You Belong To Me Chapter thirteen

Justin pulled up to 237 Diet Coke Street and saw Amber kissing on some guy who looked like nothing but trouble this also wasn't the best spot in Orlando to be either, there were bars over all the windows and graffite everywhere. Justin locked the doors while he was driving. He honked the horn and the guy who was with Amber glared at him amber glanced at Justin then gave the guy another kiss and walked to the car. Amber didn't like Justin even though he tried really hard to get her to. It wasn't because he was a bad guy it was just that his group NYSNC couldn't come up with their own ideas and had to copy The BACKSTREET BOYS, yes Amber just like Janell was in love with them, She even sometimes convinced Janell to take her to some of the Parties Justin was invited to just to see if she could meet them, She hadn't even though Janell had. Amber Like Janell was about 5'2 with sholder length brown hair and brown eyes they were twins almost identical but you could still easily tell them apart. When Amber got into Justin's Miata the 1st thing out of his mouth was

"So who's that guy??" Amber glared at him

"none of ur damn buisness"

Justin although he knew Amber didn;t like him tried to look out for her like an older brother would, though she gave him more than enough hint's that she couldn't stand them.

As they were driving the Backstreet Boy's song That's The Way I like it came on , Justin heard it and shut off the radio ,While amber gave him a look and turned it back on and blasted it through out the speakers .

"You Mean to tell me that you like these dorks??"

"Oh you didn't just diss the BSB!!!"

"What do you like about them??"

"Well #1 they are about 2 billion times Finer than anyone in your group and #2 they can sing unlike ur group of posers you all wish u were as good as them!" Amber said as she looked out the window

"Hey We sing well and we can dance!"

Amber brust into laughter

"Dance you mean jump around on stage that is what ur group calls dancing, And all u guys do is copy them from pictures to songs I mean hell ur own girlfriend like's the BSB better than ur group!"

"No She doesn't she hates them"

"Justin I think ur perm is a lil too tight for that curly puff u have if u are telling me that My sister Janell Newcommer likes Nysnc better than the BSB I mean she is obssesed with them especially Nick!!!!!!" Amber said laughing at how stunned Justin looked.

"No she isn't obsessed with nick she even told me That You cannot even compare Nick To ME!!"

"Yeah She's Right let's see here NICK= The finest guy on the face of this earth in her eyes and then there's You= Money and a Miata "

Justin couldn't believe what she was saying "does Janell love Nick more than me?" He was silent the rest of the way home

