You Belong To Me Chapter Ten

Janell walked over to the door and opened it, outside stood Justin with a bouque of red roses for Janell.

"You look incredibly breath taking my love" Justin told her as he picked her hand up and kissed it.

"Will you let me take you to dinner?"

"Yes you may, and might I also add I Love you Justin!!"

"I Love you too!"

they walked hand and hand to a small dinner table that was outside on the patio. There was candles in the center and a place setting for two. next to the table there was a bottle of champane and two goblets in a bucket of ice. He sat Janell down and opened the bottle of champang pouring both glasses

"Complements of JC" Janell giggled she had never been treated so well.

Justin gave her, her glass and quickly ran to the kitchen bringing out a cart with two silver trys and covers he placed one in front of her and the other in front of him and took the covers off. "Oh my Justin!! It looks eddible" Janell giggled and kissed Justin.

While Janell walked off with Justin, JC came in and wheeled Melissa out of the room telling her the whole way that he

"I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you look tonight" she blushed he gave her a single rose and they went to the table that was set up in the dinning room with the room filled of candles.

"JC you didn't have to do all this"

"I Did it to show you how much you mean to me and that I want to go out with you and have you as my girlfriend."

"JC this is the most romantic thing anyone has done for me I would be honord to be your girlfriend" He bent down and they kissed passionalty. he brought out there food and they ate finding out about eachother more and more.

"I thought you said that you lived with all your group, but I have only met Justin where are the rest?"

"Oh well Ifound out that they all went to New York for the few weeks that we are off"

"Oh I wanted to meet them"

"You will in time baby"

Justin and Janell ate and talked about there past together and rememberd all the wonderfull memrable times. Justin went and put the stero on and the song "Always and Forever" came on

"May I have this dance?"

"I thought you'd never ask" they danced holding eachother close they both wished the night would never end.

"I Have never felt so close to you more than I do at this night" Janell said storking her fingers through his curly hair.

"Neither have I baby, neither have I"

JC and Melissa could hear the music and Jc walked up and took her hands in his "JC what are you doing?? I can't dance I am in a wheel chair"

"Noncence" he said and they whirled around the room.

"This is the best night I have ever had"

"Me too"

they kissed passionatly That night the two couples were in there own little worlds. They didn't notice the phone ringing, which may have been a big mistake!!!!!

Chapter Eleven
