Will Love Prevail Part Two

"oh this is great, I feel alone now!" Jen said playfully

"Hey! What about me!?" Athena laughed.

"I wanna go over to Brian's,...wanna come?" Jen asked already knowing the answer.

"I haven't seen my best buddy in forever! Of course I wanna go" Athena said now hyper.

Athena and Jen got up and walked outside getting in to AJs BMW.

"I hope he won't mind" Jen said smiling, she started the car.

"You are gonna DIE if he comes home and his car is not here" Athena warned

"Oh well, he'll live" Jen said pulling out of the drive way.

Athena shook her head.

"So, how are you and my bro doin?" Jen asked as she drove

"We are doin great, why?" Athena asked puzzled

"Just wanna make sure you're taken care of him, since hes not mine to worry about any more" she said

Athena suspected a hint of jealousy.

"What do you mean?" Athena asked

"Nevermind" Jen covered up

"NO, C'mon we have been best friends forever, tell me" she ordered

Jen sighed. "Well, AJ use to come to me when he was upset or had problems, now he goes to you, and he always talks about you, and when he has time off and I wanna spend time with him, its always YOU! And lastnight I came in from a date, and AJ was with YOU on the floor, and i know EXACTLY what happened! If you were any other person I probably would have kicked the living crap out of you, but I love AJ, and I couldn't do that to him! its like i can't share my feelings with him any more! And yes I do approve of you, you are like my best friend, but it," Jen paused as tears fell,"It just hurts so much, ya know?"

Athena couldn't help but almost cry, she wanted to put a comforting arm around Jen, but she didn't. For Jen's sake. Before Athena could say anything they arrived at Brian's. Jen wiped the tears away and put on a smile, and fake smile as she stepped out of the car and gave Brian and SayDee a hug. "What are ya'll up to out here?" Jen asked

"We were just playin a game of b-ball, Jen, wanna join?" Brian said in his usual hyper, happy, smiley mood.

"Na, thats ok." she said

Jen walked inside, with SayDee soon following her.

"Whats wrong?" SayDee asked,"I can tell you are upset"

"Nothing I am fine!" Jen lied as she put on a fake smile.

"Are you sure?" Saydee questioned.

"Yeah, positive."

They both walked in to the kitchen. Jen looked around, and decided to make her a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. Saydee grabbed a turkey sandwich. As Jen sat down on the chair, and started eating while flipping through the channels, she noticed Saydee starin out the window with a look of disgust on her face. Jen wondered what it was, so she got up and looked out the window with her. It was Athena and Brian she was starin at. They were messin around, throwin each other to the ground, tickeling each other, lets just say, if you didn't know them, you would think they were flirting! BIG TIME! But Jen did know them, both of them, and she knew that they were the best of friends, and they did this all the time. SayDee threw the curtains together in disgust. Jen went over and sat down.

"Jeeze, chill out saydee, they are inseperable! Best friends! They are just messin around" Jen said comforting SayDee just sat their with a straight face.

Athena came stummbling in with Brian wrapped around waist

. "Water Athena, I need water" he gagged

Athena laughed, and went to the kitchen pouring him a glass of water. Brian gulped it down.

"Thanks" he said releaved

Brian walked over to SayDee, puttin his hand on her leg. "Get off of me" she said standing up

"What?" Brian said obviously hurt

"You KNOW what! You and that tramp can be together" she screamed

"SayDee you are over reacting! Bri and Athena are just friend i told you that!" Jen told her "Whatever! I'm out of here" SayDee said slamming the door

Brian stood up and just looked around in shock. That sparkle in his eye, the smile that always stayed on his face disappeared. The hyperness, and the happiness were suddenly gone. He stood there a second, then just broke down and cried. Jen and Athena ran over to him, tryin their best to comfort him. He eventually made himself sick. So Athena and Jen had to help him to his bed, where he layed and cried some more. He eventually cried himself to sleep. It was a sad sad sight, that probably either of them would forget. "I didn't really know he loved her that much" Jen said in shock

"He loved her with everything he had, he was think about soon porposing marige to her, he really really loved her" Athena explained.

