You Belong To Me Chapter 15

Jc turned off his phone and told the bar tender "Bring me another cold one!" "I am sorry sir but don't you think 8 beers is enough ?" "It will be enough when I say its enough now bring me another fucking beer!" "NO please get out of here before I call the cops!" "Fine ASS HOLE!" he picked up his glass bottle and flung it at the bartender and stormed off. After he found his car he got in and drove to the bar about 2 blocks away and quickly settled in and ordered another beer.

****** MEANWHILE ACROSS TOWN***********

Justin , Janell, Amber and Melissa went to a near by club. "I don't think I should be here!" Melissa said taking a sip of her fuzzy navel ( a drink) "Don't be stupid have fun!, knowing Jc he is " Janell answered while stroking Justin's hair. "Yeah Girl go out on the dance floor with me and get ur grove on and let's find some hotties!" Amber replied pulling Melissa out onto the floor. Leaving Justin and Janell alone at the table. "Yeah I guess you guyz are right I just have to let myself have fun!" Melissa was wearing a short white mini dress that had straps off the shoulder and that let her show off her tan shoulders and legs, her long dark curly hair was down . Amber was wearing a black short dress that had long sleeves and her hair was up in a bun. Janell was in a baby blue short dress that had spaghetti straps , her hair was down. Amber and Melissa went onto the dance floor and in seconds had found 2 fine looking guys . The guy who was dancing with Melissa resembled Ricky Martin and Melissa Liked him a lot he danced with her the whole night and asked for her number. She liked him so much that she ended up giving it to him. The guy who danced with Amber was Named Aj he had tatoos all up and down his arms and his hair was dark with blond highlights he was sweet and they ended up hitting it off well too. At the end they exchanged phone numbers promised each other to go out again very soon. "I wonder why I feel Like I have seen him before?" amber thought to herself "Oh well". Justin and Janell had fun too they danced a lot and surprisingly they weren't interrupted by any fans.

When they got home it was 2:30 am and Jc still wasn't home yet so Melissa went to Jc's room since Amber was now using the spare and fell asleep. Janell and Justin went to their room and Amber went to her's. About 4:00 am Melissa awoke to the sound of Jc's bedroom doors slamming closed. "Jc is that you?" Melissa asked half awake. "Who else would it be" he stammered. Melissa scooted to the other side and fell back asleep when she was shaken awake "Get Up what do you think your doing?" ' "I am trying to get some sleep!" Melissa yelled "Don't you raise your voice at me Bitch!!" He said slapping her. Melissa was afraid she had never seen Jc act this way b4 today, "Jc your scaring me" she cried. "I never said that you could talk now take off your clothes I am gonna have some fun tonight!" "Your drunk I am leaving" Melissa got out of bed and started to walk to the door. Jc jumped up , grabbed her and through her on the bed. "Your not going anywhere tonight" he stammered he pulled a pair of hand cuffs out of his night stand and hand cuffed her to the bed. She was crying and trying to get him off of her but he was too big and strong for her to do anything. He kissed her up and down her neck and ripped off her night gown and started to grope her bare chest . There was nothing she could do but lie there and be raped by the man she thought she loved. Melissa's sobs only made him rougher and about 2 hours later he was done. She had never felt so dirty in her life. Since she couldn't leave the room she rolled up into a ball and cried herself to sleep.

Chapter 16

Back home
