You Belong To Me Chapter Two

The next thing that Melissa knew she was waking up in a strange place. As her eyes focused more she relized she was in a hospital .

"What happened to me??" she asked herself relizing she was hooked up to a lot of machines.

Melissa pressed the nurse call button, as she waited for the Nurse to come she looked around the room it was full of flowers, and to her suprise it was a single room, glancing around her eyes stopped and looked at the man asleep in the chair next to her bed.

"Who ever he is he is hella fine!" she thought her thought was inturuppted when the Nurse walked in Melissa knew exactly who it was

"Mary" she said with a smile.

"Oh My god Melissa I thought you would never wake up my darling," Mary was like a mom to Melissa ever since her parents died in a plane crash 2 years prior.

"What happend to me?? and who is this hella fine guy sitting next to me??"

Mary laughed at her second question and then answerd

" Well honey you were in a car accident about 3 weeks ago comming home from work. The crash was so bad that you have been in a coma, the man sitting next to you is the person who crashed into you he hasn't left your side since the >accident." Melissa was in shock she couldn't believe what had happend to her

" Oh my god is there any seriouse damage??"

"You broke both your leggs so even when you are released you will be on >dissability."

The talking woke the man who was asleep in the chair when he saw that Melissa was awake he almost screamed he ran up and hugged her

"Oh my god I am so happy your alive!!! I am so sorry for what I did to you!! I didnt mean for this to happen.."

he glanced down at her and noticed she was kind of looking at him with a confused emotions

"Forgive me I have forgotten >to introduce my self My name is JC"

"Hi JC" she answerd awkwardly

"Well I have more rounds to do so I guess I will leave you two alone to get to know eachother better" Mary said getting up and walking out the door

"Bye Mary" They both replied in unison.

Melissa couldn't help being attracted to JC he was the tall dark handsome guy she had always dreamed of, Even if he did cause her to lose 3 weeks of her life. Melissa desided to Break the silence

"So umm since I only know half the story of why I am hear would you mind filling me in?"

JC's eyes saddend when she asked this. He took a deep Breath and began

" Well you see I am in a Band you may have heard of us does Nsync ring a bell?"

"No I haven't heard of you I am sorry" she answerd

"Well anyways getting back to the story I was out partying after our concert here in Tampa and desided I could still drive, Well I fell asleep at the wheel and woke up about 2 seconds before I hit you, I haven't been able to live with myself I insist that you come and stay with me until you have healed." JC answerd her hoping she would come to live with him.

He had never seen such a beautiful girl and hoped that soon they may become more than friends.

After a bit of hessitaion she finaly answerd " Alright but Promise me when I want to leave You will take me home ok?"

"Of course" JC answerd with a grin.

The Doctor came in and asked Jc to leave so he could examin Melissa, JC left, and the Doctor told her

"you seem ok so its alright for you to go home now"

"Thank you Doctor" she replied with a smile,

"well since I have no one at home maybe things will turn out great staying with JC for this short amount of time"

JC came in with a wheel chair and carried her out of her bed

"Your Chariot My lady" he said in a funky British accent, Melissa busted out laughing. What she didn't know was she was being wheeled into a New Life

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