"Well, I am gonna go home and change alright? You stay here with Bri, and I'll be back." Jen told her.

Athena nodded.

Jen got in AJs car and drove home. It was about a 15 min drive. So she did have some time on her hands to think. But she didn't know what. The only thoughts that kept running through her head were 'why?' She was very upset, she didn't know how things could get any worse, or any better, it was very confusing. She finally got the man she always wanted,...Howie,....and she fixed CC and Nick's problem so now they were happy. And then she had this issue with a Athena and AJ, that she practicly forgot about now, and now Athena, brian, and saydee. She sighed, It was all a big mess. Fortunatly for her sake of sanity, she finally arrived home. Any more thinkin like that, she might have freaked. As she pulled in to the drive way she noticed something strange. AJs truck was home, and saydee's car was there too. Jen immediatly figured that Saydee felt bad for what happened and she need someone to talk to, and she knew Athena wasn't the right one, so she came to me. Or maybe she wants to see how Brian was doin. 'Oh well one or the other' she thought As she put her key in the door and opened it, she realized both of her analysis were wrong. What she saw made everything in her life more messed up and more twisted. She turned away in disgust, but looked again to make sure what she saw wasn't fake, tears filled her eyes, as she turned around saw AJ and SayDee's nude bodies on the floor underneith a blanket, with articles of clothing surronding them. It didn't take a genius to figure out what happened. Jen dropped her purse and house key in the door way and ran to AJs car again. The noise and comotion woke AJ. He looked around and saw the open door and purse. He quickly slipped on boxers and ran to the door way only to see his car speedin down the road. He leaned down and picked up the purse and key, he knew who they belonged to, and he knew she saw them. Jen drove quickly away from the house in horror of what she saw. The image kept flashing through her mind. Then she felt a feeling, she never felt before, and she knew exactly what it was, she realized she had lost almost all respect she ever had for her brother. Jen didn't know where to go, she didn't want to go back to Brian's and face Athena. So instead she drove around a while, until she went to the abandoned beach Howie had taken her, nick and CC to. She parked in front of the gate, and walked around the fence and down the hill. She was so confused, and upset. Every emotion you could think of, she felt. She sat down on the open sand, and cried. The ocean breeze, and sound of the tide calmed her slightly. She stopped crying, and looked up towards the sky, the sun was starting to set. She felt the ocean breeze one more time, and for some reason, she knew what she had to do. She got up wiping the tears away from her damp face, and walked to the car. She got in and backed out of the abandoned road. She rushed over to Brian's house. She was there is a matter of 5 min! Even though it usually took her 15. Jen stepped out of the car and walked to the door. She opened the door and stepped inside. Athena was sittin down watching TV. Athena looked up in the middle of flipping channels, one look was all it took. Athena knew there was something desperatly wrong. "Jen are you ok?" she asked jumping out of the chair and turning off the TV. No answer.

"What is it?" She continued as she studied Jen's face.

"Its about AJ,"Jen hesitated

"What is it, Jen? Is he hurt? whats wrong?" Athena asked worried.

Jen hated to do this, she loved her friend with all her heart.

"I went home, and I opened the door, and I was gonna change and come back," Jen paused

"Ya I know." Athena said, she studied Jen's face one more time, and tears came falling down. Jen began cryin as she finished,"And AJ and saydee,.."

Athena's heart stopped. "What!?!?" Athena yelled, grabbin Jen.

"They had sex, Athena!" Jen screamed.

Athena let go, and sat there. She didn't move or say anything at all. Only thing that moved was the tears down her face. Her eyes went cold and blank. Pain and hate filled her face. Jen tried to hug Athena, but she was just pushed away.

Will Love Prevail main page

Part Three

Email: boomer48@hartcom.net