You Belong To Me Chapter 14

When they pulled up to the house Justin quickly got out of his car he was too upset to wait for Amber, He came in to find Janell and Melissa on the couch watching tv he could see that Janell's eye's were still red from crying , he felt bad but he couldn't even look at her with the thoughts that she was only using him for his money he didn't say anything and went to his room and slammed the door. "What was that all about??" Melissa asked Janell "I have no clue?? , do you know Amber?" Amber had just walked in . "No clue what so ever" Amber said with a smile she walked over to the couch and gave Janell a hug. "How are you doing?" Amber asked "Well under the circumstances I am ok it's hard ya know especially since I hadn't seen them in so long and now I will never be able to!" she started crying again and Amber hugged her "I know what you mean last time I talked to her we were fighting so I moved out and I went to apploigize and that's when I saw them I didn't know what to do so I called you and then Jim and he told me to leave and let you deal with it!" "Thanks" Janell said Melissa couldn't help but laugh. "So how was your ride over here with Justin?" Janell asked amber who was now sitting in the chair. "Fine, we didn't talk much and when we did we fought so, since we both got here in one piece I'd say the drive was rather nice." "What did you two fight about?" Melissa asked "Well the BSB came on and he shut the radio off so that did it I turned it back on and he has the nerve to tell me that they suck and he can't see why I listen to them!" Amber said getting mad all over again "So what did you do?" "Well I defended my boys and get this his come back was that they suck and this is the real funny part he say's that Janell doesn't even like them, I mean hello she's as big of a fan as I am!" "YOU TOLD HIM THAT??? Amber he wasn't supposed to know that!!" Janell yelled "Well he does now and this is funny too he goes and says that you said the Nick Carter doesn't even compare to him , Which is true Nick is cuter sweeter funnier...." "Wait what did you say when he said that " Janell Interrupted "Oh I told him he was right He doesn't compare to nick at all then he seemed to not get the point and I had to have him look at his perspectives Nick : the finest guy on the face of this earth in ur eyes and then Justin: well he has Money and a nice car!" "AMBER I AM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!" Janell ran off to Justin's room to see if she could talk to him. Melissa and Amber were left in the family room watching TV, Then the phone rang Melissa answered her: "Hello" "Hello I am calling for anyone of the Band member's of the group Nsync ?" "um May I ask who's calling?" "Yes this is Jive records" "Ok Hold on" She took the phone to Justin's room

***** IN Justin's room******* Janell walked in to find Justin punching his punching bag that hung in his room "Hi baby" Janell said sitting down on the bed , Justin didn't answer her. "Well Amber told me what she told you in the car, and Justin I can't believe she would say something that crazy" "So ur saying that you have no feelings what so ever for that Jack Ass Nick Carter??" Justin asked standing in front of her. "Well I didn't say that I mean I am not gonna lie to you I do think he's cute but I am with you I love you and only you with all my heart!" Justin smiled and put his arms around her he knew that this girl would be the love of his life forever! they hugged and started kissing and then ended up on top of each other kissing on the bed when Melissa Barged in to the room. "Oops I am sorry to interrupt" "Yeah U should be!"Justin snapped "Well since your record company was on the phone I figured u would wanna take the call but I guess I will just tell them that u are in the middle of....." "Wait, wait I am sorry Liss, give me the phone" Justin said Melissa walked to the bed and gave him the phone. "Hello this is Justin Timberlake" "Hello Justin this is Robert Tombson of Jive and I wanted to tell u that you have been scheduled to do a concert very soon!" "Really that's great when and where?" "Well in two days in New York" "Oh this is great well most of our group is up there now so me and Jc will fly their soon" "Well We have already bought 5 tickets do you think you can find 3 people to go with you and share the rooms too?" "Yeah I think we can manage that alright Mr Tombson We'll be there in 2 days" "That's what I wanna hear good day!" "You too" Justin hung up the phone. "Well what did he say??" Janell asked impatiently "Were doing a concert in 2 days in NY" "Oh so how long will u be away from me this time?" "I dunno but I won't be away because since Lance, Joey and Chris are already there we have three extra tickets so...." "Me, Amber and Melissa get to go?" "Yep!" Janell jumped up and gave Justin a big hug and kiss and then Ran off to tell the other's the good news a few seconds later Justin heard screams of the three girls throughout the house. Justin decided he would call Jc to tell him. "Hello this is JC" "Hey JC I am calling to tell u were going to do a concert in 2 days in NY" "Really I guess I am gonna have to tell Melissa then huh?" "nope she's coming " "Good well I am gonna celebrate by myself so I will see ya later" "ok man bye" they hung up and the 4 of them went out to celebrate!


Chapter 15*Warning this chapter is rated R*

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