You Belong To Me

"Ewww Jc you know I don't eat dounuts" Janell whinned

"What do you think you just ate a few minutes ago??" Jc asked

"God Jc you should know by now I only lick of the sprinkles and frosting and give the rest to that bottom less pit over there" Janell responded.

"Hey who you calling a bottom less pit??" Justin asked running over and pinning Janell down tickling her to death

"No One stop!!!!! Justin I am gonna kill you!!!" Janell said between laughs.

"Well when you are through Jenny (authors note Janell hates to be called Jenny) I also brought blue berry muffins" Jc said sitting next to melissa who was laughing at Justin and Janell.

"DONT CALL ME JENNY !!!" Janell screemed "hell I don't even let u call me Jen!" Janell said walking to the kitchen getting herself a muffin.

"Well how did you get into the accident??" Justin asked Melissa trying to change the subject so Janell and Jc would shut up

"Well Ummm I was driving home from work and umm A car came out and crashed into me. next thing I knew I was waking up in a hospital 3 weeks later" Melissa answerd looking up at Jc who had a frown on his Face

"Who ever this Fucker is you should sue his Ass for every cent he's got!!! What kinda car was it??" Justin asked concerned

"A week old BMW Z3 blue convertable, it was totalled my poor car!!" Melissa whinned glarring at Jc who was hitting his head into the couch over and over again.

"Oh that ASSHOLE~!!!!!!!" Janell screamed "Did you find the Fucker??"

"Umm yeah he was really nice to me too."

"Well of course he's only being nice so you don't SUE HIS ASS"

"Oh really" Melissa answerd looking at jc who was giving her a look

"No No don't believe anything they are saying"

Lissa why do you keep looking over at the dumb ass everytime you answer??"

Janell asked

"Because Umm Jc was the one who sorta hit me" Melissa answerd looking down at the floor.

Janell glared at him and slapped him in the back of head. Justin was in shock his mouth hung open. Jc finally spoke after a long silence

"Well what happend was I was comming home from that party after our last concert and was really tired and sorta fell asleep I woke up about 2 seconds >from hitting her and I tried to swerve outta the way but I couldn't do it in time, I am sorry baby" Jc said hugging Melissa there was an akward silence which of coures Janell broke

" So Jc how much money do you have cuz Me and Lissa are gonna go on a phat shopping spree when your done with." Melissa started to laugh and saw the hurt look on Jc's face

" I forgive you baby, I will only take half " she said Which made Justin and Janell double over laughing.

Jc tackled her and was tickiling her. he stopped and looked up at her and without thinking kissed her, she smiled and quickly kissed him back. It was as if they were in there own world .

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Chapter Seven
