You Belong To Me Chapter Three

JC helped Melissa into his car and placed her wheel chair in the back. When he got back in Melissa smiled at him

" Thank you for letting me stay at your house I didn't really have anyone to go home to" she told him with a frown.

"A beautiful girl like you? that's very hard to believe" he replied picking up her chin in his hand.

"You are so sweet, but really Mary is the only family I have" she answerd with a smile

"What happend to your family?"

"Well about two years ago my parents were in a plane crash and died and I am an only child"

" I am so sorry"

"It's not your fault, it's mine I gave them the trip for there anniversary" she responded looking blankly out the window

" Look at me" he said " It's not your fault don't ever blame yourself you hear me?"

"Thanks you know I am almost glad you crashed into me" she said with a laugh he laughed too.

"Hey do you know what happend to my car??" she asked.

JC was slow to respond

"Yeah about you car uh it's been um sorta well.."

"Jc just spit it out already" she yelled irritatedly

"It was Totalled"

"Ahhhhhh My BRAND NEW CAR.........MY presiouse baby" she sobbed classping her head between her hands

"hey look on the brighter side at least your ok" JC answerd trying to brighten up the mood.

She glared at him "IT was A BRAND NEW Z3 Convertable I just bought a week ago!!, Thanks to u it's gone now" she said sadly.

Jc turned the Music up and they where silent the rest of the ride.

You Belong To Me Main Menu

Chapter Four
