You Belong To Me Chapter 5

That night was rough Melissa couldn't sleep she just kept thinking

"who was JC talking to?, wait a minute what am I saying why should I care who he was talking to it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything ,for gods sakes I just met him YESTERDAY!! .....But god he is so sweet and considerate and..... ENOUGH I am going to go to sleep now." she tossed and turned and eventually went to sleep.

The next morning JC woke up and decided he would make Breakfast for everyone. So he got in to his car and drove off forgetting to bring in Melissa's wheel chair. While he was gone Melissa woke up and looked around her room for the chair and had to kind of just sit there waiting untill she heard someone pass by. Luckily about ten minutes later she heard foot steps comming down the hall so she called out

"JC is that you??" no answer so she called a lil bit louder "JC CAN YOU HEAR ME??"

just then a blond guy with curly hair came in with a 'who the hell are you 'expression on his face "Hi " he said looking oddly at her.

"Hey I am Melissa, umm Jc told me I could stay hear for awhile....I hope you guys don't mind."

"Oh actually he never mentioned this to me but I don't mind one bit" he answerd looking her up and down "By the way I am Justin" he put out his hand and she shook it.

"Why don't you come out and sit with me and we can watch some tv"

"I would but I can't find my wheel chair" she responed looking around the room again.

" You have a wheel chair???"

"Yeah I kinda was in a car accident and both my leggs where broken."

"Oh I am sorry to hear that is awful to have happen to a pretty thing like u"

he smiled, She smiled back

"Why don't I carry you to the living room and then later we can ask JC where your chair is aight?"

"Sounds good to me"

she smiled she was still wearing the close from yesterday because it was too hard to change. Justin picked her up and held her close.

"god he smells good!"

when he set her down there was a knock at the door he ran over and opend it.

"Hey baby I missed ya" She heard Justin say

"I missed you too! now hurry up and give me some luvin" said a girls voice.

Justin leaned in and gave the girl a passionate kiss.

"I am soo glad your home baby" he said

"Me too"

"Hey there is someone I want you to meet come over here!" they both walked to the couch.

"Hunny this is Melissa she's gonna be staying with us for a while."

"Hello Melissa I am Janell but you can call me Jen"

Janell was about 5'7 with medium lenghth straight brown hair with red highlights. Melissa could tell she would like her she had a bubbly personality and was really friendly.

"Hey Jen I am Melissa but you can call me Lissa"

the two became fast friends. They laughed and joked and where having fun making fun of justin who was trying to conncentraite on his saturday morning cartoons. Just then Jc came in carrying a big box of Donuts.

"I see you have met Justin and Janell"

"Yea I have they are great"

"It's just an act believe me" he said laughing

"Hey!!!!" Janell said throwning a pillow at him hitting him square in the face which made them all burst out laughing.

They were eatting dounuts when there was a knock at the door

"I'll get it" justin Yelled running to the door

"Oh NO YOU won't" Janell screamed running after him they both got to the door at the same time bummping into eachother and falling on top of oneanother Janell got up first and opened the door.

"Hello" she answerd trying to hold back the laughter

"Hi is umm Jc here??" a girl said

"Yeah hold on .....JC DOOR!!!" Janell screamed . Jc got up and ran to the door seeing who it was and took her to a back room.

"Who is that??"Melissa asked

"That's one of Jc's ex girlfriends" Justin answerd, Melissa got a relived look on her face

"Someone has the hotts for Jc" Justin sang in a lil kids voice

" Whatever I do not!!!" Melissa responded blushing

"Yeah you do!!" Janell said "Look at her blush aint it cute justin?"

"Very, Melissa and Jc sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Justin sang, both him and Janell started to crack up laughing. they were inturrupted by the sound of >2 doors slamming first the one in JC's room and second the front door.

Jc came out a few minutes later.

"Should I dare to ask what that was about??" Janell inquerd

"Yeah She wanted to get back together with me but I told her 'No' I am kinda intrested in someone else" he answerd looking at Melissa the whole time

"Oooo I bet I know who!!" Justin replied with a smile.

"Well who want's more donuts" Jc asked changing the subject.

You Belong To Me Main Menu

Chapter Six
