You Belong To Me Chapter Twelve

Justin got out of the car and carried Janell into the house she was in to much shock to walk. Melissa and JC were in the kitchen still cleaning up the cereal.

"Why The Hell didn't you guyz clean up your mess?" Jc screamed.

"JC FUCK OFF!!!" Justin answerd carrying Janell into his bed room as Melissa smacked Jc in the head for yelling at them.

"What's wrong with the poor princess not enough sleep last night??" Jc asked

Justin's face filled with rage and he pushed Jc to the ground punching him in the face, while Melissa stood back in horror wondering

"What has gotten into him? (Meaning JC)"


"Oh My God!!!!!!"

Melissa said running into justin's room, Janell's back was to her and she was staring blankly out the window. Melissa walked over and sat on the bed Janell didn't even look up, Melissa placed her hand on Janell's sholder to comfort her. After about 20 minuts Janell finally spoke

"My mother... She never listend I told her about him and how he was going to get her killed, and she told me everything would be fine and I believed her and now she's she's......" Janell bursted into tears.

Melissa hugged her and started to cry as well as the memories of her parents filled her head. Meanwhile Jc was speechless he didn't know what to say to justin. they were sitting on the couch Justin was sitting just staring at the wall. Everytime Jc tried to say something Justin would get up and move. Jc got tired of it and got up and walked into the kitchen and finished the bottle of Vodka he started that morning, when that was gone he found more stuff to drink. Then the phone rang Jc picked up:


"Is Janell there??" asked a girl.

"Yeah but who cares??" Jc said rudly into the phone.

Justin walked over to Jc and grabbed the phone. "Hello this is Justin"

"Ummm......yeah justin is Janell there"

"Is this Amber??"

"Yeah "

"Where are you??" he asked looking 4 his car keys.

"I am at a friends so can I talk to Janell now??" Amber asked starting to get annoyed.

"I am going to come pick ya up so you can talk to her in person so i need the address"

"Fine , 237 Diet Coke st."

"Ok I know exactly where that is, it;s on the corner of Coke and Pepis right?"

"Yep that's the place"

"Ok see ya in a few" he found his keys and drove off.

Jc walked into Justin's room flinging the door out of the way.

"I Just wanted to appoligize for acting like an ass earlier"

"Fuck you JC go away and leave me alone" Janell yelled

"God your such a bitch I am glad your mother's dead then!!!!"

That did it Janell sprang from the bed knocking an already stumbling JC to the ground as she started punching and slapping and hitting him. Jc picked her up and flung her across the room, and walked out, Melissa ran to Janell and helped her on to the bed. Then she ran to find Jc who was looking for his keys,

"What The hell is wrong with you??" Melissa yelled

"Nothing I am fine Janell's just acting like a bitch" Melissa could smell the alcohol on his breath

"Your Drunk "

"I am fine and I am getting out of here"

"Your not going anywhere your wasted" Melissa said blocking the door.

He slapped her across the face which made her fall into the wall he walked out the door and got in his car and drove off.

Chapter Thirteen
