You Belong To Me

The next morning Melissa woke up happier than she had been in a long time. First off today she got her cast taken off and second she was in "Love" She was sitting up in bed looking out at the window balcony to her room, her hair was flipped over on its side and she was wearing a baby blue silk night gown. There was a lite knock on the door,

"Come in" she asnswerd cheerfully.

"Good Morining my angel how did you sleep?" Jc asked as he kissed her forhead.


"I am glad, so are you ready to go? your appointment is in an hour and I thought we could go and get something to eat first."

"Alright, I am gonna need some help though"

"My pleaseure" he replied with a sly grin,while Melissa rolled her eyes.

" Now see that blue dress, no not that one the one next to it , yeah!, ok and next I need , hmmm wait is Janell here maybe she should help me instead" she said with a smirk.

"No I am gonna help you, plus she's still asleep!"

"oh alright!, now go in that top right drawer and pull out a bra and panite set for me"

"which one?" he asked picking through all of them.

"I don't care just stop playing with them and bring them here!"

"Ok Ok here" he said handing them to her.

"Do you need help getting dressed? that is my specilaty ya know!"

"I bet it is!!, but you can go outside the room and I will call you when I am ready!"

"Danm it was worth a shot!"he said as he walked outside the room and closed the door.

The minute she heard the door close she quickly pulled off her night gown and changed, she called JC back and they left. Justin rolled over and saw Janell asleep so peacefully,

"God she's beautiful" he thought to himself.

He put his arms around her as she started to stir. Janell opened her eyes and saw Justin smiling down on her.

"Morning Angel" Justin said kissing her forehead.

"Good Morning why are you so cherry??" Janell asked

"Cuz I got to wake up next to the woman I love!" He answerd with a smile

she perked up and said "Oh I love you too!"

they both got dressed and walked down stairs seeing they were all alone. "So what do you want to do?" Janell asked Justin

"Umm I don't know let's eat a lil something then go to the beach"


they walked into the kitchen and Janell started to pour a bowl of cereal for the two of them "Hey we got a message!" Justin said as he glanced at the answering machine "Well Play it" Justin hit play . Message:" .............Janell,.......jan...Help........OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh"

Janell froze and dropped the bowl of cereal down on the floor as Justin looked at her in horror.

"Oh my god!!" Janell screamed as she grabbed her car keys and ran to her car.

Justin ran behind her

"Let Me drive!!! " Justin said takeing the keys from her head she only nodded

"Oh my god Justin what if...... what if she's..."

"Don't say that baby ...... don't say anything like that at all" he answerd patting her back Janell sobbed the whole way.

The Person on the Machine was Janell's yonger sister Amber who was living with their mom and her new husband Jack. Janell never liked Jack because of what he did for a living which was sell drugs to the local low life scumbags of Florida. She was always afraid for her thinking that maybe a deal would go wrong and someone would go after them. When they got there Janell jumped out of the car and saw the door had been kicked in. "Maybe we should wait and call the police" Justin said

"No" Janell kicked the rest of the door in and saw blood on the wall. she walked in and saw in the kitchen Jack was dead, he was sitting on a chair he had been shot multiple times in the head and chest and from the color of his skin you could tell and the smell of the house he'd been gone for days. Janell almost threw up when she saw him she walked passed the dinning room and into the living room where she found her Mom she was tide down to a chair and was dead also but she unlike Jack was naked and from the looks of it had been raped. This was too much for Janell she ran outside the house to where Justin was he had stayed outside and called the police who where just now arriving Janell Colapssed into his arms crying he held her while the police went in and started to do there investigation. The Police officer came out and said he had found two bodies and that Janell needed to see if she knew who they where but before he could finish she said that they were

"My Step father Jack and My mother, You only found two bodies??"

"Yes Mam"

She was so glad this ment her sister was alive! after she was finished answering questions she went home with Justin and tryed to figuere out where her sister was. Melissa and Jc walked into the House and was surprised to see the bowl on the floor and cereal all around "What Pigs" Jc said as he grabed a broom and started to sweep up the mess.

"I wonder what could have happend to make them leave and not pick it up" Just then the phone rang, Melissa answerd

"Hello?" Melissa answerd in a cherry voice

"umm Hi is Janell there?"

"No she's not can I have your name and number and I will call have her call you right back?"

"Umm no no message" then the phone hung up

"God some people are so rude!" Melissa said as she bent down and helped Jc pick up the cereal.
