You Belong To Me Chapter 7

"Hello Earth to JC and LISSA" Justin screamed into jc's ear.

"Huh what??"Jc answerd

" Well if you two are finished we were wondering if ya wanted to go get a movie?"

"You guyz can go it's to hard for me , but pick somthing good!!" Melissa answerd sitting up with Jc still sitting next to her.

" Hmm how about 'I still know what you did Last Summer'" Janell asked

"Yeah get that one there were hella fine guyz in there!" Melissa said with a huge smile

"You know what I am saying!!!!" Janell said giving her a five.

"HEY what about me???" Justin asked giving Janell puppy dog eyes.

"I still love you baby" she answerd kissing him on the lips "But RYAN PHILLIPE HAS GOT IT GOING ON!!!!!!!" Melissa was laughing

"Break me off a piece of that" Melissa said

"Yeah well two can play this game Wasn't Jennifer Love Hewit just so damn fine in that movie Justin" Jc said

"Oh yeah but me I am more of a Michelle Geller type"

"Hmm I think I could handle both" Jc answerd with a wink

"GOD men are such PIGS" Melissa said hitting JC in the stomach

"OH I know!!"

"Someone is jeoluse" Justing teased melissa.

"Maybe," Melissa blushed

"Well who's going with me to rent the Movies?" Justin Asked

"Why don't you and JC go?" Janell answerd

"Ight common Jc" Justin said getting up and kissing Janell on the head "I'll miss ya baby!"

"I'll miss ya more"

"Enough of the mushy gushy and let's go!!" JC whinned

"your just mad that Melissa's not saying that shit to you man" Justin responed following Jc out the door. leaving the two girls sitting on the couch.

"So how long have you and Justin been going out??" Lissa asked Janell who was >flipping the channels.

"Umm about 6 months" "Do you love him??"

"Yeah but he is sharring my heart with someone else!" Janell said looking >through her bag.

"Who???" Melissa asked she couldn't believe that Janell loved someone else

"Ok don't tell Justin cuz he'd kill me, but I am in love with...................................."

The main menu ppl haven't I told you already!? LOL

Chapter Eight