You Belong To Me Chapter One

The sun was rising fast in the horizon, Melissa felt the cool breezes of wind rush over her body as she was driving home in he new BMW Z3 convertable. Melissa was tired she had just worked a 36 hour shift at the hospital and couldn't wait to get home and go to bed. She was only 21 years old and already she felt like a 40 yr old woman, She was a Nurse and because she was so young she always got the longer shifts. Her dream was to become an actress but setteled for nursing because she didn't know the first place to start to >become one.

"It's peaceful on the road not a single car in sight" she said aloud to herself.

As she drove she let down her hair, it was long dark and curly she loved the way the wind blew it around . She came across a stop light and waited patiently for it to turn green .

"Just to more blocks" she said to herself, the Light changed and she drove forward .

All of a sudden she heard a screeching noise behind her and everything went black.

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