a chance! He really likes you, and you never know, it might be meant to be" Jen pleaded

CC quickly changed the subject

"so what did AJ say about Howie?" she asked

"He said that Howie likes me" Jen said smirking,"He likes me, he likes me, he likes me" Jen repeated egarly jumpin around the room!!

Only to turn around, and go in to focus that CC was laughin on the phone with somebody! 'She couldn't have called Howie or anything' Jen thought and actually prayed to herself.

"Hey Jen, I always wondered how those 'Emergancy speed dial' things worked, so I pressed it, and it was howie! the shock!" CC said laughin as she continued,"Howie also said he loved your little fiesta!"

Jen threw herself on to the bed in embarrassment.

"uh-huh,......ok,.....alright,......when,....."CC said into the phone. Jen only wished she could hear what was goin on, on the other end.

"Alright bye" CC said hanging up the phone, then turning to me,"you have a date with your latin lover tomorrow night at 8"

Jen just sat there, unable to move. CC got up and headed out the room. Jen was startled when the phone rang. As soon as she picked it up, CC dodged in there.

"hello?,....Oh Hi Nicky" jen said

CC immediatly started making motions stating she wasn't there, she didn't wanna talk to him.

"yeah hold on Nicky, here she is" jen said handing CC the phone.

"Whats goes around comes around" Jen said evily.

Jen sat there again wishin she could hear what was goin on, on the other line. but she soon figured out,...

"I am sorry nick, you are really nice and all, but, just, you are not my type" CC spoke in to the phone

Jen knew what was happen! Rejection hurt,'poor nick' she thought She put herself in his pesition, what if she was nick, and howie was CC. It was practicly the same thing! She thought how much she would be hurt if Howie rejected her like that! And what made her feel even worse was the fact that Nicky is shy about askin girls out and is always scared of this kind of stuff,...rejection. And this is like the first time in a couple years he has gotten the courage to ask a girl out, and this happens!

'Poor nick' she repeated.

CC hung up the phone and walked out of the room. Jen picked it back up and called nick. "Nicky?"Jen asked

"yeah, what do you want?" Nick questioned

Jen did not take it offensivly, she understood he must be in pain, and very upset, and she understood his mood.

"I'm really really sorry, but i have an idea, why don't you come with me and howie to,...." Jen hesitated, no one ever told her where they were goin,.."I mean go with me and Howie" she said rescuin herself.

"Why do you want me to go with you and Howie?" Nick asked

"damn it, c'mon nick, just go PPPLLLEEEEZZZEEE, we'll pick you up" jen begged

"Aight I guess" nick confirmed

"Great! We'll pick you up at 8,..k?"

"Ok, bye"


Jen hung up the phone She immdiatly went out and found CC.

"hey CC,...will you do me a favor?" Jen said smiling

"what?" CC asked curiously

"I am like kinda scared,..." jen tried to hold herself back from laughing "ya know, about me and Howie;s date, I don;t wanna go alone, will you please please go with me?" Jen pleaded

CC thought for a moment then answered,..."sure"

Jen thought for a while that night, on how she wanted things to be, and how, most likley they would turn out. She wished Howie would fall in love with her, and they'd be together forever,...but thats what everybody WISHES. She also hoped CC and Nick would 'hit it off' too. As she sat there, poetic lines came to her mind. She grabbed a peice of paper, and her fav pen, her lucky purple one. Howie left it over there one day, and she has worshipped it ever since.

My Love

As you walked by I felt my heart skip a beat I knew i was in love As you smiled at me My stomach fluttered I knew I was in love I wanna share my love with you but will you share it back? I am scared and alone inside, can you help me? I need a loving arm, to help make everything better To dry my tears To mend my broken heart to heal and soothe the pain Can you do that? My only love can and will you do that? I am trusting you with all i have my life is in your hands pleeze don;t drop it My only love, I love thee

She took a look at the paper again, before crumbling it. She got up from the desk, and kneeled down in front of her bed, and prayed. She made herself comfy underneith the covers, and there she thought again. A tear fell down the side of her cheek, as she thought of what might go wrong. What if Howie didn't like her, or didn;t think it could work out. Jen depressed herself easily. She had very low self-esteem. Just because she didn;t think she was gorgeous at all. She was scared Howie might realized her unattractivness and leave. Jen had shoulder legnth blondish hair, and blue /green eyes. She was also 5'8 and about 150lbs! Even though she carried her weight well, she still thought she was fat, and she hated it.

