Will Love Prevail Part Three

Athena got up and ran out of the house. Jen didn't try to chase her, she knew it wouldn't help any. And she knew Athena well enough that she wouldn't do anything drastic like try to end her life or anything. Jen walked in to the back, Brian was awake, he had heard everything. He cried some more as Jen held him and comforted him. She stayed the night at Brian's, she didn't wanna go home, and face her brother. In the morning, Jen woke up, and rolled over, only not to find brian there. She was scared that he might go try to do something to AJ, that he may regret. She got up and ran around the house, bathroom, kitchen, everywhere, he wasn't there. She looked outside, and saw his jeep was gone. She then noticed a note on the door:


I have gone to Nick's. He called this morning, and asked if Athena was here, because it was unusal for her not to call him, so I told him I would come over and explain everything to him. Just in case. I was scared that if I told him over the phone, that no one would be there to stop him from doin anything stupid. When you wake up pleeze hurry over here. Love Always, Brian

Jen quickly found some of Brian's clothes and changed in to them. She jumped in the car and headed over there. When she arrived, she saw Brian & CC craddleing nick as he cried. Jen got out and ran over there. Nick looked up, his eyes were all red, and tears still falling.

"Jen where is she? I don;t want anything to happen to her I love her!!" Nick yelled.

Jen knew he wasn't yelling at her. He was upset, and most likely mad at himself. Whenever anything happened he blamed it on himself!

"I should have known not to let her go out with a 20 year old! Shes only 16! And especailly go out with AJ! What was I thinking?" Nick yelled, still crying hysterically.

"Shh, Nick, it wasn't your fault." Jen said wiping his tears away.

"If anything happens to my lil sis, I will hate myself forever"

Jen couldn't stand to see him like this.

"I HATE Aj!" He cried,"God, I feel so helpless"

Jen knew what she had to do. She loved nick, even though sometime she didn;t act like it, she did. Jen stood up, and was determined to find Athena,....for Nick.

Her search began, by stoppin at the one place she didn;t wanna go, her own. She steppd out of the car, walked to the door and headed inside. "JEN!" Aj said standing up.

He walked toward her, opening his arms to embrace her. "Don't touch me" she ordered

It may not seem, but the command hurt her as much as it did AJ.

"Have you seen Athena?" she questioned

"No why? You can't find her?" AJ said worried.

"No we can't." Jen said as she headed for the door.

"Jen! Wait!" AJ yelled.

she turned around.

"I'm sor-" Jen cut him off.

"Listen, I am not here to listen to your excuses ok? Right now I am lookin for Athena! And to tell you the truth, I could care less about your excuses." She paused, then contiuned as tears fell,"Alexander James McLean, you are my brother, and my best friend, and I will always love you no matter what you do, but right now I am so disgusted at what you did! Almost every tiny ounce of respect I had for you is gone! So just leave me alone for a while ok?"

Jen walked outside, and got in the car. Aj just stood there, and cried. As Jen pulled out of the drive way, she saw his face, and she will never forget it. In her sixteen years of living, she has never once seen AJ cry, ever. His mouth was open, his eyes were red, and uncontrolable tears rolled down his face repeatly. She drove off, tryin to forget that face, but it was hard.

Jen went everywhere she could possibly think of! The an idea hit her, maybe Kev. Athena was just as close to Kev as brian. She drove to Kev's quickly, and stepped out of her car. She ran up to the door, and invited herself in. She saw Kev holding Athena close as she wept. "Athena" Jen said sypatheticly running over to her.

She brushed Athena's damp hair out of her face.

"She took a taxi over here lastnight, and I stayed up with her all night, she was cryin and explained to me the whole thing" Kev explained to jen.

"I know you are upset Athena, but we really need to get you to Nick, hes really worried and upset" Jen said to Athena.

She nodded and all three of them took the BMW to Nick's.

Nick was relieved when he saw her. They both embraced eachother and cried. Nick checked Athena out to make sure she was ok,.... "Athena are you ok?"

"yeah, nick, I'm fine" Athena said smiling.


The Band broke up, due to all the problems. Each guy went their seperate way's and started their own career. Jen is happy with Howie and forgave AJ, and is now living there. She has still not regained all the respect back. But she does love Him. Athena learned to trust again, and started a new life with Kevin. She rarely talks to AJ, but they hold nothing against each other. CC and Nick are still together and Happy. Nick still holds a huge grugde against AJ, but they have mostly worked it out. Brian is happy with his new dog tyke, and also happy with his new girlfriend Leighann. His solo career has taken off well, and he is looking towards the future.


JennyD132@aol.com (Jen)


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