You Belong To Me Chapter 16

Melissa awoke the next morning lying naked on the bed. Her body ached all over and she felt nauseous, Jc was asleep next to her, she replayed the whole night back in her head over and over in disbelief. Crying she got up and put on her robe and walked into the bathroom making sure to have the door locked. Even though in the back of her mind she knew it would be no good last night Jc proved that if he wanted something he would stop at nothing to get it. As she stood in the shower she washed her self over and over again as if to rub what had happened away. When she got out of the bathroom Jc had already left their room, she quickly got dressed and headed out to the living room where she found Janell, Justin, Amber and Jc already eating breakfast. Jc got up from the table and tried to hug and kiss her but she pushed him away, and ran out the door, she decided that she would go and take a walk and clear her mind of what had happened. "What's wrong with Liss? I have never seen her so upset" Janell asked concerned. "I know she usually is always happy and I mean though I haven't known her long she has never dogged Jc like that." Justin replied. "Well maybe she is on the rag you know how women get when they are on that!" Jc responded with a laugh. Amber and Janell both punched him and Justin Laughed "I am l glad I didn't go there!" "Shut up Justin!" Jc yelled getting up from the table he grabbed his car keys and left to go find Melissa. Melissa had walked to a near by park and sat on a swing and cried. "what I am I gonna do? I love him so much but why would someone who I would do anything for do something so horrible? so unforgivable? so..." She burst into tears, when she heard someone approach her. Melissa quickly looked up, her brown eyes were red from crying and all her make up was smeared she looked like a complete mess, wearing a pair of sweat pants and an old white t-shirt. She was expecting to see Jc but instead to her surprise she saw one of the most cutest guys she had ever seen. Melissa quickly wiped her tears away and tried to fix her hair the little she could when he spoke "I am sorry to intrude but why is a beautiful rose like you crying?" Melissa was shocked that a stranger would care " well I um .. a just trying to figure out what to do with my life." As she spoke she could feel his gorgeous blue eyes Peirce her soul with such concern , "well would you like to talk about it?, that usually works for me by the way my name's Brian" his Kentucky accent was so cute Melissa couldn't help but smile. "My name is Melissa" "So what do you say we can go over to that lil ol' coffee shop right there and sit and chat and get to know one another, what do ya say? " "Alright I think I would like that, but look at me I am a mess!" "You look beautiful!" he answered with a smile she couldn't help but blush this Brian almost forget about Jc, but not quite. Brian walked to the coffee shop and he pulled out her chair for her and they started talking, Melissa couldn't place him but she felt as if she had seen Brian before but that's impossible they had just met oh well she thought to herself. They talked about everything Melissa had never met anyone like Brian before he was cute, sweet, kind, funny, everything she could ever want in a guy and to top it off he was so easy to talk to! Brian liked Melissa too, she was so kind and sweet he couldn't even imagine how such a fun loving , carefree person be hurting so badly and he wanted to get to the reason she was so upset. Brian had been taking a walk to get away from Alison his best friends girlfriend , she had been nagging him to go out with one of her friends when he wanted nothing to do with it. As he walked he had heard someone crying and that was when he found the most gorgeous girls he had ever seen, he stood there in bewilderment on why she was so upset that he just walked up to her and asked and now he was at a coffee shop with her still trying to figure out what was wrong. "So Missy you still haven't told me why you were so upset" "I shouldn't bore you with all that trouble let's forget it ever happened" "You know your gonna have to deal with it eventually right ?" he said placing his hand on her cheek . "I know" she answered sadly "Well I want you to know when your ready to talk about I will be here for you." he replied giving her his number and she put it in her pocket "Thanks your so..." Melissa was stopped short when she saw Jc walking into the coffee shop, her brown eyes turned from a content joy to a cold hollow gaze, Brian quickly noticed and turned to see Jc Chasez from Nsync walking towards them Brian turned his seat and pulled down his hat so that he wouldn't recognize him. Because The Backstreet boys and Nsync really didn't get along to well, then he noticed Jc stop at their table he looked mad,"Great" Brian thought. Melissa looked up at Jc and then back at Brian, and Brian looked back at her, her face was full of sadness and pain she patted Brians hand and walked out with Jc. Brian had never been so confused in his life he paid for the coffee and went home still trying to figure out what had just happened. When Melissa and Jc got into his car he slapped her. "What the hell where you doing with that guy you lil slut!!!" "I was just talking, Jc he doesn't mean anything to me" Melissa answered rubbing her cheek as tears rolled down her face. That Just got him more upset and he punched her in the eye she could feel the pain quickly rush to her eye and felt it swell. When they got home she ran into the bathroom and like she thought it was black and blue she grabbed a pack of ice and went to their bed room while Jc stayed in the Living room. Melissa called Brian after she had stopped crying. "Hello Brian's house of erotic pleasure Nick speaking how can I help you?" (in the background) "Nick I am gonna kill you if that's for me!" "Umm Hi is uh Brian there?" "yeah Hey Frick phone " "Hello?" "Hi Brian?" "Yeah who is this?" "Melissa we met.." "Oh hey I'm sorry I didn't recognize your voice" "It's ok so what kind of erotic pleasure am I in for?" Melissa asked smiling to herself. Brian blushed "That was Just my Best friend Nick he get's a lil weird at times" "He's funny" "Yeah that's nick for ya so what's up?" "I Just wanted to apologize for earlier today." "It's ok, if your ok?" "What do you mean by that?" Melissa asked defenseivly "Well Jc seemed mad and you seemed scared and if nothing happened to you then I'm ok with you leaving me" "How do u know Jc?" "let's Just say we unfortunately know each other by acquittance. I really don't care for him, nor any of his friends, but I shouldn't tell you that" "Well I am fine and glad you care, so what's up?" "Nothing Much just playing N64 w/ Frack here" "Who?" "Oh I'm sorry with Nick" "Oh sounds like fun" "it is cuz I am winning I beat everyone" "Oh really I bet you couldn't beat me" "I bet I could" "Nope I am the best!" "Well we'll have to see about that now" "Yeah we will" "How about tomorrow?" "Alright sounds like fun" Melissa heard Janell calling her from the hall way "Hey Brian I gotta go I will call ya tomorrow and we'll get together" "Alrighty then" Brian answered in his Jim Cary Voice "Bye" "Bye" they hung up. Janell walked into the room with Amber and they both sat on the bed Melissa got up and Janell and Amber said in unison "Oh My God What happened??" "Oh umm I was taking a nap earlier and hit my eye against the night stand" "Oh, well are you feeling better?" Janell asked concerned "Yeah Lots I went on a walk and it did a lot of good"Melissa answered thinking of Brian "Good I am glad" Amber said and the three all hugged. Melissa couldn't wait till tomorrow when she would get to see Brian again.

That's it for now but there is more to come I promise! This story keeps on getting better and better. If you want to please tell the writter how much you love her story you can email Mellissa at

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