Morning came before Jen knew it. She felt a hand jerkin her shoulder

"Jen wake up, you need to get up" they repeated She turned over ans repeatedly kicked them till they left.

But they came back, she finally open her eyes to see AJ.

"C'Mon Jen!! JEEZE" he called.

"Why the hell are you wakin me up freak!?!" Jen said,"I was sleepin all peacfully"

"Jen,...Its 5:30pm,....and i,..kinda,...was wonderin,..." Aj stumbled

"Just spit it out damn" Jen said frustrated

"Well my back hurts, and so does my head, and you know they exact spot to make it go away" he finished

Jen was agitated that he woke her up, but she felt loved that everyone loved her magic touch! She was known for her 'massages' she could make a headache or back pain go away in a matter of seconds.

"Fine sit on the floor and turn your back towards me" jen ordered

She sat on the bed with her legs crossed rubbin his back and neck till all the pain was gone, which was in a matter of minutes.

"Thanks Jen" AJ said standing up, and givin her a kiss on the forehead,"hey i gatta go to the store real quick, I;ll be back ok? and be careful"

"ok,...I'll be careful, I'll beware of attackin butter knives, and all these grease spots that keep apearin on the floor from someones nappy grease ball hair" Jen said gigglin

"Don;t talk to me, talk to your lil turtle wax Howie" Aj said laughin

Jen ran after him and started beatin him with her pillow, AJ grabbed it.

It was then she realized what pillow it was,.... "A Howie pillow, Jen? A lil obsessed now aren't we?" Aj said chucklin

"AJ give me that" jen said snatching it

"HAHA, I'm sorry, sis, Bye!" Aj replyed

"ya ya ya" jen said sarcasticly

AJ left for the store or wherever he was goin. Jen walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and some milk. She looked at the 50 boxes of cereal. 'Which one to choose' she thought She grabbed the Corn Flakes and decided to eat that. For some starnge reason they just reminded her of Howie. As she was eating she got interuppted by the ringing of the phone. She got up and picked it up,.

."hello?" she asked

"Yo whassup Jen??" CC asked

"Nothing much, what are you doin?"

"Thats what I was about to ask,.sleeping till 5:30pm??? Jeeze Jen, I have been tryin to call all morning" CC laughed

"i was tired ok?" Jen said offensivly

"Calm calm,...I just wanted to call and tell you I am on my way over" CC announced

"On your way over? um why?" Jen questioned

"Well jeeze its 6pm and It'll take me like 15-30min to get over there and then we have to get ready-" CC got cut off,"Ready for what?" Jen asked

"DUH Jen! date, howie, you , me, 8pm" CC said laughin

"OH MY GOD, I forgot" Jen paniced

"Chill, jeeze, we'll have like 2 hours to get ready" CC said tryin to calm her.

"ok bye" Jen said quickly hanging up the phone.

She quickly finished eating and ran to her room, desprtly searchin for something to wear. As she looked she heard the door open

"Jen??" the voice called. It was CC.

She ran to Jen's room, "Whassup?" CC asked

"I need something to wear" Jen said pouting

"You have plenty of things to wear!" she replyed

"Everything I have makes me look fat, well, I am fat so nevermind" Jen said.

CC hit her, "Go ahead say it again, I'll kick ya next time, You are NOT fat" CC explained.

"Whatever, Howie deserves models not me" she complained

"Jen, Look,"CC said pushing her towards the mirror,"you are NOT fat, you are perfect, you do not weigh to much or to little, you are perfect"

"I wish i looked like you" Jen said in disgust as she looked at her reflecting image,"you're perfect"

"Ok, I am not gonna even start with this, You know you are gorgeous, yeah you aren't no Cindy Crawford, but your personality makes up for all beauty you lack, which may i add is barley any" CC told her.

"Ok,..whatever" Jen said

Jen heard a knock on her door

"Yo Jen and CC whut up!?" Aj said smiling

"I am tryin to tell your stupid sis that she is not fat or ugly" CC complained

"Oh god not this again, she knows she's gorgeous" AJ said

"nope" jen replied

"Fine I give up" CC shrugged

AJ shook his head and shut the door

"Now lets find an outfit for you," CC said lookin through Jen's closet,

"Uh-oh" CC said as she pulled out a long purple silk dress with a purple transparent jacket type thing over the top, with one button clipped. It had butterflies on it, it was one of her favorites.

