You Belong To Me Chapter 4

As they drove up to JC's house he glanced over at Melissa who was asleep.

"God she looks like an angel" he whispard to himself. Her Dark brown curly hair >was swept up into a messy bun with ringlets falling down. He parked the car he >left her wheel chair in the car as he carefully opened the passanger door and >carried her into the house. Melissa woke up in his arms

" Were here" JC >whispard to her.

The house was a big 3 story house inside it was beautiful she >had never seen such a big house . >"Is this house yours?" she questioned

>"No, I live here with my the rest of the guyz in my group"

"Oh won't they mind that I am here?"

"No, not at all we have a spare room, plus I think everyone will get along, It's kinda late they are all asleep, so do you want me to take you to your room?"

" yeah that would be good I am really tired, by the way I am sorry about >earlier I am just sorta..." She was cut off

"I compleatly understand I would be upset to if I were you but please let me know of anything I can do to make you forgive me" he answerd laying her down on her bed.

Melissa kind of just let what he said just fly past her she was way to busy consentrating on his eyes and smile . She finaly relized he had stopped talking. " oh i am sorry" she said blushing

"it's alright " he answerd brushing a curl out of her eyes.

His touch sent a chill down her spine. He took her face in his hand and caressed it lovingly

"Just remember I am really sorry about this"

"uhuh" was all she could say.

He leaned in there lips where about to touch,

"any second now I will feel his lips on mine" Melissa thought to herself,

Just then the phone rang. which made them both jump.

"Well goodnight Lissa" he said and ran to answer the phone , he left the door open and she could hear his coversation

"Hey sweets...Yeah I ve missed you to.....yeah I am sorry I have't gotten to call you back......tomorrow night?? umm I am not sure I'll call ya back tomorrow, alright love ya 2ok bye!" Melissa started to wonder "Does he have a girlfriend??"

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Chapter Five