"Yeah, so, Thats the one AJ bought me for my birthday" Jen explained.

"Its also the one Howie loves" CC said.

"Um, what? How do you know?" Jen asked

"At your birthday party, you tried it on, and Howie said he helped AJ picked it out, he loved it and how it looked on you" CC explained

Jen blushed. Her heart was doin flutters inside. Jen took the dress and changed in to it.

"You look lovley" CC giggled,"Now time for hair and make-up"

CC put Jen's hair in to a french twist, leaving to curly strands to fall down in the front. She did her make up pefectly. Putting on a tab of light purple eye shadow, to set off her dress and her eyes. She put on some lip gloss, and she was done.

"You look really good, Jen" CC admired

"You did a good job" Jen said lookin in the mirror,"your turn"

Jen searched her closet, CC didn't know she was really goin on a date with nick, and Nick didn;t know either. So she had to dress CC causually. Jen thought of Nicks fav color,...green,...hmm,....she searched and finally found a bright green kinda short button up cotton shirt. Even though she hated when CC showed her stomach, she knew CC looked good in it, and she was doin it for nick anways. So she gave CC the green shirt, and a pair of short white shorts with green flowers on it. And some nice platform type shoes to go with it. She looked gorgeous, as usual. CC, of course didn't need any make-up, if any barley. Her hair was perfect barley ever needing to be brushed. It fell down to her shoulders, long, light brown, and straight. It was so perfect, like the rest of her. Her face was perfect and gorgeous, except for a few freckles that Jen loved and CC hated.

"You look perfect, but I wanna do something to your hair, sit down" Jen ordered to CC. Jen took the brush and stroked CC's hair. There wasn't much to do, it was perfect! She looked around and saw 2 baby bright green clips, and put them in CC's hair, pullin back her long bangs. The rest of her hair fell down over and in front. As she grabbed the make-up kit, she didn;t need any conselur, her face was of course, acne free. She looked through, she found the eye-makeup. Green eye shadow would be way to much. She searched some more, and found some glitter, she put some glitter on her eyes, and along her cheeks. And she found some icey rasin lipsick and put that on her lips. She looked great, nick was bond to fall for her, again.

"There ya go" jen said smiling.

CC got up and looked in the mirror. Good job jen, but I will always be ugly. Jen rolled her eyes at the comment. She didn;t try to correct her, it always ended up in a conflict.

"What time is it?" Jen questioned.

"Oh about 7:45pm" CC answered

"AAAHHH 7:45!?!?!" Jen said freakin out,"Be Right Back"

Jen went and grabbed the phone. She quickly dialed Howie's number. It rang and rang forever, or it seemed. Until finally a voice picked up out of breath.

"hello?" Howie asked as he answered

"Howie! Its me Jen" She told him

"Jen? What do you need, I was on my way to come get you, I had to run to the phone!" Howie told her "Well, see, I kinda forgot to tell you something,.." Jen hesitated

"What? Just tell me" Howie comforted "Well, Nick asked CC out, and like she said no, and I wanted to try again, and get her to like him, so I kinda invited her and Nick to go along, but they don't know each other are going" Jen explain

Howie laughed in disbelief. "You are ssoo sneaky Jen!" Howie continued,"But thats why I like you! Ok I will go pick Nick and CC up!"

"No, Just Nick, CC is already here, and not one word to him, ok?"

"Your secret is safe with me babe" Howie said as he hung up the phone

Jen's heart skipped a beat. She regrouped herself. "Ok, Howie should be here anytime," Jen called to CC

"Aight" she answered back

After about 20 minutes or so of waiting, They both finally arrived.

"They're here, CC" Jen told her

"Ok,...go ahead I'll be out in a sec"

Jen walked out to Howie's purple corvette. As she got in, she looked at Nick then at Howie. "Umm, ok Howie, um, Jen's in the car, and can, uh, go now" Nick said impatient.

"Hold up" howie said fixing his hair.

Jen laughed at the sight, there wasn't much to do, his hair was slicked back in to a pony tail, as usual. CC shut the house door and locked it. Nick hesitated.

"What is she doin!?!? Shes NOT goin!!" Nick hollared. Jen turned around and looked at Nick,"Nick, if you say ONE more word, you will experience pain unimaginable"

Jen grinned then turned back around. No words came out of Nick's mouth. Her plan was to keep Nick quite, then once CC got in the car, and noticed him, it would be to late to get out! Since corvettes were only a 2 door car, CC would slide in the back, and Jen would shut the door and pushed her seat back real quick. Even though CC was really strong, and could attempt to push out, she wouldn't have time. Howie would most likley be already speeding down the road. Jen skooted her chair up and let CC in, right as CC sat down Howie haulded butt out of the drive way and as Jen shut the door, down the road.

"Nick!?!?!" CC yelled,"what is HE doin here!?! Let me out of this car Jen!! You are goin to DIE"

"Nope, ya'll are going out tonight, and you are goin to have fun whether you like it, or not!" Jen ordered

"You are ssoo sneaky and evil, Jen" Howie said,"But thats why I like you, hehe" Jen grinned.

They pulled in to the Pasta Fair. A nice, expensive, italian resturaunt. As Howie got out, he quickly ran around to Jen's side opening the door, Jen got out with the hand of Howie. Then he helped CC out, only to see, Nick helped him self out. Howie sighed,

"Jen I don't think this is gonna work, they didn't even look at eachother all the way here"

"I know,"Jen said,"But lets just give it some time."

Jen and Howie walked in arm and arm. Nick and CC walked in as far apart as they could be. "Reservations for Mr. & Mrs. Dorough and Company" Howie told the clerk. Jen liked the sound, Mr. & Mrs. Dorough, she smiled at the thought. The waitress escorted them to their table. Howie order the same for everybody. The "Evening Special". As Nick and CC wouldn't even look at each other Jen got frustrated.

"Ok,...explain something to me, Nick why are you mad at CC?" Jen questioned "Umm, because,.."He hestitated,"Becuase she rejected me"

Jen rolled her eyes. "And you CC?"

CC sat there for what seemed like 10 minutes, until Jen said something.

"CC, thats just it, you have nothing to be mad at him for, and Nick, I understand you are hurt, but maybe ya'll just need to get to know each other better. Why don't you both just give it a try, please?"

Nick and CC finally looked at each other,"Ok" they both agreed. Jen and Howie smiled, and they all started their dinner. When they all were through, Howie and Nick split the check, and they all walked out to the his car. CC and Nick got in, then Jen and Howie.

As Howie was drivin, he stopped in the middle of the road and went in to reverse. "Um Howie what are you doing?" Jen asked

"Just wait"

He pulled in to an old abandened road. He drove all the way to this old rusty gate. "Ok, everybody get out, go around the gate, and down the hill" Howie ordered 'is this boy physcho?' Jen thought to herself.

Jen and CC took off their heels, went around the fence, and started trecking down the sandy hill. As they reached the bottom, their face lit up. It was an open abandened beach. It was so gorgeous. The water was clean, crystal blue, and the sand was a clean white.

"Oh my god, Howie" Jen muttered. "This is amazing" CC finished

Howie came up behind Jen, put his hands around her waist and his head on her shoulder. "I was hoping you would like it" He whispered in her ear,"Lets go"

Howie said as he grabbed her hand, and pulled her over toward this big hill. Nick being the over grown klutz he is. He tripped walkin down the hill, only to fully fall and land on CC. He jumped up quickly in embarrassment, pulling her up along with him.

"Are you aight?" Nick asked

CC just laughed,"I'm fine!"

They both walked over to a spot on the sandy white floor and sat down. It was perfect, a clear sky. The full moon reflecting on the open water, the gentle breeze hitting their faces. CC and Nick sat a talked for hours. About everything, love, life, childhood, Music. Anything you could think of. Until conversation ran out. There was silence for a moment. "Listen CC," Nick started.

CC put her finger over his lips,"sshh" she whispered softly. She gently kissed his lips. Then she lightly kissed his cheek. She took her hands, and ran her fingers through his hair, pushing it behind his ears. She gave him a long and hard kiss,gently forcing his body to the ground, as she ran her fingers thourgh his soft blonde hair. Then they were interupted as Howie and Jen walked by, laughing softly. CC and Nick quickly jumped up, brushing the sand off of them.

"C'mon freaks, we are goin home" Jen said

They all walked back up the hill, and got in to the car. Howie drove Jen and CC to Jen's house. As they got out they both said their good-nights.

Jen and CC walked inside only to find AJ and Athena on the floor under a blanket. Jen sighed and quietly walked to her room. They both changed to their shirts and boxers and went to bed.

Part Two

Main storys page

Email: boomer48@hartcom.net